Determining and ranking the management and training components of potential non-working human resources (Case study of Red Crescent population of Bushehr province)
Subject Areas :Maryam Alboghabish 1 , Gholamhossein Barekat 2 * , Mohammad Hosseinpour 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: OPA, human resources management and training, Red Crescent volunteers,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to determine and rank the management and training components of potential non-working human resources of the Red Crescent population of Bushehr province. The method of the current research was quantitative and survey and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this research was all employees and volunteers of the Red Crescent of Bushehr province. To determine the sample size, Morgan's table was used and the number of 108 employees and volunteers of the Red Crescent of Bushehr province, 302 people, was selected as the statistical sample size. The random sampling method was simple. A researcher-made questionnaire tool was used to validate the research model. The OPA method was used for data analysis and the obtained themes were prioritized with Lingo software. The findings showed that in order to prioritize the components of the human resource management and training model using the OPA technique and Lingo software, the components of the training-oriented structure (0.246), determining training needs (0.215), planning training programs (0.164), Commitment of senior management (0.087), pillars of education (0.083), strict implementation of educational programs (0.075), strategies to improve education (0.061), evaluation of education results (0.032), volunteer-oriented (0.022) 0) and attracting potential volunteers (0.014) were ranked from one to ten respectively. In the end, the results of the importance-performance analysis showed that the indicators of education promotion strategies, education-oriented structure, education pillars and evaluation of the results of education programs are located in the "focus here" area. In other words, these components are highly important from the point of view of the members of the statistical sample, but the performance of the organization is low; Therefore, more attention should be paid to this area.