The Relationship between the Performance of Managers and Employees Stress: a study on the employees of public organizations in Kerman in 2012
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMaryam Mohammad zadeh 1 , Behnaz Aflatoniyan 2 * , Mahmod Nekoye Mogadam 3 , Behnoosh Aflatoniyan 4 , Tahere Mohamadi pour najib 5
1 - Master of Public Administration, Researcher, Shahid Bahonar Hospital, Kerman, Iran
2 - Graduate Student of Sociology, Researcher of Infectious Diseases Research Center, HSR Research Committee and Zenoose Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Research Center for Health Services Management, Future Studies Research Center in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
4 - Project Management Engineer, Researcher, HSR Research Committee, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
5 - Graduate Student, Human Resources Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Stress, Government organizations, Managers&rsquo, Performance,
Abstract :
Organizational stress, in addition to threatening employees’ health,adversely affects the quality and quantity of their performance. The aim ofthis study was to determine the relationship between the performance ofmanagers and employees’ stress in Kerman public organizations. The studywas a descriptive-correlation study performed after stratified randomsampling. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed among theemployees. To determine the correlation, Spearman correlation test, toanalyze the data log–linear analysis, and to compare the variables chi-squaretest were used. Data analysis was performed through spss18. There was asignificant relationship between employees’ stress and the performance ofmanagers. Stress was significantly higher among female, married, olderemployees, those with educational level of bachelor and higher and thosewith less than 20 years job experience. Regarding the importance of humanresources in the development of societies and in order to achieve the goals ofhealth system and sustainable development, policy makers and humanresource managers could implement strategies to increase the efficiency ofresource managers and their ability to benefit from available resources moreefficiently.
Abdolahi, B., & Rezakhani, Z. (2009). The effect of organizational justice on employees Job Satisfaction in educational institutes. Education & Treatment, 25(4), 111-134, (In Persian).
Andrews GF, Tenant C. Life events, stress, social support coping style and risk of psychological impairment, J Nerv Ment Dis, (1978): 166(5):307-316.
Asemipoor, M. (1992). Relationship between stress and efficiency in managers. PhD Thesis, Tehran: Tehran University, (In Persian).
Alvani S. (1998). [Stress in organization, Government management. Government Educational Center Publication, 3(1), 25-29, (In Persian).
Allameh, M. (1993), Effect of organizational culture on the productivity of human resources. Master Thesis, Tehran University.
Blukrus B. (1992), Stress and psychology. Translated by Chini A. Navid Publication. P 15-30.
Cochran WG. Sampling techniques. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1977; P 428.
Danesh kohan, A., Alipour, M., Ahmadi, N., Sajjadi, F., & Sari, M. (2009). Job Satisfaction Among Employees of Azna District Health Network. Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, 12(7), 505-18, (In Persian).
El Jardali F, Dimassi H, Dumit N, Jamal D, Mouro G. A national cross- sectional study on nurses' intent to leave and job satisfaction in Lebanon: implication for policy and practice. BMC Nursing 2009; 8 (3).
French,J.R.D., Caplan, R.D., (1973), Organizational stress in individual strain, New York, AMA .Com. P 30-65.
Gerits, L.; Derksen, J.L & Verbruggen, A. B. Emotional intelligence and Adaptive Success of Nurses caring for people with Mental Retardation and Severe Behavior Problems. Mental Retardation: A Jounal of Practices. (2004): 42(2), 106 - 121.
Gerits, L.; Derksen, J. L.; Verbruggen, A. B & Katz, M. (2005), Emotional intelligence profiles of nurses caring for people with severe behavior problems. Personality and individual differences. 38(1): 33-43.
Garousi. M.T., Mani, A. (2005), The study of Tabriz Oil Refining Company of staff stress and its relation to psychological and physical vulnerability based on the fit the individual – environment model. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar, 12(13): 61-70.
Ghaseminijad A, Siyadat S.A. (2004), The relationship between organizational climate and job stress and its effects on secondary school teachers. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar. 11( 8): 55-64.
Garrosa, E., Rainho, C., Moreno-Jiménez, B., João Monteiro, M. (2010), The relationship between job stressors, hardy personality, coping resources and burnout in a sample of nurses: A correlational study at two time points. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47 (2), 205-215.
