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    Ethical points of research (and article publication)

     Ethical principles of article publication in “periodical journal of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism development”

     The journal has a respect to the ethical regulations of the journals and is obeying the regulations of the committee of publication ethics (COPE) and obeying the executive regulation of prevention and opposition with the dishonest researches.


     Ethical principles of the journal and references of malfunctions in publication

     The ethical politics of the journal are based on the principles of the committee publication ethics (COPE) and respect to the ethical prism of journals of the ministry of science, research and technology and journals of the Islamic azad University,Tabriz branch, are obligated to them. Total descriptions of the principles of the committee of publication ethics are accessible in the following address:



     All participants must respect to the ethical principles. The journal is constantly investigating the articles about the probable plagiarism and dishonesty and malfunctions. It's clear that any possible plagiarism and other misbehaviors will result to elimination of articles from the evaluation process.

     The prism is provided to specify the obligations of the authors, editor-in-chief, editorial board and the jury.


     Editor-in-chief and editorial board

     Article acceptance: The journal editor-in-chief is responsible to make decisions about rejection or acceptance of the received articles and with association of the editorial board and considering the issues of copyright, plagiarism, etc. and also opinions of the jury and editors committed to accept articles


     Justice: The editor-in-chief is obligated to judge the articles merely based on Scientific efficiency and must act without any private opinion about nationality, regional, racial and political points of view.


     Secrecy: Editor-in-chief and editorial board must not disclose any information of articles in evaluation process except to the jury, authors and editors.


     None disclosure and private use: The unpublished sectors of the received articles must not be used in private researches of editor-in-chief and editorial board without satisfaction letter from the main authors.

     Secret ideas and information achieved from the evaluation of articles must be kept secret and not be used for private benefits.


     The jury

     Article acceptance: The jury is cooperating with editor-in-chief and editorial board to decide about acceptance or rejection of articles and to send corrections to improve their researches.


     The right of rejection: Rejection of article evaluation based on time or conditions is necessary. Any member of the jury who has none efficiency conditions about the evaluation of any article must reject the evaluation.


     Secrecy: All information about the article must be considered as a secret for the jury. The jury must not give the information to any other person except editor-in-chief without written permission from its authors.


     Neutrality: The jury must evaluate the articles neutrally and fair. The jury must avoid personal sidings in their evaluations.


     References: The jury must investigate the introduced references by the authors. Any results or discussions must have references also the jury must inform the editor-in-chief about probable similarities between the article and any other articles.


    Opposition of benefits: The jury must not use any information in the evaluation process as their personal benefits also the jury must avoid evaluating the articles which have opposition of benefits including common financial benefits, Organizational, personal or any other relations with cooperations, foundations or individuals Related to the articles.


     Promptitude: The jury must inform the editor-in-chief immediately after the primitive evaluation that are including:

     Rejecting the evaluation of the articles that are not in their field of specialty, time shortage, etc.



     Presentation of standard and scientific articles:

     Authors must present scientific articles based on the journal standards. Methodologies must be precise and data must be reported accurately.

     The rights of other persons must be kept by complete referencing. Critical and non ethical, personal, racial and religious and also fake and non accurate information and translations without specification of their titles must not be cited. Presented articles must be based on the journal field of specialty and must be scientific, innovative and the Conclusion of a research by the authors.


     Presentation of raw inputs if necessary

     Authors may be asked about presenting their raw inputs, Interviews, questionnaires or any other tools used in researches. Public access to the information based on ALPSP-STM statement will help to promotion of articles.


     Originality of the presented articles:

     Presented articles must be the conclusion of researches by their authors and any other subjects from other persons that are used by the authors must be cited by their references. Presented articles must not published or being evaluated by other journals except as an abstract or part of a lecture or dissertation or thesis.

     In case of using other person's subjects, destined references must be cited with number and complete information of the references.

     Articles derived from dissertations or theses, can be published with the name of supervisors, advisers and students and by verification and responsibility of their supervisors.

     Articles translated from other languages are not acceptable.

     Responsibility of accuracy of articles from scientific and legal perspectives and all presented opinions are by the responsible authors and publication of articles does not mean verifying the whole subject of an article.

     Responsible author must be sure about satisfaction of other authors.

     One other responsibility of the authors is having permission from foundations related to their articles.

     Authors must give permission to edit of the articles for more legibility.

