The Effectiveness of Teaching Psychological Resilience on Positive and Negative Affect and Life Satisfaction in Adolescence
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولیAli Khodaei 1 * , Hussein Zare 2
1 - PhD
Payam Noor University of Kurdistan
2 - PhD
Payam Noor University of Tehran
Keywords: life satisfaction, affective well-being, adolescents, Psychological Resilience,
Abstract :
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of teaching psychological resilience on positive and negative affect and life satisfaction in adolescence. The research methodology was quasi-experimental with an experimental group and pretest-posttest control group design and a 2 month follow-up stage. 50 adolescent girls and their mothers were selected via convenience sampling method. The girls were from a high school in Tehran. The psychological resilience training program (Steinhardt and Dolbier, 2008) was taught to the mothers of the experimental group by group training in a weekly two-hour session for seven weeks, and the adolescents in 2 groups responded in 3 stages to the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985). Data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measure. The results showed that the psychological resilience training program for mothers had an effect on positive and negative affect, and life satisfaction of their adolescents, and the effect has remained intact in the follow-up stage. The psychological resilience program can lead to mental immunity by enhancing positive thinking, emotional management skills, and self-empowering cognitive interpretations, and decreasing self-destructive cognitive interpretations and eventually by improving interpersonal skills among adolescents.
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