Assessment of ecological health in estuaries of Bandar Abbas using Biotic Indices Polychaete/Amphipod (BOPA)
Subject Areas : Water PollutionJ. Jahandari 1 * , R. Mousavi Nadoushan 2 , S. M. R. Fatemi 3 , M. Sediq Mortazavi 4
1 - Marine Biology Department, Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch
2 - Fisheries Department, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
3 - Marine Biology Department, Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch
4 - Chemistry Department, Islamic Azad University Bandar Abbas Branch
Keywords: Macrobenthos, BOPA index, ecological health, Bandar Abbas estuaries,
Abstract :
The present study was performance in the estuaries Soro, Abi and fishery of Bandar Abbas and sampling in the warm season (summer 1390), cold (winter 1390) and the 9 stations was conducted. Based on the results, a total of macro groups, the highest prevalence of polychaete worms (with 54.7 percent) was evaluated in Three regions studied, with matching results of biological indicator BOPA (Bentic Opportunistic Polychaete and Amphipoda) on the ratio of two groups of polychaete and amphipoda performed, value analysis BOPA Show that , Soro estuary pollution and environmental stress levels are weak, The highest index BOPA among all the estuaries, was calculated by 1.58 in Shilat estuary. This reflects poor conditions and bad ecological estuary.. And the minimum value of the index measure to 0.736 Abi estuary, which represents ecological situation is bad, but compared between the three estuaries studied the ecological situation showed. over all, and a based on the degree of pollution three estuaries of study In conditions of extreme stress and classification pollution affected by ecological and environmental unsuitable assessed.