• abdolrazagh matar.marwan Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Abedi.Fateme The place of women and family in the bill of the seventh economic and social development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Abidpur.Horiya Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Abolhassan Tanhaei.Hossein Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Abtahi.Yahya Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • adib.yousof Investigating and prioritizing social marketing factors affecting the promotion of digital product sales using the best-worst (BWM) technique. [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Afshani.SeyedAlireza The role of social support in preventing job-family role conflict [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ajamlo.Sima The effect of social infrastructure on the social and cultural development of society (Case of women in district 10 of Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Akhbari Fard.Amir Hossein Study of the migration situation during the years after the revolution and the factors affecting its intensification [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • alahdadi.nouredin Sociological analysis of social and cultural structures affecting investment attraction [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ali Ahmadi.Omid The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Alipour.Mohammad Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Aminian.Shirin Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Amirahmadi.Rahmatollah Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • amirarjmandi.seiedeh zahra Science and technology policies in five-year development plans (Discourse analysis of the 6th program based on the approach of Laclou and Mouffe) [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ardestani Jubeh.Akram Investigating the Dimensions of Social Capital in Organizations (Case Study: Organizations in Varamin City) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Ashine.Mohammad Analysis of social capital based on demographic variables in Hormozgan province [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • askari.ahmad Investigating the role of social networks in providing electronic services to private bank clients [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Atabaki.Javad Predicting Arak Citizens Social Happiness Based on Social Justice in 2019 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • azarand.mahin Financial, monetary, commercial dynamics and macroeconomic imbalance with emphasis on the quality index of good governance in oil countries by using dynamic systems approach in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • Baghaeisarabi.Ali Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • bovard.ardeshir Design and validation of the taxpayer selection model in the audit based on the expansion of social development and risk for the value added tax system in medium risk companies. [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]


  • Damankeshideh.Marjan The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Damankeshideh.Marjan Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Damankeshideh.Marjan Financial, monetary, commercial dynamics and macroeconomic imbalance with emphasis on the quality index of good governance in oil countries by using dynamic systems approach in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • dehghantafti.mohamadali Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]


  • ebadi.ghasem Application of meta-combination technique for agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution using business process management systems [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Ebrahimi.Hossein Developments of the world order with emphasis on the role of social networks and Iran's position in the geometry of the new world order [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Ebrahimi.Maryam The effect of aquaculture on the social status of villages in Lorestan province [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Ediani., Seyed Zakaria Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Esamailzadeh mogry.Ali Design and validation of the taxpayer selection model in the audit based on the expansion of social development and risk for the value added tax system in medium risk companies. [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • esmaili.alireza Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]


  • Faqih Habibi.Ali The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Farahani.Fatemeh The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • fathi.leila Explaining social health management strategies from the perspective of the elderly (a phenomenological study) [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Fathi.Soroush actors Affecting the Attitude towards the Phenomenon of Consumerism among Tehran Citizens [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • gharibyan lavasani.sdyed mohammad The application of Sandelowski and Barroso's approach in the intelligent transportation system and its impact on social development in terms of the energy crisis [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • ghazanfari.zohre Identification of components and indicators of social development promotion model with public relations approach and validation of model in industrial companies of Eshtehard city [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Gholipoor Fereydani.Shahrbanoo Investigating and prioritizing social marketing factors affecting the promotion of digital product sales using the best-worst (BWM) technique. [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • ghorbani sepehr.arash Explaining the concept and scope of political geography of cyber space [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Ghorbani Sepehr.Parisa Explaining the concept and scope of political geography of cyber space [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • godarzi.amin Designing a model for explaining the components of tendency to social networks with metacombination method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]


  • habib zadeh.tavakol The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Hadinejad.Manijeh Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hadinejad.Manijeh Financial, monetary, commercial dynamics and macroeconomic imbalance with emphasis on the quality index of good governance in oil countries by using dynamic systems approach in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Hafezi.Bahar Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hafezi.Bahar Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • hafezi.Nayere Explaining social health management strategies from the perspective of the elderly (a phenomenological study) [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • hajipour.fateme The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Hasheminiya.Meisam Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hatefi-rad.Lida The role of social support in preventing job-family role conflict [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • hodaei.seyed nourdin Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hodaei.Yousof An Overview of the Development-oriented Nature and Function of Media Platforms in the Age of Information and Communication Technology [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Hojjati.Abdollah Designing and validating a competency-based curriculum model for student physical education teachers [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Hosseini.Seyedeh Maliheh Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]


