Designing a Mentoring Model for the Development of Food Industry Startups
Subject Areas : Business Management
Mohammad MomenNezhad Limodehi
Asad Hejazi
Hamed Rahmani
1 - Ph.D Candidate of Entrepreneurship Department, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - .Assistant Professor,Department of Educational Management,Farhangian University,Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Mentoring, development, Food Industry, Startup, Paradigm Model,
Abstract :
Startups are usually built around innovative ideas, and mentors serve as watchdogs and entrepreneurs in the creation and growth of startups. The purpose of this research was to design a mentoring model for the development of startups in food industry. The research method was mixed employing sequential-exploratory design, grand-theoretical method and applied-developmental goal. Through purposeful theoretical sampling, in the qualitative section, 15 academic experts in the field of entrepreneurship management and food industry were selected. In the quantitative section, using stratified random sampling, 384 entrepreneurs, mentors and students active in food industry startups were recruited who answered a researcher-made questionnaire. The qualitative analysis was performed with five rounds of interviews to reach saturation and theoretical consensus for open, axial and selective coding of mentoring model categories in food industry startups, the quantitative analysis of which was performed with Smart pls (2) statistical software. The paradigm pattern of research was established in 4 axes, 29 categories, 193 items and 6 constructs including: causal conditions, central phenomena, strategies, contextual conditions, intervening conditions and consequences. The relationship between causal condition structures and central phenomenon, central phenomenon and strategies, contextual conditions and strategies, intervening conditions and strategies and strategies and consequencies of mentoring development was found to be positive and significant (T ≤ 2.58), and research model fit was assessed as strong (GOF = 0.682). Therefore, it can be concluded that the managers and policymakers of the country's food industry can benefit from the consequences of mentoring development in the startups of the country's food industry by implementing the antecedents of the research model and implementing its strategies.
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_||_Beevers, K. Rea, A.(2010) Learning and Development Practice, Publisher: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.Kogan Page Publishers, 1-352.
Bygrave, W.D. and Zacharakis, A.(2014). Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated, 1-554.
Charmaz, Cathy (2006).Constructing Grounded Theory (A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis), SAGE Publications,)3RD 14(, 1-416.
Chin, Wynne W. (1998). Issues and Opinion on Structural Equation Modeling. MIS Quarterly, 22(1),1-8.
Clutterbuck, D. & Lane, G. (Eds.). (2004).The situational mentor: an international review of competences and capabilities in mentoring. Gower Publishing, 1-220.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd Ed.). New York, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers,1-579.
Corbin JM, Strauss AL. (2008). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 3rd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1-456.
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Ghezzi, A., Cortimiglia, M. N., & Frank, A. G. (2015). Strategy and business model design in dynamic telecommunications industries: A study on Italian mobile network operators. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 346-354.
Ghezzi, Antonio, &Cavallo, Angelo. (2018). Agile business model innovation in digitalentrepreneurship: lean startup approaches. Journal of Business Research .110: 519-537.
Henseler, jorg., Ringle, Christian M. & Sinkovics, Rudolf R.(2009). The Use of Partial Least Squares Estimates Path Modeling in International Marketing, 20. 277-319.
Hoseini, S.Z. Ghozhani, Jafari, P. Zamanimoghadam, A.(2020). Identifying the drivers and consequences of staff mentoring system (Case study: Headquarters of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology). Journal of Marine Science Education .7(1).186-200.[ In Persian]
Hungenberg, Eric; Ouyang, Lei; &- Gray, Dianna. P.(2018). Measuring the Information Search Behaviors of Adventure Sport Tourists, Event Management journal, 23(1):75-91.
International Digest (2019), "What makes a good mentor? Identifying mentor characteristics for effective inter-organizational mentoring", Human Resource Management International Digest, 27 (7):38-41.
International Digest (2020), "How a felt obligation to mentor impacts mentor performance: The art of giving back fueled by an appetite for reciprocity", Human Resource Management International Digest, 28(4), 23-25.
Jackson, C., Milos, D. and Kerr, M.(2019) Mentoring for employability: a state-level impact study. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 10(3), 180-188.
Lawal, O.A.(2011). An evaluation of mentoring in organizations: Nigerian perculiarities:chapter 29. IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal, 2011(Special issue 1), 379-397.
Klasen, N., & Clutterbuck, D. (2012). Implementing mentoring schemes. Published December 17, 2001 by Routledge, 1-352.
Martins, I., & Perez, J. P. (2020). Testing mediating effects of individual entrepreneurial orientation on the relation between close environmental factors and entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour& Research, 26(4), 771–791.
Mohammadielyasi, Gh., Nasiri, N. (2016). Achievements of Official Morshedi Programs for Organizations. Journal of Research in Human Resources Management, 8(2), 1-26. [In Persian].
Nowell, l; Deborah, E; Benzies, K&Rosenau, P. (2017). Exploring mentorship programs and components in nursing academia: A qualitative study, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(9), 42- 53.
SeyedNaghavi, M., Sohrabi, F. (2020). Mentoring or mentoring? Which type of drug-food business is it?.Journal of Accounting and Management Vision, 3(22), 29-45. [In Persian].
Tenenhaus, M., Vinzi, V., Chatelin, Vinzi, Y. M. &Lauro, C. (2005). PLS path modeling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 48(1):159-205.
Van Praag, C.M. and Versloot, P.H.(2007). What is the Value of entrepreneurship? A Review of Recent Research, Small Business Economics, 29(4), 351- 382.
Waddell, J; Martin, J; Schwind, J &lapum, J.(2016). A faculty based mentorship circle: positioning new faculty for success. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 46(4), 60-75.