The Effect of Creative Deviace on Innovation Inertia Considering the Mediating Role of Human Resources Intelligence
Subject Areas : governmental management
Ali Shariatnejad
Seydeh Nasim Mousavi⃰
mohammad jafari
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
2 - M.Sc. Graduate, Business Management - E-Commerce, Faculty of Innovation, Malayer Branch, Azad University, Malayer, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Keywords: Mediating Role, creative deviation, innovation inertia, human resources intelligence, knowledge-based organization,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of creative deviance on the innovation inertia considering the mediating role of human resource intelligence. This applied research employed a descriptive survey design. The statistical population of the study included 1600 employees of knowledge-based organizations of Lorestan province. Using Cochran formula and stratified sampling method, the researchers estimated the sample size to be 309 people. The instrument used to gather the data was a standard questionnaire whose content validity was established and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In this study, structural equation modeling and Smart Pls2 and SPSS 19 software were used to test the hypotheses. The results emerging from the data analyses revealed that creative deviance has a positive significant effect on innovation and human resources intelligence. Additionally, the results indicated that human intelligence has a mediating role in the effect of creative deviance on innovation inertia. Therefore, overall, it can be concluded that in knowledge-based organizations, the foundation of intelligent human resources, creative deviance and creative violation of the bureaucratic and restrictive regulations of the organization, lead to innovation and keep the knowledge-based organizations away from innovation inertia.
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Vilà, J. (1991) , Positioning strategies and prospects for success of emerging hightechnology: The case of US Biotechnology, working Paper, 221, 1-24.
Wang Catherine, L., Ahmed K. (2003). "Structure & structural dimensions for knowledge based organizations,measuring business. excellence" 7(1),51-62.
Yıldız, B. & L. Alpkan. (2015), A Theoretical Model on the Proposed Predictors of Destructive Deviant Work place Behaviors and the Mediator Role of Alienation, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 210,330-338.(In Persian)
_||_Akbari, F., Mousavi, S., & Sepahvand, R,. (2015), Investigating the Effect of Competitive Intelligence on Innovation Dimensions Based on the Role of the Intermediary Variable of Marketing Effectiveness (Case Study: Public and Private Banking Employees in Khorramabad). Master's Thesis, Lorestan university, Management department, (In persian)
Amankwah-Amoaha, J., Egbetokun, A., & Osabutey, E. (2018), Meeting the 21 st century challenges of doing business in Africa,Technological forecasting & Social Change, Article inpress, 131, 336-338.
Albuquerquer, S,. Saliba de Oliveira, J,. Fernando Cruz Basso, L,. Kimura, H,. & Amorim Sobreiro, V, (2019), Innovation and financial perfor mance of companies doing business in Brazil, International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2(4), 153-164.
Agnew, R,. Brezina, T,. Wrigt, J.p., & Cullen, F. T. (2002), Strain, personality traits, and delinquency: Extending general strain theory, Criminology, 40(1), 43-71.
Abdul Majid, A., Abdullah, M. T., Yasir, M., & Tabassum, N. (2011), Organizational inertia and change portfolio: An analysis of the organizational environment in developing countries, African Journal of Business Management, 5(2), 383-388.
Baser, M. (2012), Putting creativity to work: The implementation of creative ideas in organizations, Academy of Management Journal, 55(5), 1102–1119.
Chabra, A. (2011), HR Business Ratios, Review and Categorization, Sarland University, Germany . p. 120-132
Charlampos, M. (2010), Stealing fire: creative deviance in the evolution, Academy of Management Review, 35 (4), 558–578.
Cropley, D. H. (2015), Promoting creativity and innovation in engineering education, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(2), 161-171.
Corpley, D. H., Kaufinan, J, C., & Cropley, A.L.J.(2008), Malevolent creativity: A functional model of creativity in terrorism and crime, Creativity Research Journal, 20(2).105-115.
Csilszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery and in vention. New York: Harperperenial, 1-446.
Casadesus Masanell, R., & Ricart J. E. (2010), From strategy to business models & to tactics. Long Range Planning; 43(2-3), 195-215
Falletta, S. (2008), Hr Intelligence Advancing People Research and Analytics, IHRIM Journal, 21(3), 21-31.