  • Imam Juma.Farhad Predicting Arak Citizens Social Happiness Based on Social Justice in 2019 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • izadimanesh.fatima Investigating the role of social networks in providing electronic services to private bank clients [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]


  • jafari shahbazzadeh.mehdi Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Jamal omidi.Eshagh Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]


  • Kaseminejad.Abouzar A data-based study of job resilience and its challenges among police force employees(Case study of the police force of Lorestan province) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • kasraee.Ahmad Reza Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • kasraee.Ahmad Reza Application of meta-combination technique for agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution using business process management systems [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • keramati.mohammadali The application of Sandelowski and Barroso's approach in the intelligent transportation system and its impact on social development in terms of the energy crisis [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • keramati.mohammadali Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • keramati.Mohammadali Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Keyghobadi.Amir Reza The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • khatami.niloufat Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Khosravipour.Negar Design and validation of the taxpayer selection model in the audit based on the expansion of social development and risk for the value added tax system in medium risk companies. [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Kiani.Reza Investment Development and Staying of Population in Rural Border Areas of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • Makhdumi javan.Reza Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Malemohammadi.Fatemeh Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mansoorirazi.Moradali Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Meharani.Azadeh The application of Sandelowski and Barroso's approach in the intelligent transportation system and its impact on social development in terms of the energy crisis [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mehrinejhad.Safiyeh Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mehrmanesh.Hasan Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Meydari.Ahmad Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mirzaei.Ebrahim A data-based study of job resilience and its challenges among police force employees(Case study of the police force of Lorestan province) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Moeinzad.Hossein The application of Sandelowski and Barroso's approach in the intelligent transportation system and its impact on social development in terms of the energy crisis [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mohajeri.asghar Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mohammadi Raisi.Mohammad Zaman Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • mohammadi.akbar actors Affecting the Attitude towards the Phenomenon of Consumerism among Tehran Citizens [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Mohammadi.Hamed The place of women and family in the bill of the seventh economic and social development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mohammadian.Mehrdad Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi actors Affecting the Attitude towards the Phenomenon of Consumerism among Tehran Citizens [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Mostaghimi.Mahmoud Reza Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]


  • Nasrolahi Vosta.Leila The effect of social infrastructure on the social and cultural development of society (Case of women in district 10 of Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Nasrollahi.Akbar An Overview of the Development-oriented Nature and Function of Media Platforms in the Age of Information and Communication Technology [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Science and technology policies in five-year development plans (Discourse analysis of the 6th program based on the approach of Laclou and Mouffe) [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Nobakht.Reza Investment Development and Staying of Population in Rural Border Areas of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • noroozi.hasan Investigating the role of social networks in providing electronic services to private bank clients [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]


  • rafei.Majid Designing and validating a competency-based curriculum model for student physical education teachers [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Rahmani khalili.Ehsan Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Rajabiun.Mehdi Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Reshad.Masome Identification of components and indicators of social development promotion model with public relations approach and validation of model in industrial companies of Eshtehard city [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • rezapour.daruiosh Investigating the effect of building power in the family on the political socialization of working women in the offices of Andimshek city [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Roshanaie.Ali The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • rouholamini.mehdi Investigating and prioritizing social marketing factors affecting the promotion of digital product sales using the best-worst (BWM) technique. [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • Sabouri Khosroshahi.Habib Investigating the Dimensions of Social Capital in Organizations (Case Study: Organizations in Varamin City) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • sadeghi.mohamadbagher The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Sadeghifar.Ebrahim Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • saeidi.parviz Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • saidi.saideh Return home: Analyzing the sustainability of return migration of Iranian professionals [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Sajedi Raisi.Shahryar Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • samianini.mohamad Designing a model for explaining the components of tendency to social networks with metacombination method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Samiee.Roohalla Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • sazesh.Alireza Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • sepehrnia.rozita Identification of components and indicators of social development promotion model with public relations approach and validation of model in industrial companies of Eshtehard city [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • SHandi.adeeb GHasem Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Sharifi Renani.Hosein Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Sharifi Renani.Hosein Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • sharifi.mansour Investigating the Dimensions of Social Capital in Organizations (Case Study: Organizations in Varamin City) [ Vol.16, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • solati.mahnaz Identifying the network of strategic marketing themes of the second brand in chain stores in order to improve social development with an emphasis on the STP process [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]


  • Yazarloo.Reza Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • younessi.Ali The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]


  • Zahiri.Hosahng Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • zare.zahra Opportunities and challenges of developing urban spaces for women (case study: women's centers and parks in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]