Designing a of Human Resource Excellence Model in Iranian Public Sectors using the Fuzzy Delphi Technique
Subject Areas : FuturologyN. Mirsepassi 1 * , A. Toloie Eshlaghy 2 * , Gh. Memarzadeh 3 * , M. Peidaie 4 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
4 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه
Keywords: Excellence Model, Human Resource Excellence, Linguistics Variable, Public Sectors, Fuzzy Mean,
Abstract :
A literature search failed to identify a preferred definition of organizational excellence. While manyclaim to know its meaning and may indeed profess to be working towards the achievement ofexcellence, few give the same definition. Despite this, the term “excellence” is widely used within thepublic sector. This problem exists more in the public sector than in other sectors and is more in HRMthan in other organizational departments.In this paper, we develop an approach based on the Fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDT) to model humanresource excellence (HRE) in the Iranian public sector. We efficiently apply the new definition ofexcellence in HRM. The HRE conceptual model is formed based on literature reviews and expertsopinions collected using FDT. The HRE model is formed on four dimensions and 57 criteria and isproposed for HRM pathology and Iranian National awards in public sectors. The proposed model hasbeen efficiently been applied on a large scale in Iran for the evaluation of existing and developing HRcapabilities