Identifying and Grading the Effective Factors in staff Empoverment with Through TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Gas Corporation, East Azerbaijan Province)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Soleyman Iranzade
Sadeg babaei Heravi
1 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Management Group, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Industrial Management and member of Young Researchers Club of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
Keywords: TOPSIS, Empowering, Prioritization of Factors,
Abstract :
In this article, the effective factors in staff empoverment through TOPSIS method have been studied and prioritized. For this purpose, the effective factors were investigated by reviewing the literature and the related concepts in empowering. Then in order to identify the effective factors in the statistical population under study, a questionnaire was compiled. The compiled questionnaire was distributed among the research samples in order to select the main variables under study and to collect their views on the selected variables (factors). After determining the main factors, the most effective ones in empowerment were identified through the use of minitab15 and by drawing a partograph. The reliability of the responses was confirmed by revaluation method. The TOPSIS method was used in order to prioritize the identified factors. To do this, the second questionnaire was distributed among the population to study the effect of each factor with regard to the determined indices. after collection and summation of the data, the decision matrix was olotained. Finally, the factors were graded in terms of their weight and importance. The results indicate that education, employing participation system, personnel motivation, submitting authority, performance-based reward, team work, occupational enrichment, and accepting responsibility are respectively effective in empowering the staff.
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_||_Abdollahi, B. (2006). The Role of Self-Efficiency in Empowering Employees. Tadbir Magazine, 168, (In Persian).
Abtahi, S. H., & Abesei, S. (2007). Employee Empowerment. Research Institute and Management Training, (In Persian).
Scott, D., & Sinitau Denis, T. J. (1996). Empowerment. Translated by: M. Mohaghegh. Productivity Organization Publishing, (In Persian).
Conger, Jay. A & kanungo, Rabindra. N, (2002), The Empowerment Process, Integrating theory & Practice, Academy of management Review, vol.13, NO.3
Cutter, J. P. (2003). Leadership of Transformation. Translated by: M. Iranjhad Parizi & M. Dynasty, Institute for Research and Management Training, (In Persian).
Davoudi, A., & Rezaei, H. R. (2002). Staff Empowerment. Automotive Industry, 60, (In Persian).
Evans, James.R&Lindsay, William .M (2007),"The management and control of Quality", fifth edition
Greenberger, D.B.stasser&S.Cummings, L.L&Dunham, R.B(1989), The Impact of personal control on performance & satisfaction, organizational behavior & Human decision processes 43
Haji Karimi, A. A., & Farziz, H. (2005). Human Resources Management. Tehran: Authors Publication, (In Persian).
Kinela, D. (2004). Human Resources Empowerment. Translated by: M. Irannezhad Parizi & M. A. Soleiman, Tehran: Modiran Puplication, (In Persian).
Littrell, F. Ramie (2007), "Influences on employee preferences for empowerment practices by
ideal manger in chine, international Journal of intercultural relations, Vol.3, 1, P87-110
Momeni, M. (2006). New Issues in Operations Research. Tehran, Tehran University Publishing, (In Persian).
Mullins, Laurie (1999), management and organizational behavior, London: prentice-hall
Nowroozi, M. (2005). Staff Empowerment. Controller Research Quarterly, 19, (In Persian).
Orei, H. (2002). Attitude of Empowerment. Publications of Business Studies, (In Persian).
Peterson, N. Andrew & Zimmerman, A. Marc (2004),"Beyond the individual: Toward a Homological network of organizational empowerment", American Journal of communing psychology, Vol.3,4,No.1/2,P129-148
Rahmanpour, L. (2004). Empowerment: Concepts, Structure and Solutions, Management Development. 41, (In Persian).
Richard, Daft & Noe, Raymond (2000), organizational behavior, New York, Harcourt Inc
Robbins .T.L & Crino. M .D & Fredendall. L .D (2002), "An integrative model of the empowerment process, human resource management", Review, No .12, P419-420
Roy & Sheena (2005), Empowerment through choice? A critical analysis of the effects of choice in organizations, Research in organizational B behaviors, vol.2
Soltani, I. (2000). The Role of Human Resources Development in Employees' Occupational Safety. Tadbir Magazine, 105, (In Persian).
Thomas, Kenneth, w & Velthouse, Betty .A (2002) Cognitive, Elements of Empowerment, An Inter pretive Model of intrinsic task Motivation, Academy of Management Review, v01 .15, No.4
Voget .J.F & Murrel. K .L (1990), Empowerment in organizational how to spark exceptional performance university ass