The Effect of Establishing E-government on Healthy System of Administration
Subject Areas : Business Management
Soleyman Iranzadeh
Kamel Davoodi
1 - Faculty Member of Management Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master's Degree in Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch
Keywords: E-government, Corruption, Citizens and state relationship,
Abstract :
Corruption is a global phenomenon and is as old as human and government. Today, there is no society or country that can claim to have a healthy administrative and social system. Solutions to the problem of corruption are diverse and are based on the formulation of social and political systems; measures such as raising the accountability in government institutions, transparency of rules, government downsizing, and executing the comprehensive projects of establishing e-government in the country can be posed. In the present study, the results of 400 respondents’ views on corruption have been pointed. The subjects were chosen by simple cluster sampling, and the questionnaire used in the study was adopted from the questionnaire designed by Naz (2005). The research examined three factors, the time of receiving services, cost of services, and bureaucratic red tape, and then, the hypotheses were put forward. One of the important results of this study is that e-government can not only help to reduce corruption but also be very effective on creating a strong relationship between the government and citizens.
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