Freeman, C., & Soete, L. (1997), The economics of industrial innovation. London: Pinter. p.210-211.
Fornell, C, & Larcker, D,F(1981). Evaluating Structural equation models whith unobservable variable and measurement error. Journal of marketing research, 18(1), 39-50.
Godkin, L,. & Allcorn, S. (2008) "Overcoming organizational inertia: A tripartite model for achieving strategic organizational change; Journal ofApplied Business and Economics, 1-14.
Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K. & Alpkan, L. (2011), Effects ofinnovation types on firm performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 133(2), 662-676.
Heimonen, M. (2011), Organizational Inertia in a Strategic Public Sector Merger: Case Aalto University, Aalto University publication series, Department of Industrial Engineeringand Management, 1-11.
Herman, I. (2015), Inertia and change related to sustainability – An institutional approach, journal of cleaner production, 1-172.
Herbig, H., & Kramer, P, A. (1993), Innovation Inertia", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 8(3), 44–57.
Heidenreich, S., & Handrich, M. (2015), What about Passive Innovation Resistance? InvestigatingAdoption Related Behavior from a Resistance Perspective, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(6), 878-903.
Jimens, J.D. & Sanz Valle, R.. (2011), Innovation, organizational learning, and performance, Journal of Business Research, 64(4), 408–417.
Hakak, M., & Shariat Nezhad, A. (2014), Prioritizing effective factors on strategic intelligence of a knowledge-based organization, Development Management Quarterly, 28 (2), 233-251 (In Persian).
Lin, B., Mainemelis, C., & kark, R. (2016), Leaders responses to creative deviance: Different effects on subsequent creative deviance and creative performance, The Leadership Quatery, 27(4), 537-556.
Lekganyane, D. (2006), ”Leadership as a tool to support change management, Short Dissertation Submitted in Partial, Hr management journal. 22 (3), 311-324.
Martin,M. (1999), Trust leadership, Journal of leadership studies, 5(3).
Miree., C., York, K., & Lombardo., S. (2007), Using Competitive Intelligence Processes to CreateValue in the Healthcare Industry, Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 4(1),127-146.
Mainemelis, C. (2010), Stealing fire: Creative deviance in the evolution of newideas, Academy of Management Review, 35(4), 558–578.
Merton, R.(1968), Social Structure and anomic, Deviant Behavior: A Text Reader in the socil loge of Deviance, 139-149.
Mc Cullough., M. E. & Worthin gton., E. L. (1999), Religion and the forgiving personality, Journal of Personality, 67(6), 1141-1164.
Moussavi Nejad., S, Vahdati., H, Hakak; M., & Nzarpoori., A. (2019), Model Design for Explaining Creative Deviation in National Iranian Oil Company, Human Resources Management Quarterly in Oil Industry, 38, 74-39, (In Persian)
Pieroni., M, Mc Aloone., T. C, & Pigosso, D. (2019), Business model innovation for circular economy and sustainability: A review of approaches, Journal of CleanerProduction, 215:198-216.
Rajabzadeh., A, & Esmailpour, E. (2015), The Relationship between Information Literacy and Organizational Creativity (Case Study: Azad Simcat Company), Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 3, 33-47 (In Persian).
Robinson, s. L. & Bennett, R. J.(1995), A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: a Multimensional Scaling Study. Acadeny of Menagement Journal, 38 (2), 555-572.
Tenenhaus,M, Amato, S,& Esposito Vinzi, V(2004). A global goodness –fit index for PLS structural equation modeling, 1-4.
Vilà, J. (1991) , Positioning strategies and prospects for success of emerging hightechnology: The case of US Biotechnology, working Paper, 221, 1-24.
Wang Catherine, L., Ahmed K. (2003). "Structure & structural dimensions for knowledge based organizations,measuring business. excellence" 7(1),51-62.
Yıldız, B. & L. Alpkan. (2015), A Theoretical Model on the Proposed Predictors of Destructive Deviant Work place Behaviors and the Mediator Role of Alienation, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 210,330-338.(In Persian)