The Contribution of Hope and Expectancy of Treatment on Clients’ Improvement Feeling
Subject Areas : Clinical psychology
Farah LotfiKashani
Shahram Vaziri
Shokoh Sadat Mohammadi
1 - Associate Professor
Islamic Azad University
Roudehen Branch
Roudehen, Iran
2 - Associate Professor
Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch
Roudehen, Iran
3 - MA in Clinical Psychology
Keywords: hope and expectancy of treatment, improvement feeling,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of hope and expectancy of treatment on clients’ improvement feeling. For this purpose, in a descriptive study, 160 clients who had completed at least two sessions of psychotherapy were selected by purposive sampling method from psychotherapy and counseling centers in Tehran. They were then tested by Subjective Units of Hope and Expectancy of Treatment and Improvement Questionnaire. The results of multivariate regression analysis showed that hope and expectancy explained 93.5, 87.3, 93.1, and 90.9 percent of the variance respectively in improvement feeling, symptom distress, interpersonal relationships and social-role functioning. This study confirmed the significant contribution of hope and expectancy of treatment on clients’ improvement feeling
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