• fakharian.farzaneh Production and characterization of biosurfactant by indigenous halotolerant Microbacterium sp. , isolated from Qom saline soils lake [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Firouzi Dalvand.Leila Antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of bismuth oxide nanoparticles produced by Bacillus subtilis against clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from wound infections [ Vol.12, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Fooladvand.Ziba Generation of taxol susceptible yeast strain by inducing mutation TUB2 -Asp26 [ Vol.12, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Fouladgar.Masoud Comparison and optimization of antioxidant compounds produced by autochthonous and allochthonous Aspergillus strains [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]