Evaluating the Performance of Investment Companies’s ManagersinTehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz 1 , Mohammad reza behmanesh 2 * , Mahboubeh Fatemi 3
1 - assistant professor at department of accounting, ferdowsi university of mashhad
2 - Ph.D student of accounting, ferdowsi university of mashhad /department of accounting, attar institute of higher education)
3 - department of accounting, attar institute of higher education.
Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Investmentcompanies, Carhartfour-factormodel, PRIYR,
Abstract :
Since investment companies by creating a portfolio of stocks reduce investment risk, Shouldbeemployedmanagers that haveenough power to create the optimalportfolio of investments. Considering theimportance ofthe role ofmanagersin the companies, shouldbecarefully evaluatedtheir performance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of investment companies’s managers in Tehran Stock Exchange using capm, Fama-French and Carhart models. The main research questionis whichofthesemodelsinevaluating the performance ofmanagersis more accuratethanothermodels?Toanswer this question, the data of investment companiesinTehran Stock Exchangeduring the35monthperiodwere evaluatedusingpanel dataandhypotheseswere tested.The results suggest that in evaluating the performance of investment companies’s managers, Carhartmodelis more accuratethan theothertwo models.
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