Griffin Ricky w, managmant, 5th ed. boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1996).
Greenberg, J. & Baron, R. A. (1997), Behavior in organization, New Jersey, Pearson, Prentice Hall.
Harrington D. Occupational Health. Management J; (1997), 25(3): 25-32.
Hajloo N. (2012),The relationship of personnel's job-stress, burnout and quality of life with Mohaghegh Ardabili university organizational climate satisfaction. 3(3):169-184
Hoveyda, R and Naderi, N. (2009), A study on Isfahan university employees OCB. Journal of executive management. 9 (2) 33: 103-118.
Ivanceich M. John and Matte son M. (1997), Management of Organizational behavior. P.18.
Jassbi, A. (1998). Foundations and Principles of Management. Tehran: Islamic Azad University Publications, (In Persian).
Kazmeier, L. (1971). Principles of Management. Translated by: Z. Mehrozhan, Tehran: Public Administration Center publications, (In Persian).
Kostelios, A. (2010), Burnout among Football coaches in Greece. Journal of Biology of exercise, 6(1): 101-111.
Latifi, M. H. (1992). The Great Problems and Microsofts Solutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Journal of Management Knowledge, 16, 5-19, (In Persian).
Lowenstein, I.F. (1991), Teacher stress leading to burnout: Its prevention and cure. Education Today. 41 (2).12-16.
Lutanz, F. (1996). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: Gh. A. Sarmad. Tehran: Iran Banking Publishing, (In Persian).
Mehr Alizade, Y. Sepasi H. Omidiyan F. (2005), The study of relationship between organizational commitment and participation of faculty in university decision making. Educational Sciences and Psychology, 12 (4): 101-120.
Mohammadi R. (1997), the relationship between management role, job satisfaction and stressor factors with mental health of public and private hospitals nurses, in Tehran. [PhD thesis], Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch.
Mojtahed zadeh M. (1999), Relationship between stress and efficiency in Iran oil industrial manager. [MS Thesis]. Tehran University; [In Persian].
Morhed, J. G. R. (1995). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: M. Alvani & Gh. Memarzadeh. Tehran: Morvarid Publications, (In Persian).
Nasiri, N. (2008). Investigating the Relationship between Neuropsychiatric Pressure among Staff Members of Sepah Bank of Kerman. Master's Thesis, Kerman: Bahonar University of Kerman, (In Persian).
Nayynyan, M.R., Shaeiri, M.R., Roshan, R., Seyed Mohamadi, K., Khaly, Z. The study of some psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaire. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar, (2005): 12(13): 59-47.
Nick Pour, A., & Salajegh, S. (2012). Investigation of Organizational Agility Status in Government Organizations of Kerman. Faraso Management, 6(23), 39-54, (In Persian).
Peerlow H. (1992), Continues stress.Transelated by Ghareeb A. Roshed publication. P.32.
Rendal R, Elizabet M. (1988), Job stress. Translated by Khagehpoor GH. Industrial management center. P.1-20.
Rajab Poor, M.R. (1998), The Study of relationship between organizational climate and job stress of high school teachers in public schools of Shiraz. [MS Thesis], University of Shiraz.
Ramezani Nijad, R. (2001), Comparative study of manager supportive behavior, maintenance factors of job, job stressor factors and sports physical education coaches in public universities. [PhD thesis] of physical education and sport management programs. Tehran University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences.
Robbins, S. P. (2006). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: S. M. Arabi & A. Parsaeean, Tehran: Publications Office of Cultural Studies, (In Persian).
Rubino,C., Luksyte, A., Jansen Perry, S., Volpone, S.D. How Do Stressors Lead to Burnout? The Mediating Role of Motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, (2009), 14 (3) , 289-304.
Rushing, w. A. (1989), Organizational size, Rule, and surveillance. in J. A. letterer (ed) , organizations : Structure and behavior, 3 rd ed ,New York : John Wiley , P.P. 396 – 405.
