A model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Green Human Resource Management in Governmental Organizations within a Sustainable Development Approach: A Case Study of Ministry of Energy
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
Hamid Reza Karimanpour
Reza Rasooli
Hasan Alvedari
Heshmat Khalifeh soltani
1 - Ph.D.candidate, Department of Public Administration,Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, green human resource management, green behaviors, green efficient performance,
Abstract :
The development of green behaviors means understanding the position of human resources in the field of realization of green organizations and brands. In the meantime, the development of green behaviors requires a context that has always been one of the concerns of managers. The main purpose of this study was to design and explain the antecedent model and consequences of green human resource management with a sustainable development approach. The research method of this research has been applied-developmental in terms of purpose and is classified as qualitative research. The statistical population was experts in the field of human resources in the water supply department of the Ministry of Energy. Using a judgmental approach, snowballs as well as theoretical adequacy, 20 experts were recruited to participate in this study. To analyze the data gathered through interviews, the systematic grounded theory approach was imployed. The results showed that in the designed model, the causal conditions were the social responsibility of the companies. Discussing the main phenomenon, green human resource management was identified and regarding the dominant context of green culture, manpower was identified as a category. Moreover, individual characteristics were found to be among the interfering factors. Also, green support and green initiatives have been considered as strategies. Finally, in the outcome section, green efficient performance was identified as a macro category.
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Roscoe. S Nachiappan Subramanian Charbel J.C. Jabbour Tao Chong (2019) " Green human resource management and the enablers of green organisational culture: Enhancing a firm's environmental performance for sustainable development" Bus Strat Env. 4(2) ;1–13
Seidi Aghilabadi, Fatemeh, Nouri, Ahmad, Seidi Aghilabadi, Ali (1398) "Study of the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance and environmentally friendly behavior of employees" 27th Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers, 1- 6 (In Persian)
Wong, C. W. Y., Wong, C. Y., & Boonitt, S. (2018). How does sustainable development of supply chains make firms lean, green and profitable? A resource orchestration perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(3), 375–388
_||_Andersson, L. M., Jackson, S. E., & Russell, S. V. (2013). Greening organizational behavior: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 151-155
Arda, O. A., Bayraktar, E., & Tatoglu, E. (2018). How do integrated quality and environmental management practices affect firm performance? Mediating roles of quality performance and environmental proactivity. Business Strategy and the Environment. 4(2): 106-113
Bohdanowicz, P., Zientara, P., Novotna, E., (2011). International hotel chains and environmental protection: an analysis of Hilton’s we care! programme (Europe,2006–2008). J. Sustain. Tour. 19(7), 797–816.
D’Mello, S.,Ones,D. S.,Klein, R.,Wiernik,B. M., & Dilchert,S. 2011.Do greener companies have better organizational and financial performance?An empirical investigation.Poster presented at the University of Minnesota Student Symposium on Sustainability,Minneapolis, MN.
Harvey, G., Williams, K., & Probert, J. (2013). Greening the airline pilot: HRM and the green performance of airlines in the UK. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(1), 152–166.
Hsiao, T.-Y., Chuang, C.-M., Kuo, N.-W., Yu, S.M.-F., 2014. Establishing attributes of an environmental management system for green hotel evaluation. Int. J. Hosp. Manag. 36, 197–208
Jabbour, C. J. C., & de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L. (2016). Green human resource management and green supply chain management: Linking two emerging agendas. Embedding Sustainability Dynamics in Supply Chain Relationship Management and Governance Structures, 112, 3,1824–1833.
Jajarmizadeh, Mohsen, Zarei, Mohsen (1398) "Study of Green Retrieval Performance of Employees and Green Human Resources and Culture Methods" 2nd International Conference on Religious Research, Islamic Sciences, Jurisprudence and Law in Iran and the Islamic World, 1-22 (In Persian)
Jaramillo, J. Á., Sossa, J. W. Z., & Mendoza, G. L. O. (2018). Barriers to sustainability for small and medium enterprises in the framework of sustainable development—Literature review. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(4), 512-524.
Jelodari, Akbar, Jelodari, Saleh, Jelodari, Hossein (1397) "Study of the role of green human resource management on the performance and environmental productivity of the organization" 7th International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques, 1-13(In Persian)
Kim Yong Joong, Woo Gon Kim, Hyung-Min Choi Kullada Phetvaroon (2018) " The effect of green human resource management on hotel employees’ ecofriendly behavior and environmental performance" International Journal of Hospitality Management 76, 83–93
Kim, A, Kim , Y, Han , K , (2014) " Multilevel Influences on Voluntary Workplace Green Behavior: Individual Differences, Leader Behavior, and Coworker Advocacy" Journal of Management, 43(5), 45-62.
Ones, D. S., & Dilchert, S. 2013. Measuring, understanding, and influencing employee green behaviors. In A. H. Huffman & S. R. Klein (Eds.), Greening organizations: Driving change with I-O psychology: 115-148. New York: Routledge Academic.
Opatha, H A. Anton Arulrajah (2014) " Green Human Resource Management: Simplified General Reflections:" International Business Research; Vol. 7, No. 8; pp 1-13
Paillé, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O., & Jin, J. (2014). The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employeelevel study. Journal of Business Ethics,121(3),451–466.
Pellegrini, C., Rizzi, F., & Frey, M. (2018). The role of sustainable human resource practices in influencing employee behavior for corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(8), 1221–1232.
Rahman, I., Reynolds, D., Svaren, S., 2012. How green are North American hotels? An exploration of low-cost adoption practices. Int. J. Hosp. Manag. 31, 720–727.
Renwick, D. W. S., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(1), 1–14.
Hosain Sajjad. Sadiqur Rahman (2016) " Green Human Resource Management: A Theoretical Overview" IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) 18(6), PP 54-59
Roscoe. S Nachiappan Subramanian Charbel J.C. Jabbour Tao Chong (2019) " Green human resource management and the enablers of green organisational culture: Enhancing a firm's environmental performance for sustainable development" Bus Strat Env. 4(2) ;1–13
Seidi Aghilabadi, Fatemeh, Nouri, Ahmad, Seidi Aghilabadi, Ali (1398) "Study of the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance and environmentally friendly behavior of employees" 27th Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers, 1- 6 (In Persian)
Wong, C. W. Y., Wong, C. Y., & Boonitt, S. (2018). How does sustainable development of supply chains make firms lean, green and profitable? A resource orchestration perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(3), 375–388