• Abdollahi.Farzin Long term trend analysis of changes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) water use efficiency in the southern, southwest and central regions of Iran [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Abkar.Esmail Study of agronomic characteristics nitrogen and nutrient fusion management [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Aboutalebi Jahromi.Abdolhossein Evaluating the effect of plastic mulch and some plant growth regulators on changes in some leaf elements, enzymes and nitrate accumulation in onion (Allium cepa) at water deficit conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Adelian.Davoud Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Agha Mohammad Reza.Mohammad Study of plant density and zinc application on some agronomic characteristics of 6 winter canola cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ahmadi.Farid Study the corn (Zea mays L.) response to the application of various chemical, nano, nano-biological fertilizers and organic extract of seaweed [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • ajam noroozi.hossien The evaluation of different herbicide on weeds control, growth indices, and forage yield Alfalfa [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • alavifazel.mojtaba Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices of Promising Canola Lines (Brassica napus L.) at Changes in Planting Date [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • alavifazel.mojtaba The effect of salicylic acid and calcium carbonate on water use efficiency and some physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficiency condition in Marvdasht, Fars Province [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • alavifazel.mojtaba Response of Single-Cross 704 Maize to Application of Chemical and Biological Nitrogen Fertilizers and Different Cultivation Patterns under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • alavifazel.mojtaba Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • alipanah.Abbas Effect of bio green manure and chemical fertilizers and mycorrhizae on physiological traits, yield and yield components of wheat under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Alipour.saeid Effect of plant growth promotiong rhizobacteria on growth and yield of Seed tubers of Potato Cultivars Mini-tubers [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • alizade vaskasi.Freshteh Antioxidant enzyme activities and fermentation metabolism in the root of three wheat promising lines under waterlogging stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Alizadeh.Omid Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield in Different Safflower Genotypes under Irrigation Interruption [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Amerian.Mohammad Reza Evaluation of yield relationship with yield components in different dry land wheat genotypes [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Amiri.Bahram Interaction Between Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Four Wheat Cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Amiri.Bahram Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield in Different Safflower Genotypes under Irrigation Interruption [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Amiri.Bahram Effect of Nano Chelated Nitrogen and urea Fertilizers on wheat plant under drought stress condition [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Arjmand.Kallam-allah The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • arvin.mohammad javad Evaluating the effect of plastic mulch and some plant growth regulators on changes in some leaf elements, enzymes and nitrate accumulation in onion (Allium cepa) at water deficit conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Asadi.Sara Long term trend analysis of changes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) water use efficiency in the southern, southwest and central regions of Iran [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Asgharipour.Mohammad Reza Effects of tillage methods on nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emission in cotton-wheat rotation in Darab area [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Astaneh.naimeh Effect of Nano Chelated Nitrogen and urea Fertilizers on wheat plant under drought stress condition [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Atayi.Reza Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Aynehband.Amir Investigation the different barley (Hordeum vulgare) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- graecum) growth characteristics intercropping under nitrogen fertilizer at barley flowering stage [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Azado.mohammad sadegh Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Babakhani.Babak The Genetic Diversity of Some Citrus Varieties from North of Iran Using Microsatellite Molecular Markers [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Bahrani.Abdollah Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield in Different Safflower Genotypes under Irrigation Interruption [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Bahrani.Abdollah Effect of Nano Chelated Nitrogen and urea Fertilizers on wheat plant under drought stress condition [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Bahrani.Abdollah Interaction Between Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Four Wheat Cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Banisaeidi.abdol karim The effect of the amount nitrogen applied on grain yield and dry matter remobilization of maize (Zea mays L.) in drought stress conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • banisaeidi.abdolkarim Reduced doses of sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron-methyl herbicide and plant density on Malva management in wheat (Triticum durum L.) fields [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Barari Tari.Davood Effect of tillage systems and fertilization (NPK) on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn (Zea mays L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Bazrafshan.forood Interaction Between Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Four Wheat Cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Bazrafshan.forood Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield in Different Safflower Genotypes under Irrigation Interruption [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Behpouri.Ali Leaf chlorophyll content and grain protein and yield changes of three durum wheat (Triticum durum ) cultivars under nano fertilizer application [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Bosh.Zeinab The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on some physiological traits of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]


