The effect of organizational health and employees' creativity on their productivity using structural equations modeling
Subject Areas : Business ManagementHossein Rahman seresht 1 , Elmira Shakeri 2 * , Abdolhossein Shokri 3
1 - Department of Management Allameh Tabatabai University,Tehran,Iran
2 - Ph.D studen,Department of Management,Allameh Tabatabai University,Tahran,Iran
3 - Department of Management,Bostanabad Branch,Islamic Azad University,Bostanabad,Iran
Keywords: Creativity, structural equation modeling, organizational health, Employee Productivity,
Abstract :
One of the organizations managers' concerns in the micro and macro levels in production and services was the productivity category and identifying the factors which are effecting on it. As such, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of the organizational health and personnels' creativity on the employees' productivity. To obtain the aforementioned aim, four hypotheses were compiled and tested. The research method was descriptive survey. The population of the study included all the personnels in Aroum Gostar Company which added up to 700 hundred people. The sampling method was simple Radom one. Using Morgan's table, the sample size was 248 people. To gather the data, three questionnaires namely: employees' creativity; organizational health, and productivity were used. To analyze the data infirmatory factor analysis with Varimax relation, correlation coefficient test and structural equation modeling were used. The results showed that the organizational health had a positive effect on employees' creativity and productivity; the creativity also had a positive effect on employees' productivity. More over considering the effect of organizational health on creativity and effect of creativity on employees' productivity, the research showed the indirect effect of organizational health on employees' productivity.
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_||_Abbaspour, A.(2013), Advanced Human Resources (Approaches, Processes and Functions). Tehran: Samt Publishers, (In Persian).
Althin, R., & Lars, B.(2005), Efficiency and Productivity of Employment Offices Employment: Evidence from Sweden. International Journal of Manpower, 26(2), 196-206.
Ansari, M. E., Ostadi, H., & Javeri, F.(2009), The Relationship between Organizational Health and Working Positive Attitudes in Isfahan Tax Affairs Head Offices. Iranian National Tax Administration, 17(6), (In Persian).
Ashley, C., & Oliver, J. D.(2010), Creative leaders. Journal of Advertising, 39(1), 115-130.
Baratimarani, H., Haghani, H., Mohammadi, R., Moradi, F., Rouhani, B., Torsaki, M., & Khodayari, R.(2012), The Relationship between Organizational Health and Performance Indicators of Health Care in Teaching Hospitals Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences: 2011. Journal of Health Administration, 14(46), 31-38, (In Persian).
Beiginia, A., Sardari, A., & Najarinezhad, H.(2010), The Effect of Cognitive Empowering Employees on Human Resources Productivity Reinforcing Factors. Journal of Public Administration Perspective,1(3), 79-102, (In Persian).
Bentler, P. M. & Chou, C.(1987), Practical Issues in Structural Equation Modeling. Sociological Methods and Research,16,78-117.
Bordbar, Gh. (2013), The Effective Factors on Labor Productivity with Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques, A Case Study: Personnel of Shahid Sadoghi Hospital in Yazd. Journal of Health Administration, 16(51), 70-83, (In Persian).
Cho, S., Woods, R. H., Jang, S. C., & Mehmet, E.(2006), Measuring the Tmpact of Human Resource Management Practices on Hospitality Firms' Performance. Hospitality Management, 25, 262-277.
Dejoy, R., & Wilson, G.(2007),Organizational Health Promotion: Broadening the Horizon of Workplace Health Promoting. Health: Facility Management UAS.
Ding, L., Velicer, W. F., & Harlow, L. L.(1995), Effects of Estimation Methods, Number of Indicators per Factors and Improper Solutions on Structural Equation Modeling Fir Indices. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2, 119-143.
Drazin, R., Glynn, M. A., & Kazanjian, R. K.(1999), Multilevel the Orizing About Creativity in Organizations: A Sensemaking Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 286-307.
Eastaugh, S. R. (2002), Hospital Nurse Productivity. Journal of Health Care Finance, 29(1), 14-22.
Ekvall, G.(1996), Organizational Climate for Creativity and Innovation. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 5(1), 105-123.
EnShassi, A., Mohamed, Sh., Mayer, P., & Abed, K.(2007), Benchmarking Masonry Labor Productivity, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 56,(4), 358-368.
