The Analytical Study of Content Factors Affecting the Establishment of Knowledge Management in Iran National Oil Company’s Central Units
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAdel Salavati 1 * , Fereshte Haghnazar 2
1 - Assistant Professor and Scientific Board Member, Department of Management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Graduate Student, Department of Management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge management, Content Factors of Knowledge Management, Central Units of Iran National Oil Company,
Abstract :
In recent years, knowledge management has been an important and critical matter in the success of organizations to the extent that their effectiveness depends on their ability to establish, store, transfer, and use this knowledge. However, most of the organizations are not yet prepared enough for the successful application of Knowledge management. Content factors have a key role in the successful establishment of knowledge management in organizations. The purpose of this research is to study the content factors of knowledge management including organizational structure, organizational culture and information technology in the central units of Iran National Oil Company. In this regard, a questionnaire consisting of 56 questions was devised, and its validity was confirmed. The research sample consists of 240 staff members of the central units taken by random sampling. The results indicate that in the central units of Iran National Oil Company, organizational structure and organizational culture, compared to information technology, have less capacity to apply knowledge management
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_||_Abtahi S., H., & Salavati A. (2006). Knowledge Management in the Organization. Peyvand No Publication, (In Persian).
Afrazeh, A. (2007). Knowledge Management (Concepts, Models, Measurement and Implementation, Amir Kabir University of Technology, (In Persian).
Alavi, M and leidner, D.E (2000) “Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management System: Conceptual foundations and research issues” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25 No.1, pp.335-343
Bishap,J.W.;Scott,K.DBurroughs,S,M (2000),Support,Commitment and Employee Outcomes in Team Environment, Review, Vol.17, 2, pp.218-225.
Daft, R. L. (1998). Theory and Organizational Design. Translated by: A., Parsaean & M., Arabi, Tehran: Cultural Research Center, (In Persian).
Davar Panah, M. (2003). An Analysis of Data Conversion to Information and Knowledge. Ketab Quarterly, 1, 70-80, (In Persian).
Davenport. T and Prusak, L.(1998).working knowledge: How Organizations manage what they know. Boston: Harvard Business school press.
Fani, H. (2002). Knowledge Management. Tadbir Monthly, 13, 38-43, (In Persian).
Gandhi, S (2004), 'Knowledge management and reference services', The journal of academic librarianship, vol. 30, no. 5, pp.81 – 368.
Hales, Steve. (2001).Dimensions knowledge and its management. Available at: www.insighting
Hollsopple C.W. (2005) " The inseparability of modern knowledge management and computer based Technology", Journal of Knowledge Management, VOL.9 NO.1 2005, PP.42- 52.
Jamshidnezhad F. (2008). Investigating the Factors of Establishing the Faculty of Management in Rajah Company. Master Thesis, Tehran Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Morgan.(1998);Images of Organization (Executive Editition); San Francisco:berrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc
Moorhead, Gregory AND Ricky W.Criffin, Tittle. Boston: Mifflin Company,1989,p 477
Ormazdi N. (2007). Explaining and Measurement of Fundamentals for the Establishment of its Management at the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Tehran Region. Master Thesis, Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University, (In Persian).
Plessis.M.D, Boon.J.A (2004),”Knowledge management in e-business and customer relationship management: South African case study findings “, International journal of information management (24), pp.73-86.
Rading, A. (2004). Knowledge Management: Succeeding in the Global Information Economy. Translated by: M. H., Latifi, Tehran: Samt Publication, (In Persian).
Rezaeian, A. (2005). Foundations of Organization and Management. Tehran: Samt Publication, (In Persian).
Wolan, Sh.,& Schuler, R. S. (2005). Human Resources and Administration. Translated by: M., Saebi & M.A., Toosi. Institute for Management and Planning Education and Research, (In Persian).
Zack.M.H.(1999).Developing Knowledge Strategy. Knowledge management Review,41(3):125.