  • Cherati_Araei.Ali Antioxidant enzyme activities and fermentation metabolism in the root of three wheat promising lines under waterlogging stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Dahmarde.Mehdi Evaluation of yield, yield components and nitrate leaching in soybean cultivation affected by different types of fertilizers and weed interference [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • dastbandannejad.shirin Response of Single-Cross 704 Maize to Application of Chemical and Biological Nitrogen Fertilizers and Different Cultivation Patterns under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Dolatshah.Mozafar Effect of spraying iron and zinc sulfate fertilizer on lemon balm (Melisa officinalis L.) medicinal plants essential oil component [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • ebrahimi.mojtaba The effect of salicylic acid and calcium carbonate on water use efficiency and some physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficiency condition in Marvdasht, Fars Province [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ebrahimnia.Razieh Leaf chlorophyll content and grain protein and yield changes of three durum wheat (Triticum durum ) cultivars under nano fertilizer application [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]


  • fallah.farzan Effects of cutting height and mineral and biological fertilizer resources on yield and rationing parameters of rice (cv. Tarom Hashemi) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Fallah.Hormoz Effect of tillage systems and fertilization (NPK) on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn (Zea mays L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Farahvash.Farhad Effects of cutting height and mineral and biological fertilizer resources on yield and rationing parameters of rice (cv. Tarom Hashemi) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Farajee.Hooshang Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Farhoudi.Rozbeh Evaluation of the effect of the return of different types of plant residues to soil on the yield of maize [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Farjadi-Shakib.Mohammad Effect of spermidine and application on internal polyamine content, free radical enzyme activity and lipid oxidative destruction in cut ‘Black Magic’ rose flowers. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • farokhi.hadi Investigating the Fluctuations of Precipitation on Rangeland Vegetation Yield and Cover in Steppic Rangelands (Case study: Sadrabad Rangelands of Nadoushan-Yazd province-Iran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • fazeli rostampour.mansour The effects of irrigation, methanol and humic acid foliar application on the chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) roots traits [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • feizi.mehdi Evaluation of genotypic variation for seed iron content and concentration in barley genotypes under dryland conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Feyzbakhsh.Mohammad Taghi Effects of plant density on quantitative and qualitative of three Amaranths in Gorgan region [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Ganjeali.Hamidreza Effect of nano-fertilizers and water stress on yield and yield components of grain sorghum in Sistan region [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ghanipour Govarki.Mohadeseh Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices and Byplot Method in Bitter Vetch Ecotypes [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Ghasemi.Ahmad Effect of nano-fertilizers and water stress on yield and yield components of grain sorghum in Sistan region [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ghasemi.Parviz The Inheritance of Some Quantitative Traits in the Chickpea through the Generation Mean Analysis [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Gheisari.Aboalghasem Effects of tillage methods on nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emission in cotton-wheat rotation in Darab area [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Ghobadi.Mokhtar Effect of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid on activity of antioxidant enzymes and physiological and morphological traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under different irrigation intervals [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Ghobadinia.Mahdi The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on some physiological traits of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Gholamhoseini.Majid Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Gholinezhad.Esmaeil Evaluation of grain and oil yield changes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) as affected by bio-fertilizers and supplementary irrigation [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ghorbani.Ardavan The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Haddadinejad.Mahdi Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Haddadinejad.mehdi Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Hady.Ebrahim Response hybrid cultivar of corn to limitations irrigation during reproductive stage in Mugan area [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • hakimzadeh.mohammadali The Impact of Different Habitat Conditions on the Variability of Amino acids and minerals in Haloxylon salicornicum (Moq.) Bunge ex Boiss. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Hasani.Akbar Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • hassandokht.mohammadreza Evaluating the effect of plastic mulch and some plant growth regulators on changes in some leaf elements, enzymes and nitrate accumulation in onion (Allium cepa) at water deficit conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Heydari.Mostafa Evaluation of yield relationship with yield components in different dry land wheat genotypes [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Hosseini Boldaji.Seyed Afshin The Genetic Diversity of Some Citrus Varieties from North of Iran Using Microsatellite Molecular Markers [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Hosseini.Syyed Mohammad Amin Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]