Fletcher, W.(1990), The Management of Creativity. International Journal of Advertising, 9(1), 1-11.
Haghighatjoo, Z., & Naazem, F.(2007), Relationship between Managers` Creativity and Organizational Health with Employees Efficiency in Medical Sciences Universities of Iran. Health Information Management, 4(1), (In Persian).
Hall, L. M.(2003), Nursing Intellectual Capital: A Theoretical Approach for Analyzing Nursing Productivity. Nursing Economics, 21(1), 14-9.
Helmer F. T., & Suver, J. D.(2009), Pictures of Performance: The Key to Improved Nursing Productivity. Health Care Management Review, 13(4), 65-70.
Janice, T. S.(2000), Managing Organizational Health and Performance in Junior Colleges. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(2), 62-73.
Keller, S., & Price, C.(2011), Organizational Health: The Ultimate Competitive Advantage. McKinsey Quarterly, 1-13.
Korkmaz, M.(2007), The Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Health. Educational Research Quarterly, 3, 22-54.
Lohlin, J. C.(1992), Latent Variables Models: An Introduction to Factor, Path and Structural Analysis. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum associated.
Mc, N., & Smeet, D. K.(2001), Staff Nurse View of their Productivity and Non-Productivity. Health Care Management Review, 26(2), 7-19.
Miles, M. B.(1969), Planned Change and Organizational Health: Figure and Ground, Organizations and Human Behaviour, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ozbiligin, M.(2005), Theory and Practice, International Human Resource Management. Dalagrave Macmlilan.
Politis, J. D.(2005), Dispersed Leadership Predictor of the Work Environment for Creativity and Productivity. Eur J Innov Manage.
Pooya, A., Eslami, G. H., &Tabatabaee, H.(2012), Typology of Insisting on Decisions in the Public Sector. Behbood Modiriat, 6(15), 31-55, (In Persian).
Quick, J. C., Macik-Frey, M., & Cooper, C. L.(2007), Managerial Dimensions of Organizational Health: the Healthy Leader at Work. Journal of Management Studies, 44(2), 189-205.
Rezaian, A., & Ghasemi, M.(2010), The Relationship between Diversity Management and Human Resources Productivity. Journal of Public Administration Perspective,1(4), 79-102, (In Persian).
Sagiv, L., Arieli, S., Goldenberg, J., & Goldschmidt, A.(2010), Structure and Freedom in Creativity: The Interplay between Externally Imposed Structure and Personal Cognitive Style. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 1086-1110.
Sasser, S. L., & Koslow, S.(2008), Desperately Seeking Advertising Creativity. Journal of Advertising, 37(4), 5-19.
Sasser, S. L., Koslow, S., & Riordan, E.(2007), Creative and Interactive Media Use by Agencies: Engaging an IMC Media Palette for Implementing Advertising Campaigns. Journal of Advertising Research, 47(3), 237-256.
Savery, L. K.(1998), Management and Productivity Increases. Journal of Management Development, 17(1), 68-74.
Shalley, C. E., & Gilson, L. L.(2008), What Leaders Need to Know: A Review of Social and Contextual Factors that Can Foster or Hinder Creativity. Leadership Quarterly, 15, 33-53.
Shoaf, C., Genaidy. A., Karwowski, W., & Hung, S. H.(2010), Improving Performance and Quality of Working Life: A Model for Organizational Health Assessment in Emerging Enterprises., Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 14.
Snider, J. A.(2001), The Organizational Health of High School. Departmental effectiveness. PhD Thesis, New York: Jorna l university.
Stainer, A.(1997), Logistic-a Productivity and Performance Perspective. Suuly Chan Management an International Gournal, 2(4), 53-62.
Weinzimmer, L. G., Michel, E. J., & Franczak, J. L.(2011), Creativity and Firm-Level Performance: The Mediating Effects of Action Orientation. Journal of Managerial, 23(1), 62-82.
West, D. C., Kover, A. J., & Caruana, A.(2008), Practitioner and Customer Views of Advertising Creativity. Journal of Advertising, 37(4), 35-45.
Wysocki, A. F., Kepner, K. W.(2006), Management Beliefs That Tend to Reduce Association Motivation And Productivity. 1-2.