The relationship between conflict management styles with human resource productivity in Sina Bank.
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMirali Seyednaghavi 1 , Vajhollah Ghorbanizadeh 2 , Aghil Ghorbani paji 3 *
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Allameh tabataba’i
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Allameh tabatabai
3 - Graduate Student, Department of Public Administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: human resource productivity, Sina Bank, Conflict, conflict management styles,
Abstract :
This paper is considering the relationship between conflict management styles with human resource productivity in Sina Bank. The statistical population using Cochranʼ formula was 85 people in Sina Bank staff in Tehran. The sampling method was purposive non-probability. The research method was correlational and applied one. The conflict management styles were measured by Daria and Prause (2015) questionnaire and human resource productivity was measured through Taylor & Brient questionnaire (2013). The validity and reliability of the research tools were measured by factors loading coefficient, Cronbach's (a), composite reliability, convergent and divergent validity. The data were analyzed through the SPSS and smart-PLS software. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between conflict management styles and human resource productivity in Sina Bank. The results of minor hypotheses also showed that there was a significant positive relationship between integrating, dominating and compromising with productivity, but there was not positive relationship between avoidance and obliging with productivity.
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Agahjani Afruzi, A. A., & Parhizkar, M. M. (2013), Advanced Research Methodology in Applied Management, Tehran: Payame Noor University, (In Persian).
Almasi, M., Rostami, E., & Fattahi, Sh. (2015), Mediating Effect of Correct Pattern of Consumption on the Relationship between Factors Affecting the Human Resource Productivity. Human Resource Management Researches, 1, 1-23, (In Persian).
Awan, A., & Saeed, S. (2015), Conflict Management and Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Askari Bank Ltd. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(11).
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Garcia, E. (2015), The Ralaionship Between Faculity Conflict Management Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Quality in Higher Education. A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership.
Gholipour, R., & Hamidian, M. (2009), Employment and Labor Productivity in Iran. Tehran: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Gross, M. A. (2000), Managing Conflict Appropriately and Effectively. International Journal of Conflict Management, 11(3), 200-226.
Gunkel, M. Schlaegel, Ch, & Taras, V. (2016), Cultural Values, Emotional Intelligence, and Conflict Handling Styles: A Global Study. Journal of World Business, 568-585
Haenisch, J. (2012), Factors Affecting the Productivity of Government Workers. SAGE Open.
Hanaysha, J. (2016), Improving Employee Productivity through Work Engagement: Empirical Evidence from Higher Education Sector. Management Science Letters, 61-70.
Hewitt, A. (2010), Trends in Global Employee Engagement. Retrieved from http/.
Hulland, J. (1999), Use of Partial Least Squares (PLS) in Strategic Management Research: A Review of Four Recent Studies. Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 195-204.
Jamalian, M. (2014), The Relationship Between Attachment Style and Teacher Conflict Management Strategy with the Effectiveness of Class Management. Master's Thesis, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili: Ardabili, (In Persian).
Kawara, P.(2014), Effects of Reward Systems on Employee Productivity in Catholic University of Eastern Africa. International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management, 1(2), 1-4.
Kazemi, S. (2015), Productivity and Analysis in Organizations. Tehran: Samt, (In Persian).
Khoda Abadian, Sh. (2014), Investigating Conflict Management Styles With Organizational Effectiveness of the Officials of the Ministry Of Sports And Youth. Islamic Azad University: Central Tehran, (In Persian).
Kien, B. T. (2012), Factors Affecting the Fluctuation of Labour Productivity in the Construction Projects. Master Thesis, Vietnam: University of Economics.
Kline, R. B. (2011), Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. Guilford press.
Mathis, R. L. (2000), Human Resource Management. Ohio: Collage Publishing.
Mohseni, A., Zanjani, H. A., & Taleghani, M. (2012), The Alienation of Labor and its Impact on Labor Productivity. Modern Management Engineering Monthly, 42, 82-87, (In Persian).
Mugali, A., & Azizi, A. (2010), Labor productivity Management. Tehran: Payame Noor University, (In Persian).
Ngoa, H., & Loi, R. (2008), Human Resource Flexibility, Organizational Culture and Firm Performance: An Investigation of Multinational Firms in Hung Kong. The Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 1654-1666.
Nguyen, H. A. (2012), Chinese Employees Interpersonal Conflict Management Strategies. International Journal of Conflict Management, 23(4), 382-412.
Niazi, T. S. U. H. (2014), Leadership Styles: Relationship with Conflict Management Styles. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(3), 214-225.
Nodjo, C., Duvor, F., & Afriyie, M. (2015), An Assesment of the Effects of Internal Communication Practices on Employee Productivity: A Survey of the Views of Employess of Akuafo Adamfo Marketing Company.
Ogren, K. A. (2012), An Investigation of Incentives and Disincentives for Conflict Prevention and Mitigation. OR: Bureau of Reclamation.
Olukayode, L. (2015), Impact of Workplace Conflict Management on Organizational Performance: A Case of Nigerian Manufacturing Firm. Journal of Management and Strategy, 6(2), 1-10.
Prause, D. (2015), Conflict Management Practices for Diverse Workplaces. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(3).
Rahim, M. A. (2004), Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventories: Professional Manual. KY: Center for Advanced Studies in Management.
Rashidi, A. (2015), The Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Human Resource Efficiency in Torbat Heydarieh Education Staff, Master's Thesis, Allameh Tabataba,i Univercity: Tehran, (In Persian).
Rahim, M. A. (2011), Managing Conflict in Organizations. New Brunswick: Transaction.
Razavi, M. H., Mirdar, Sh., & Oshkoh taheri, R. (2005), A Study on Conflict Management Styles and Leadership Styles of Physical Education Managers In Mazandaran Province. Quarterly Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (Journal of Sports Science), 1(2), 11-23, (In Persian).
Redmond, V. V. M. (2014), Examining the Relationships Between Conflict Management Styles, Upward Dissent Tactics, and Leader-Member-Social-Exchange. A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University.
Sharma, M. S. (2014), Employee Engagement to Enhance Productivity in Current. International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, 3(4), 595-604.
Sherman, S. J. (2009), The Correlation between Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, and Conflict Management Modes of Financial Services Managers.
Slabbert, A. (2004), Conflict Management Styles in Traditional Organizations. The Social Science Journals, 41, 83-92.
Springs, M. (2015), Examining Organizational Conflict Management Style Climate: Moderator of Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave a Management Consulting Organization. Dissertation, Submitted to Northcentral University, Graduate Faculty of the School of Business and Technology Management.
Sultana, A. I. (2012), Impact of Training on Employee Performance: A Study of Telecommunication Sector in Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(6), 646-661.
Taylor, j., Steel, B., & Simon, C.(2013), The Influence of Job Attributes and Culture on Job Productivity Comparing the Views of Publiv Servants in Asia Pacific and the Unired States. Review of Public Personal Adminstration.
Tavari, M., Soukhakian, M. A., & Mirnezhad, S. A. (2009), Identifying and Prioritizing Factors that Affect Human Resource Productivity by Using Madm Techniques. Semi-Annually Journal of Industrial Management, 1, 71-88, (In Persian).
Wetzels, A. (2009), Using PLS Path Mdeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models. MIS Quarterly.
Wilmot, W. W., & Hocker, J. L. (2010), Interpersonal Conflict. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Yeung, D. F. (2015), Managing Conflict at Work: Comparison between Younger and Older Managerial Employees. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(3), 342-364.