Entrepreneurship of Women (Case Study of Industrial Park of Tehran and Semnan)
Subject Areas : FuturologyAfsaneh Varestefar 1 * , Mahnaz Vakilifard 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University faculty member, Roodehen, Iran
2 - Graduated MA Women's Studies, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran
(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: women, Elements, Obstacles, Entrepreneurship, the evelopment,
Abstract :
Entrepreneur is someone who accepts financial risks to enter into business to develop and expand new products through creativity and innovation and to overcome rivals. Women entrepreneurial has a prominent role in the economy, economists, know entrepreneurs as economic growth and development in the community .Given the current situation, and large bureaucratic state, the government is facing with youth and women unemployment and to solve this problem is to identify the factors influencing women entrepreneurship and barriers to provide entrepreneurship development by cultural diversity and finding new sources of women's entrepreneurship. For this purpose, qualitative research and theoretical study, library, interviews in field offices method are used. Of the population among entrepreneurs 130 people in Tehran 4 people, 77 people Semnan, 4 people, were opened interviewed randomly targeted and unstructured and elements and obstacles have been extracted among interviews, results indicate that environmental barriers have greater effect on women's entrepreneurship that needs government's support for entrepreneurship development.