Future Time Perspective and Academic Achievement: Mediating Role of Long-term Self-regulation and Perceived Task Instrumentality
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولیMohsen Afshari 1 * , Meysam Shirzadifard 2 , Reza Ghorban Jahromi 3
1 - PhD in
Educational Psychology
2 - PhD candidate in
Educational Psychology
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University
Science and Research Branch, Tehran
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Self-regulation, perceived instrumentality, future time perspective,
Abstract :
this study was conducted to examine the mediating role of self-regulation and perceived task instrumentality in the relationship between future time perspective and academic achievement. Five hundred and seventy two senior high school students were selected from Karaj in academic year 2015-2016 by stratified proportional sampling. The participants completed the Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS; Husman & Shell, 2008), the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI; Moilanen, 2007) and the Perceived Instrumentality Scale (PIS; Miller et al.1999). Academic achievement were assessed through the average scores of three core subjects including physics, chemistry and biology. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that the theoretical model fitted well to the data. Valence related to academic achievement directly and indirectly through perceived instrumentality. Speed related to academic achievement directly and indirectly through long-term self-regulation. Connection related to academic achievement indirectly through long-term self-regulation and perceived instrumentality. The findings suggested that future time perspective related to academic achievement both directly and indirectly through self-regulation and perceived instrumentality.
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