Defining the policy lock in of the sector of renewable energy sector in Iran
Subject Areas : Futurologytahereh miremadi 1 * , zohreh Rahimirad 2
1 - Faculty member of Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) and researcher of MAPSED
2 - Ph.D. Student at Mazandaran University and researcher of MAPSED
Keywords: Policy Lock-in, : Deepening the Future, Causal layer Analysis, Renewable energy,
Abstract :
Context: Environmental degradation and climate change is one of the human security threats at the international and national level. However, there is no appropriate policy response regarding this problem at the national policy context. This is a policy lock-in in the sector of renewable energies in Iran. Aim: The aim of the paper is to determine why this policy lock in exists and how to mitigate it. Methodology: The research uses the post structuralist approach of Sohail Inayatullah and combines it with the methodology of meta-analysis to build a model of four layers of causal relations. Finding: The Neoclassical economics is the least analytical approach to deal with the environmental challenges. The systemic approach is relatively more complex and the MLP is the most comprehensive approach to analyze the causes of policy lock in of Iranian renewable energy sector. Conclusion: To analysis the policy lock in Iranian renewable energy sector, there are three sets of causal relationship which can presents three parts of policy mix prescription.