  • Jabbari.Hamid The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Jafari.Sima The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Jafarzadeh.naser Integrated Dodder (CuscutacampestrisYuncker)management in Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Fields in Miandoab [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Jahan.Mohsen Effect of drought stress and application cow manure on yield, yield component and water use efficiency of Bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Jalali-Honarmand.Saeid Effect of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid on activity of antioxidant enzymes and physiological and morphological traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under different irrigation intervals [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Jalilian.Jalal Evaluation of grain and oil yield changes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) as affected by bio-fertilizers and supplementary irrigation [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Javaheri.Mohammad Ali Agro-climatic zoning in determining zoning of determining the appropriate growth period, planting date and harvesting date of autumn sowing of sugar beet in Kerman province [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Javaheri.Mohsen Study the corn (Zea mays L.) response to the application of various chemical, nano, nano-biological fertilizers and organic extract of seaweed [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Javid.Alireza Effect of Different Amounts and Application Number of Salicylic Acid on Increasing Drought Tolerance of Fig in Rain-fed Conditions of Estahban Region [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Jokar.Fereshteh Evaluation of morphophysiological traits and drought tolerance indices in some advanced durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) lines under supplementary irrigation and irrigation conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Jouyban.Zeinolabedin Influence of levels of irrigation, nitrogen and potassium on yield traits of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Jowkar.Mohammad Mahdi Effect of different irrigation levels on morphological and physiological features of SPORT grass-seed mixture [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]


  • Kafi.Mohammad Influence of levels of irrigation, nitrogen and potassium on yield traits of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Kakehmami.Azad The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kamrani.Morteza Response hybrid cultivar of corn to limitations irrigation during reproductive stage in Mugan area [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • karami.ezzat The Inheritance of Some Quantitative Traits in the Chickpea through the Generation Mean Analysis [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Karimizadeh.Rahmatollah Evaluation of morphophysiological traits and drought tolerance indices in some advanced durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) lines under supplementary irrigation and irrigation conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kashani.Ali Study of plant density and zinc application on some agronomic characteristics of 6 winter canola cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Khadem.Sahar The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • khalaj.hamideh Evaluating non-linear regression models in growth analysis of Cucurbita pepo L. [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • khazaie.hamidreza Evaluation of Different Levels of Soil Moisture and Seed Hydroperimination on Yield and Yield Components of Vigna radiate L. in Mashhad Climate [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kheiry.Azizollah The effect of salicylic acid, glycine betaine and gamma amino butyric acid foliar spray on Carla antioxidant activity under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Khoshnod yazdi.Asghar An investigation on ecological characteristics of Ephedra major in Bojnourd Rangelands [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]


  • lack.shahram Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • lak.shahram Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Mahmoudi.Javad Evaluation of yield, yield components and nitrate leaching in soybean cultivation affected by different types of fertilizers and weed interference [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Marvi.Hamid Effect of drought stress and application cow manure on yield, yield component and water use efficiency of Bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Masoumiasl.Asad Evaluation of morphophysiological traits and drought tolerance indices in some advanced durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) lines under supplementary irrigation and irrigation conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • mazloum.pouria Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • mighani.fariba The evaluation of different herbicide on weeds control, growth indices, and forage yield Alfalfa [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Mirzaei Heydari.Mohammad Effect of tillage systems and fertilization (NPK) on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn (Zea mays L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Mirzakhani.Mohammad Effect of urea different levels and simultaneous cropping of some legumes on agronomic characteristics and total biomass of corn [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mirzavand.Jahanbakhsh Effect of tillage methods and corn residue on wheat yield, soil organic matter content, and earthworm population in Zarghan, Fars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Mohajeri.Farhad The effect of application plant mulches on weeds control of fig (Ficus carica) orchards in Estahban region [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • mohammadi azni.mehdi Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Mohammadi.Khosro Effect of nitrogen and Aztobactor fertilizers on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of Moroccan single cross corn [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • mohammadi.seyed abolghasem Evaluation of genotypic variation for seed iron content and concentration in barley genotypes under dryland conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Mojadam.Mani Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Mojadam.Mani Response of Single-Cross 704 Maize to Application of Chemical and Biological Nitrogen Fertilizers and Different Cultivation Patterns under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • mojddam.mani Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Mokhtarpour.Hassan Effects of plant density on quantitative and qualitative of three Amaranths in Gorgan region [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Moradi.Ali Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • MoradiTalebbeigi.Reza Effect of tillage methods and corn residue on wheat yield, soil organic matter content, and earthworm population in Zarghan, Fars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • motamedi.mohammad The effect of the amount nitrogen applied on grain yield and dry matter remobilization of maize (Zea mays L.) in drought stress conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • mousavi.Amirabbas Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Mozafari.Afshin Investigation on the effect of seed priming with rhizobium bioinoculant and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on chlorophyll, nutrients and grain yield in lentil under rainfed condition [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mozafari.Hamid The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ms sahar ghafari.Ms sahar ghafari The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Musavi.Seyyed Maryam Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]