Sedaghati Fard M, Khalaj Asadi S. Relation with job satisfaction index to organizational commitment in faculty members of Islamic Azad University Garmsar branch. J Mod Industrial/Organ Psychol 2011; 2(6): 39-51.
Shields MA, Ward M. (2001), Improving nurse retention in the National Health Service in England: the impact of job satisfaction on intentions to quit. Journal of Health Economics.20(5):677- 701.
Shafi Abadi A, Khalaj Asadi SH, (2010), Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Mental Health of the University Staff. Journal of modern industrial/Organizational psychology, 1(2):27-33.
Taylor, Fredreck. The principles of scientific management. New York (1967).
Yousefy, A. R. & Ghassemi, Gh. R. Job Burnout: psychiatric nurses versus non psychiatric nurses. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. (2006): 12(5), 662-669.
Waldron HA. (1999), Occupational health practice, 4ed., Hodder Arnold Publication; P 352.
_||_Abdolahi, B., & Rezakhani, Z. (2009). The effect of organizational justice on employees Job Satisfaction in educational institutes. Education & Treatment, 25(4), 111-134, (In Persian).
Andrews GF, Tenant C. Life events, stress, social support coping style and risk of psychological impairment, J Nerv Ment Dis, (1978): 166(5):307-316.
Asemipoor, M. (1992). Relationship between stress and efficiency in managers. PhD Thesis, Tehran: Tehran University, (In Persian).
Alvani S. (1998). [Stress in organization, Government management. Government Educational Center Publication, 3(1), 25-29, (In Persian).
Allameh, M. (1993), Effect of organizational culture on the productivity of human resources. Master Thesis, Tehran University.
Blukrus B. (1992), Stress and psychology. Translated by Chini A. Navid Publication. P 15-30.
Cochran WG. Sampling techniques. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1977; P 428.
Danesh kohan, A., Alipour, M., Ahmadi, N., Sajjadi, F., & Sari, M. (2009). Job Satisfaction Among Employees of Azna District Health Network. Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, 12(7), 505-18, (In Persian).
El Jardali F, Dimassi H, Dumit N, Jamal D, Mouro G. A national cross- sectional study on nurses' intent to leave and job satisfaction in Lebanon: implication for policy and practice. BMC Nursing 2009; 8 (3).
French,J.R.D., Caplan, R.D., (1973), Organizational stress in individual strain, New York, AMA .Com. P 30-65.
Gerits, L.; Derksen, J.L & Verbruggen, A. B. Emotional intelligence and Adaptive Success of Nurses caring for people with Mental Retardation and Severe Behavior Problems. Mental Retardation: A Jounal of Practices. (2004): 42(2), 106 - 121.
Gerits, L.; Derksen, J. L.; Verbruggen, A. B & Katz, M. (2005), Emotional intelligence profiles of nurses caring for people with severe behavior problems. Personality and individual differences. 38(1): 33-43.
Garousi. M.T., Mani, A. (2005), The study of Tabriz Oil Refining Company of staff stress and its relation to psychological and physical vulnerability based on the fit the individual – environment model. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar, 12(13): 61-70.
Ghaseminijad A, Siyadat S.A. (2004), The relationship between organizational climate and job stress and its effects on secondary school teachers. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar. 11( 8): 55-64.
Garrosa, E., Rainho, C., Moreno-Jiménez, B., João Monteiro, M. (2010), The relationship between job stressors, hardy personality, coping resources and burnout in a sample of nurses: A correlational study at two time points. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47 (2), 205-215.
Griffin Ricky w, managmant, 5th ed. boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1996).
Greenberg, J. & Baron, R. A. (1997), Behavior in organization, New Jersey, Pearson, Prentice Hall.
Harrington D. Occupational Health. Management J; (1997), 25(3): 25-32.
Hajloo N. (2012),The relationship of personnel's job-stress, burnout and quality of life with Mohaghegh Ardabili university organizational climate satisfaction. 3(3):169-184
Hoveyda, R and Naderi, N. (2009), A study on Isfahan university employees OCB. Journal of executive management. 9 (2) 33: 103-118.
Ivanceich M. John and Matte son M. (1997), Management of Organizational behavior. P.18.
