Competency Modeling for Public Sector Managers (Middle Managers of Industrial Section)
Subject Areas : FuturologyN. Mirsepasci 1 * , D. Gholamzadeh 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه
Keywords: Management Development, classical MD, administrative MD, Derived MD, Partner MD, Competency,
Abstract :
Nowadays in our turbulent and stormy world what can undertake the developing life of organizationsand governments are just powerful and efficient managers. Efficient and competent managers shouldhave been trained to have efficient and effective management systems. Perfect framework is neededfor training and developing consequently. We can reach to the goal and strategies of the organizationsand governments. in other side governmental organizations like private organizations involve manybig changes so we can not hope to static models of management development. Therefore new flexiblemodels are needed which consider different environmental variant and organizational policies andnecessary advises according to environmental changes. The goal of this study is planning and advisingmentioned contingency model. Therefore Dr. Johnson typology model with four kind of developingmanagement were selected. Then many other competency models from governmental organizations indifferent countries were studied. With applying comparative study, similarities and differences pointdefined. In operational part of this study with defining and describing deferent part of four kind ofdeveloping management and with presenting different competency, expert group are requested todefined appropriate competencies for each type of developing management according to their priority .Collected data analyzed and appropriate competencies for each type of management developmentworked out.