  • Nabizadeh.Esmail Study of agronomic characteristics nitrogen and nutrient fusion management [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Naderi.Rohullah Leaf chlorophyll content and grain protein and yield changes of three durum wheat (Triticum durum ) cultivars under nano fertilizer application [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nadi.Mehdi Nadi Agro-climatic zoning in determining zoning of determining the appropriate growth period, planting date and harvesting date of autumn sowing of sugar beet in Kerman province [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Naghashi.Yalda The Genetic Diversity of Some Citrus Varieties from North of Iran Using Microsatellite Molecular Markers [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Naghashi.Yalda The Genetic Diversity of Some Citrus Varieties from North of Iran Using Microsatellite Molecular Markers [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Najafi.Hossin Integrated Dodder (CuscutacampestrisYuncker)management in Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Fields in Miandoab [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Namatolah Sani.REza Effect of spermidine and application on internal polyamine content, free radical enzyme activity and lipid oxidative destruction in cut ‘Black Magic’ rose flowers. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Nejatkhah.Parisa Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices of Promising Canola Lines (Brassica napus L.) at Changes in Planting Date [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Nemati.Seyed Hosein Effect of spermidine and application on internal polyamine content, free radical enzyme activity and lipid oxidative destruction in cut ‘Black Magic’ rose flowers. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Neyestani.Elyas Evaluation of yield relationship with yield components in different dry land wheat genotypes [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nezami.Ahmad Influence of levels of irrigation, nitrogen and potassium on yield traits of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nezami.Ahmad Evaluation of Different Levels of Soil Moisture and Seed Hydroperimination on Yield and Yield Components of Vigna radiate L. in Mashhad Climate [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • niknejad.yousof Effect of tillage systems and fertilization (NPK) on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn (Zea mays L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Noroozi.نوروزی The evaluation of different herbicide on weeds control, growth indices, and forage yield Alfalfa [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Nouralizadeh.Morteza Simulation of soybean growth and yield using iLegume_Soybean model in Mazandaran [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nouri delavar.Mohammad-zaman Effects of cutting height and mineral and biological fertilizer resources on yield and rationing parameters of rice (cv. Tarom Hashemi) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • Paknejad.Farzad Study of plant density and zinc application on some agronomic characteristics of 6 winter canola cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Pakseresht.Gholamreza Study the Ethephon application and male inflorescence detopping on quality and quantity traits of maize [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • panahyankivi.mehdi Effect of plant growth promotiong rhizobacteria on growth and yield of Seed tubers of Potato Cultivars Mini-tubers [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Pazoki.Alireza Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Pirzad.Alireza Evaluation of grain and oil yield changes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) as affected by bio-fertilizers and supplementary irrigation [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]


  • raei.yaghob Effect of plant growth promotiong rhizobacteria on growth and yield of Seed tubers of Potato Cultivars Mini-tubers [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Rahimi.Nader Evaluation of grain and oil yield changes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) as affected by bio-fertilizers and supplementary irrigation [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • rameeh.valiollah Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ramroudi.Mahmood Evaluation of yield, yield components and nitrate leaching in soybean cultivation affected by different types of fertilizers and weed interference [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Ranjkesh.Nasim Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Rezaei Sokht-Abandani.Reza Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Rezaie allolo.Afsoon The effect of salicylic acid, glycine betaine and gamma amino butyric acid foliar spray on Carla antioxidant activity under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Roozrokh.Mahdi Effect of glycine betaine application on yield and physiological characteristics of dryland wheat cultivars in Kermanshah [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • roshdi.mohsen Study of agronomic characteristics nitrogen and nutrient fusion management [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Rostami.Arash Effect of nitrogen and Aztobactor fertilizers on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of Moroccan single cross corn [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]