Jassbi, A. (1998). Foundations and Principles of Management. Tehran: Islamic Azad University Publications, (In Persian).
Kazmeier, L. (1971). Principles of Management. Translated by: Z. Mehrozhan, Tehran: Public Administration Center publications, (In Persian).
Kostelios, A. (2010), Burnout among Football coaches in Greece. Journal of Biology of exercise, 6(1): 101-111.
Latifi, M. H. (1992). The Great Problems and Microsofts Solutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Journal of Management Knowledge, 16, 5-19, (In Persian).
Lowenstein, I.F. (1991), Teacher stress leading to burnout: Its prevention and cure. Education Today. 41 (2).12-16.
Lutanz, F. (1996). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: Gh. A. Sarmad. Tehran: Iran Banking Publishing, (In Persian).
Mehr Alizade, Y. Sepasi H. Omidiyan F. (2005), The study of relationship between organizational commitment and participation of faculty in university decision making. Educational Sciences and Psychology, 12 (4): 101-120.
Mohammadi R. (1997), the relationship between management role, job satisfaction and stressor factors with mental health of public and private hospitals nurses, in Tehran. [PhD thesis], Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch.
Mojtahed zadeh M. (1999), Relationship between stress and efficiency in Iran oil industrial manager. [MS Thesis]. Tehran University; [In Persian].
Morhed, J. G. R. (1995). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: M. Alvani & Gh. Memarzadeh. Tehran: Morvarid Publications, (In Persian).
Nasiri, N. (2008). Investigating the Relationship between Neuropsychiatric Pressure among Staff Members of Sepah Bank of Kerman. Master's Thesis, Kerman: Bahonar University of Kerman, (In Persian).
Nayynyan, M.R., Shaeiri, M.R., Roshan, R., Seyed Mohamadi, K., Khaly, Z. The study of some psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaire. Journal of Daneshvar Raftar, (2005): 12(13): 59-47.
Nick Pour, A., & Salajegh, S. (2012). Investigation of Organizational Agility Status in Government Organizations of Kerman. Faraso Management, 6(23), 39-54, (In Persian).
Peerlow H. (1992), Continues stress.Transelated by Ghareeb A. Roshed publication. P.32.
Rendal R, Elizabet M. (1988), Job stress. Translated by Khagehpoor GH. Industrial management center. P.1-20.
Rajab Poor, M.R. (1998), The Study of relationship between organizational climate and job stress of high school teachers in public schools of Shiraz. [MS Thesis], University of Shiraz.
Ramezani Nijad, R. (2001), Comparative study of manager supportive behavior, maintenance factors of job, job stressor factors and sports physical education coaches in public universities. [PhD thesis] of physical education and sport management programs. Tehran University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences.
Robbins, S. P. (2006). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: S. M. Arabi & A. Parsaeean, Tehran: Publications Office of Cultural Studies, (In Persian).
Rubino,C., Luksyte, A., Jansen Perry, S., Volpone, S.D. How Do Stressors Lead to Burnout? The Mediating Role of Motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, (2009), 14 (3) , 289-304.
Rushing, w. A. (1989), Organizational size, Rule, and surveillance. in J. A. letterer (ed) , organizations : Structure and behavior, 3 rd ed ,New York : John Wiley , P.P. 396 – 405.
Sedaghati Fard M, Khalaj Asadi S. Relation with job satisfaction index to organizational commitment in faculty members of Islamic Azad University Garmsar branch. J Mod Industrial/Organ Psychol 2011; 2(6): 39-51.
Shields MA, Ward M. (2001), Improving nurse retention in the National Health Service in England: the impact of job satisfaction on intentions to quit. Journal of Health Economics.20(5):677- 701.
Shafi Abadi A, Khalaj Asadi SH, (2010), Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Mental Health of the University Staff. Journal of modern industrial/Organizational psychology, 1(2):27-33.
Taylor, Fredreck. The principles of scientific management. New York (1967).
Yousefy, A. R. & Ghassemi, Gh. R. Job Burnout: psychiatric nurses versus non psychiatric nurses. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. (2006): 12(5), 662-669.
Waldron HA. (1999), Occupational health practice, 4ed., Hodder Arnold Publication; P 352.