Designing a Welfare-Oriented Human Resource Management Model
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
Bijhan Nasiri
Hamid Zare
Mohammad Reza Jaber Ansari
1 - Ph.D Candidate of Public Administration Department, Shushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shushtar
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Farabi School of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran
Keywords: human resources management, employee welfare, welfare-oriented human resources management,
Abstract :
Considering the importance of the subject, the present research is an attempt to design a welfare-oriented human resource management model. The method is a qualitative study that was conducted using in-depth interviews. The participants were expert faculty members, management specialists and those involved in the design of welfare-oriented human resources management model in 1400-1401. Sampling in the qualitative section was done purposefully using the expert network technique, in which 15 people participated in the interview. The final results of the research based on the interviews showed that the factors affecting welfare-oriented human resource management are: 1)causal factors (participatory management, employee motivation, attention to employee needs, employee relations, training, meritocracy, welfare services, and empowerment); 2)contextual factors (laws and regulations, organizational culture, organizational structure and economic factors); 3)intervention factors (strict laws and regulations, salaries and wages, injustice, lack of attention to education; traditional management styles; lack of paying attention to expertise; and not paying attention to motivational issues), and 4)strategies (planning, facilities and equipment and financial resources), the components of welfare-oriented human resource management (satisfaction with the work environment, health and safety, performance management, use of employee opinions, employee development); and consequences (productivity, profitability, improvement of organizational commitment, acceptance of change, and excellence of the organization). Based on the findings of this research, it can be said that there are many causal, interventional, contextual factors and strategies that have an effect on welfare-oriented human resource management, which should be paid attention to.
Key Words: human resources management, employee welfare, welfare-oriented human resources management
Today's world is the world of organizations and human power is considered the most valuable organizational resource. Human power is one of the inputs of the organizational system. The more competent resources the organization can attract, retain and use effectively, the more successful it will be in achieving its goals and progressing as compared to its competitors. The competition of organizations is not limited to gaining more profit and market share, and the like, but all these things are the result of a more important factor, which is competent human resources, and this is a point that organizations have realized and compete with each other in attracting these forces. They try to attract these resources, retain them and prevent them from leaving the service. Banking and bank management, as an experimental field, provides an ideal field to discover indicators that are effective in welfare-oriented human management. The essential component of a successful banking industry is the stable and effective management of its employees. However, with the increase of global competition and the strategies adopted by banks, the employees are exposed to increasing pressure; therefore, human resource management practices that support employee well-being may be an important path to meet performance expectations. Therefore, the basic problem of the current research is to test the question of what the welfare-oriented human resource management model in Sepeh Bank is.
2.Literature review
The concept can be examined from the angles of well-being, feeling is described as a general concept, it is a favorable state that includes physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being. Welfare is called a relative concept, because it is related to time and place, it may change with the passage of time. It also has different characteristics because it has a lot to do with society, scientific progress and the progress of a nation in all areas. Therefore, the meaning and components of that country differ from country to country, place to place and organization to organization (Dayarathna,2019). The well-being of employees helps to keep the morale and motivation of employees high and encourage them to retain in the organization for a longer period of time with higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Welfare measures can be in the form of cash or non-cash payments. Employee welfare includes monitoring working conditions, establishing industrial coordination through health infrastructure, industrial relations and accident, sickness and unemployment insurance for employees and their families. The main logic of providing welfare plans is to create an efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied workforce for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to improve their working life and also to raise their standard of living (Kumari, 2020).
- Methodology
In this research, in the model design stage, through qualitative research and content analysis, the design category of welfare-oriented human resources management model has been carefully scrutinized, and the corresponding model has been subjected to open coding method, generation of basic concepts, generation of major categories, core coding and causative relations between categories, determination of procedural, contextual and selective categories, and selection and determination of the central core category will be used. In this research, to collect the data, considering the subject and research objectives, in the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews are used. The research population in the qualitative stage includes all specialists, experts, managers and key speakers, professors and researchers who have books, experiences and responsibilities in the field under study and human resources, banking system, Sepeh Bank and universities, including 15 people. In the qualitative phase, multiple semi-structured interviews are conducted in order to gain knowledge from the participant experts.
The interview process is designed in such a way that after each interview the data is coded and analyzed to identify the dimensions presented by the first interviewers, and these dimensions are followed up in the subsequent interviews. In the current research, after the repetition of the elements that come up in the interviews, to make sure of the frequency of the repeated issues, and for more certainty, another supplementary interview is also conducted. In the main phase of the qualitative research in which the focus group method is used, 10 participants, from among the initial interviewees, participated in the focus group discussion. The selection of the sample in the qualitative section is non-probability and purposeful. In this method, the researcher knows the target community and chooses the targeted sample. In this research, the grounded theory research method, targeted sampling and the expert network type are used in selecting the qualitative sample, and the chain or snowball sampling method is used in the identification and selection of key informants.
Thus far, many researches have been conducted on welfare-oriented human resource management, and each of them has dealt with this variable from a different angle, but no comprehensive research has been conducted regarding the factors and contexts that create it. Therefore, in this research, based on the review of the opinions of different experts and judges, the effective factors in the formation of welfare-oriented human resources management were investigated, and finally these factors were identified in four categories (causal, interventional, contextual, strategies and consequences)
- Discussion
The results of some studies show that salaries and wages have a greater impact on the concept of human resource management in client-oriented organizations. Some others consider the provision of welfare services to employees as related to performance. Still others investigated the effect of welfare on motivation and increasing productivity. Some research results show that there is a strong relationship between compensation methods (salaries, bonuses, incentives, allowances, and fringe benefits) and employee performance and retention. In the current research, a model of welfare-oriented human resource management was presented, the four factors affecting it were: causal factors, intervention factors, background factors and strategies. Finally, the desired model of this research was formed.
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