The structural modeling of human resource management activities and organizational software capital with the mediation role of organizational levels capabilities
Subject Areas : Business ManagementDAvood feiz 1 , Hossein Shool 2 * , Vahid Sharafi 3
1 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Iran
3 - Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative Sciences,
University of Semnan, Iran
Keywords: capabilities of organizational levels, human resources management activities, software capital,
Abstract :
Given that the software capital are unknown and covered, organizational are not aware of the value of software capital as compared with hard capital. The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of human resource management practices on the organization software capital. Therefore the purpose of this study was the promotion of software capital in social security organization in Ilam city and consequently the promotion of its performance so, the effect of human resource management activities on the software capitals of organization and organizational levels capabilities is also consider as mediation variable in relation with human resource management activities and organizational Software capitals are investigated. The research method was correlational descriptive survey based on structural equations. The statistical population included all the managers and employees in social security organization in Ilam, whit added to 400 people, using Morgan’s table 196 people were selected as the sample size. The sampling method was random sampling. To gather the data a questionnaire was used. The result indicated that the human resource management activities have an effect on software capitals and the organizational levels capabilities; furthermore the capabilities of organizational levels can have effect on software capitals and play medical between human research management activities and software capitals.
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