Description and Comparison of the Lived Experience of Adults in the First and Second Peaks of Covid-19 Pandemic
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Nikoo Pishkari
Zahra Abdekhodaie
1 - MA Student in Psychology
Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
2 - PhD
Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
Keywords: quarantine, Lived experience, COVID-19, Pandemic,
Abstract :
This study aimed to describe and compare the lived experience of adults in the first and second peaks of Covid-19 pandemic. The research design was descriptive with qualitive phenomenological approach. 14 participants were selected by purposive sampling method. They were interviewed in depth at two stages and during two peaks of coronavirus infection in Iran. Results were analyzed by using Colaizzi’s method and data were collected after 12 interviews but it was continued to 14 people to ensure. The results related to first peak were summarized in 6 main clusters and 17 sub-clusters. Main clusters included exposure to Corona, individuals' concerns, attitudes and evaluations of Corona experience, coping strategies, Corona and quarantine effects, and Corona and family. The clusters related to the second peak were similar to the first peak, and only the “first exposure to Corona” sub-cluster was eliminated in second peak. Results showed that in the first peak, people used more emotional strategies for coping with crisis while they experienced fear and conflict with individual and social challenges. However, through time, quarantine was turned into an opportunity for creating of a new lifestyle this was the most important achievement and was used for individual change and growth.
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