  • Saadatmand.Sara Antioxidant enzyme activities and fermentation metabolism in the root of three wheat promising lines under waterlogging stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • SADEGHI.NARGES Physiological and morphological traits associated with grain yield improvement in post green revolution period in wheat and the future prospects [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • sadeghi.seyyed mostafa Effect of potassium Sulfate fertilizer levels and row spacing on yield and yield components of bean in tea uprooted garden [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • sadeghzadeh.behzad Evaluation of genotypic variation for seed iron content and concentration in barley genotypes under dryland conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • safaee torghabeh.mohammad Evaluation of producibility and drought tolerance of three millet cultivars and sorghum var. Speedfeed in Rafsanjan region [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Safavi Fard.Nadia The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Sahhafi.Seyyed Rasoul Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices and Byplot Method in Bitter Vetch Ecotypes [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Salehi.Amin Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • sam deliri.Morteza Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Samiei.Amin Effect of different irrigation levels on morphological and physiological features of SPORT grass-seed mixture [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Samsami.Saeed Interaction Between Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Four Wheat Cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Sanikhani.Mohsen The effect of salicylic acid, glycine betaine and gamma amino butyric acid foliar spray on Carla antioxidant activity under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • seyedi.seyed mohsen Effect of nano-fertilizers and water stress on yield and yield components of grain sorghum in Sistan region [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Seyyed-Moradi.Alireza Investigation on the effect of seed priming with rhizobium bioinoculant and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on chlorophyll, nutrients and grain yield in lentil under rainfed condition [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Shaebani.Majid Effect of Different Amounts and Application Number of Salicylic Acid on Increasing Drought Tolerance of Fig in Rain-fed Conditions of Estahban Region [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Shaghaghi.Arezo Effect of different irrigation levels on morphological and physiological features of SPORT grass-seed mixture [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Shahriyari.Abolfazl Investigation of the morphological and yield traits of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids affected by humic acid application [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • sharghi.younes Study of Drought Tolerance of Wheat Inoculated with Mycorrhiza Fungi and its Interaction with Copper Nanoparticles [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • shirzadi.Mohammadhassan Evaluating the effect of plastic mulch and some plant growth regulators on changes in some leaf elements, enzymes and nitrate accumulation in onion (Allium cepa) at water deficit conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • shokuhfar.Alireza Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • shokuhfar.Alireza The effect of salicylic acid and calcium carbonate on water use efficiency and some physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficiency condition in Marvdasht, Fars Province [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Siadat.Seyed Ata Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • sodaeizadeh.hamid The Impact of Different Habitat Conditions on the Variability of Amino acids and minerals in Haloxylon salicornicum (Moq.) Bunge ex Boiss. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • solouki.mahmood Evaluation of genotypic variation for seed iron content and concentration in barley genotypes under dryland conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Soltani.Afshin Response of growth, development and yield of peanut to changes in temperature and carbon dioxide [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • soufifard.shahin Effect of potassium Sulfate fertilizer levels and row spacing on yield and yield components of bean in tea uprooted garden [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]


  • Tabesh.Zahra The effect of application plant mulches on weeds control of fig (Ficus carica) orchards in Estahban region [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Tabib Loghmani.Sayed Mohammad Taghi Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield in Different Safflower Genotypes under Irrigation Interruption [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Taheri Hesari.Fatemeh Study of Drought Tolerance of Wheat Inoculated with Mycorrhiza Fungi and its Interaction with Copper Nanoparticles [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • tajamolian.mahdieh The Impact of Different Habitat Conditions on the Variability of Amino acids and minerals in Haloxylon salicornicum (Moq.) Bunge ex Boiss. [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Tarashi.Mahdi Study of the role of physiographic factors for planting Pisum Sativa in Golestan province [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Teymoori.Maryam Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices of Promising Canola Lines (Brassica napus L.) at Changes in Planting Date [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Toreifi.Shahnaz Investigation the different barley (Hordeum vulgare) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- graecum) growth characteristics intercropping under nitrogen fertilizer at barley flowering stage [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]


  • Valipour.Mohammad Bagher Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Valizadeh.Reza Nutritional value of two plant species containing Salvia hydrangea and Sophora alopecuroides in two phenological stages [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • vojodi.lamia The effects of organic and chemical fertilizers on some morphological and physiological traits of Petroselinum crispum [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]


  • Yarahmadi.Reza Effect of spraying iron and zinc sulfate fertilizer on lemon balm (Melisa officinalis L.) medicinal plants essential oil component [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Yavari.Alireza Evaluation of morphological, Some phytochemicals traits and determination of antioxidant content of different organs of Viola odorata under the influence of ecological factor of altitude from central of Mazandaran province [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]


  • Zahedi.Hossein Study of Drought Tolerance of Wheat Inoculated with Mycorrhiza Fungi and its Interaction with Copper Nanoparticles [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • zare.mahdi Effect of Nano Chelated Nitrogen and urea Fertilizers on wheat plant under drought stress condition [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Zare.Mahdi Interaction Between Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Four Wheat Cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Zhou.Guisheng Effect of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid on activity of antioxidant enzymes and physiological and morphological traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under different irrigation intervals [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • ziaee.seyed masoud Evaluation of Different Levels of Soil Moisture and Seed Hydroperimination on Yield and Yield Components of Vigna radiate L. in Mashhad Climate [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]