Application of Multi criteria decision making methods in studies of environmental hazards in Shadegan Wetland
Subject Areas : Water Pollution
S. A. Jozi
Saffarian Sh.
1 - Faculty of Marian Science and Techndogy, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Islamic Azad University, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch
Keywords: Shadegan Wetland, Environmental risk assessment, Multi criteria decision making methods, Techniques TOPSIS, Abadan gas power plant,
Abstract :
There are wetlands and water zoning with unique features such as Shadegan wetland which is considered a national treasure, but unfortunately this ecosystem , includs many of today risks resulting from human activities considering the important of Shadegan Wetland the present study aimed to determine major environmental risks (the most important environmental important acceptor Abadan gas turbine power plant) and their impact on wetlands Shadegan. As a case study, a questionnaire was prepared in Delphi method and handed to some of the elite and power industry and environmental experts.In this study, to analysis environmental risks Abadan gas power plant on the Shadegan wetland methods of multiple criteria decision making and TOPSIS eigenvector were used. For this purpose, after prioritizing risks of each environment separately using TOPSIS, a one-way ANOVA was used and priority of environmental risk acceptor Abadan gas power plant in the wetland was determined. Results of calculated risk Abadan gas power plant showed that in biological had a physical, chemical and cultural environments the effects on air quality had 0.918 weight, the effect on plant and animal population had a weight of 0.866 and view and landscapes had a weight of 0.796 are The most important risks affecting power plant activity on wetland. More solutions to control and reduce the risks identified for sensitive wetland ecosystem and wildlife shelterd Shadegan. Some of these solutions are: variability of activities within the enclosed invironment, the creation and development of green space using consistent species with the environment