     Authors are expected to explain briefly about their financial supporters in implementation and provision of their research process.

     The authors must sign the ethical obligation form from the link.

     In open access journals authors have the ownership of their articles but they also permit everyone to download, print and distribution.

     All authors of an article must accept that the responsible author will take responsibility to forthcoming corrections.

     If the authors discover any errors in their articles, they must inform the scientific editor of the journal immediately.

     Since plagiarism is a major and non ethical wrongdoing, All authors must know that articles may be Investigated by Plagiarism software.

     All authors must study the conditions of article sending process of the journal.

     If no answer about correcting the articles are received from authors in a specified time period or if the authors retake their articles after sending them to be evaluated or sending articles to other journals simultaneously, the name of the authors will be put in blacklist for the action of wasting time of all practitioners of the journal to avoid repeating the same action in the future.


     Reporting the findings

     Responsible authors are responsible for all contents of their articles. Authors are obligated to report their findings completely and make special precision in presenting and interpreting them. Articles must have sufficient references and details so that access to total data to repeat similar researches can be possible. Vague statements are non ethical and are unacceptable.


     Examples of violation of the publication ethical principles

     Scientific theft: Plagiarism means deliberately usage of articles or personal ideas of other person even usage of a single sentence of other person or his or her own previous sentences without citation of references is a theft.

    Plagiarism Either from other person or from the authors is a non ethical publication behavior and unacceptable. All presented articles to the journal are being investigated by plagiarism software.

     Responsible authors must assure that all contents of articles are derived from the researches of the authors and specify the origins of data.


     Data making and distortion

     Data making means that a researcher practically has not studied but presents data and conclusions. Distortion happens when a researcher has studied but changes the data and conclusions.


     Non simultaneously publication of an article or an accepted and published article

     Simultaneously sending of an article to multiple journals and published or accepted one to other journals is illegal.

     Simultaneously sending means an article is sent to two journals.

     Duplicate sending happens when two or more articles have same hypotheses, data and conclusions.

     Repeated sending means division of study to multiple articles and sending them.


     Suitable referencing, Referencing is including all books journals and Internet sites and other researches.

     Manipulation of references, Happens when an article has numerous references at its end while there are no citations of them in the content.


      Authorship and specification of responsible author and colleagues in article and precision to avoid existing non related authors

     Incorrect sharing of other authors: All authors must have worked on the article.

     All authors that mentioned in an article must cooperate on it and are responsible to their conclusions.

     Validity and privileges of authorship must be shared based on activities of the authors. Authors must take responsibility of their articles. Responsible authors who send articles to the journal must send a copy of contents to other authors and get their satisfaction about sending and publishing of their articles.


     Acknowledgment: Authors must mention the foundations or individuals who are affected on their researches and gratitude of them also financial supporters must be mentioned in the articles.


     Opposition of benefits: Authors are obligated to explain any opposition of benefits that affects on the results of their articles or on interpretation of data.


     Mentioning financial supporters

     Authors must introduce all their financial supporters.


     Information about probable danger existence for human or other live creatures

     Article corrections If authors find any major mistake or non precision in their articles, they must inform the editor-in-chief and cooperate to correct that mistake.

     Omitting or adding names or changing the order of authors and also changing responsible authors after acceptance is illegal. If editor-in-chief or publisher finds a major mistake in a published article by other people except its main author, the main author must correct this mistake and inform the editor-in-chief about the accuracy of the article.

     The journal is authorized to accept or reject, to summarize or correct the accepted articles and will not send back the articles.


     License terms: All contents of the journal are accessible for non commercial proposes and users are permitted to use information of the articles just by mentioning their references.


     Open access policy: By launching an integrating management system for journals in Islamic azad University, Tabriz branch, all articles of “periodical journal of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism development” are available online without a charge.

     We believe that open access to conclusions will help world wide scientific exchanges and therefore obligated to online open access policy to the articles of the journal to create opportunities for researchers to publish their articles and access to other articles without a charge.



     Authors obligated to give the all rights to “periodical journal of interdisciplinary of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism development” permanently and will have no claim. It must be mentioned that authors can copy and present their articles just by mentioning the references.


    Receiving article originality obligation form


     Receiving opposition of benefits from for the authors of “periodical journal of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism development” ,Islamic azad University, Tabriz branch.