The Trend Toward Voluntary Corporate Disclosures: Reporting Frame Works, XBRL, XARL and It’s Effects
Subject Areas : FuturologyH. R. Vakilifard 1 * , A. Mohammadi 2 * , M. Mohammadi 3 *
1 - نویسنده مسئول
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Voluntary Disclosure, Reporting Frameworks, Information Asymmetries, Value Gap, PWC’s
, Value Reporting Framew, Labhart’s Business Reporting F, Balance Scorecard (BSC), eXtensible Markup Language (XM, eXtensible Business Reporting , eXtensible
, Assurance Reporti,
Abstract :
The contemporary phenomenon of market globalization, competition and technical developments haveresulted in companies becoming more international in their orientation and have also led to increasedcomplexity in the business environment. While capital markets now offer unforeseen investmentopportunities, one important development associated with these trends is the tendency of investors to beconfronted with an abundance of information about myriad corporate activities. In addition to making therequired compulsory disclosures, more and more companies are disclosing information on a voluntarybusiness – presumably in the hopes that this extra data hasten the stock market to recognize hidden elements.In this article, we provide some insights into why the value gap is responsible for the enhanced demand forextra disclosures. We also outline some of the more important frameworks that have emerged in thecontemporary literature on disclosures, and we explore the potentially critical impact of XBRL (eXtensibleBusiness Reporting language) and XARL (eXtensible Assurance Reporting Language) on this topic. Finally,we present exist view about some of the likely implication of the trend toward additional voluntarydisclosures