Designing and Developing a Questionnaire of Academic Stability among Elementary School Students
Subject Areas : Educational PsychologyShahla Babaei 1 , Gholamreza Golmohammad Nazhad Bahrami 2 * , Behboud Yarigholi 3 , Parvin Bahari 4
1 - MA in Educational Research, Department of Educational Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Science, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. Tabriz, Iran
4 - M. A in Educational Research, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
Keywords: reliability, validity, academic stability,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to design and develop a questionnaire of academic stability among elementary school students. The research method was Mixed Method with an Exploratory Sequential Design (Tool compilation model). The participants in the qualitative section were 25 persons who were selected by purposive sampling from university lecturers of educational sciences, teachers, elementary school students and parents of students. The population of research in the quantitative section was all of elementary students in Marivan city, of which 373 persons were selected with using proportional stratified random sampling method. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed by qualitative content analysis method and 238 codes were obtained that were summarized in the form of 5 main themes and 44 sub-themes. In order to analyze criterion validity, first the correlation of each item with the criterion was calculated and 38 items were omitted. Then, the correlation of the scores of questionnaire with the criterion was calculated, which was significant at the level of 0.01. The construct validity of the questionnaire was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis. The result of the analysis showed that six factors explain a total of 68.442% of the total variance of the questionnaire. Also, Cronbach's alpha was 0.883 for the total questionnaire and 0.901, 0.841, 0.855, 0.740, 0.577 and 0.600 respectively for each of the components. In general, the results showed that the academic stability questionnaire with 23 items has high validity and reliability in order to assessment and predict the amount of academic stability in elementary school students.
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Abesha, A. G. (2012). Effects of Parenting Styles, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Motivation on the Academic Achievement of University Students in Ethiopia by.
Batool, S. S. (2020). Academic achievement: Interplay of positive parenting, self‐esteem, and academic procrastination. Australian Journal of Psychology, 72(2): 174-187.
Berk, R. A. (2018). Grit 2.0: A review with strategies to deal with disappointment, rejection, and failure. The Journal of Faculty Development, 32(2): 91-104.
Broghammer, S. M. (2017). Grit as a Predictor of Academic Success for First-Time Undergraduate Students.
Di Giunta, L., Alessandri, G., Gerbino, M., Kanacri, P. L., Zuffiano, A., & Caprara, G. V. (2013). The determinants of scholastic achievement: The contribution of personality traits, self-esteem and academic self-efficacy. Learning and individual Differences, 27, 102-108.
Erdogdu, M. Y. (2019). The Mediating Role of School Engagement in the Relationship between Attitude toward Learning and Academic Achievement. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 7(2): 75-81.
Ghasemi Vajargah, Z., & Fazli, S. (2021). Studying the Effect of Student Gritty Features on the Success of E-Learning Systems with Using McLean and Delone Model (Case Study: Electronic Training Center of Guilan University). Journal of Management and Planning in Educational System, 13(2): 299-326. doi: 10.52547/mpes.13.2.299 [In Persian]
Hansson, S. O., & Helgesson, G. (2003). What is stability. Synthese, 136(2): 219-235.
Hewitt, D. B., Chung, J. W., Ellis, R. J., Cheung, E. O., Moskowitz, J. T., Hu, Y. Y., & Bilimoria, K. Y. (2021). National Evaluation of Surgical Resident Grit and the Association Withe Wellness Outcomes. JAMA surgery, 156(9): 856-863.
hosseni, M., zoghi paidar, M. R., & rashid, K. (2018). The roles of grit and intelligence in predicting students' academic Achievement. Biquarterly Journal of Cognitive Strategies in Learning, 6(11): 233-248. doi: 10.22084/j.psychogy.2018.16198.1753 [In Persian]
Hwang, M. H., Lim, H. J., & Ha, H. S. (2018). Effects of grit on the academic success of adult female students at Korean Open University. Psychological reports, 121(4): 705-725.
Kaiser, H. F. (1960). The application of electronic computers to factor analysis. Educational and psychological measurement, 20(1), 141-151.
Karabenick, S. A. (2014). Classroom and technology supported help-seeking: The need for converging research paradigms. Learning and instruction, 21, 290-296.
Lei, H., Cui, Y., & Zhou, W. (2018). Relationships between student engagement and academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 64(3): 517-528.
Ma, X. (2001). Stability of school academic performance across subject area, Journal of Educational Measurement, 38(1):1-18.
Misra, R., & McKean, M. (2000). College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction. American journal of Health studies, 16(1): 41.
Mohabi Nuruddinvand, M., Mushtaghi, S., & Shahbazi, M. (2011). Relationship between Family Emotional Climate and Development of Social Skills and Achievement of Students Primary. Research in Curriculum Planning, 8(30): 84-93 [In Persian].
Mohammadi, N., Shamsi, A., Abbasian, M., & Salimi, M. (2014). The relationship between time management and its effect on students' academic progress. International Conference on Management Economics and Social Sciences, [In Persian].
Moradian, J., Alipour, S., & Shehni Yailagh, M. (2021). The causal relationship between parenting styles and academic performance mediated by the role of academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation in the students. Journal of Family Psychology, 1(1): 63-74 [In Persian].
Newman, R. S. (2008). The motivational role of adaptive help seeking in self-regulated learning. Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications, 315-337.
Postigo, A., Cuesta, M., Fernández-Alonso, R., García-Cueto, E., & Muniz, J. (2021). Temporal stability of grit and school performance in adolescents: A longitudinal perspective. Psicología Educativa. Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación, 27(1): 77-84.
Rimfeld, K., Malanchini, M., Krapohl, E., Hannigan, L. J., Dale, P. S., & Plomin, R. (2018). The stability of educational achievement across school years is largely explained by genetic factors. NPJ science of learning, 3(1), 1-10.
Sabouri, H., Givarian, H., & haghshenas Kashani, F. (2021). «Explaining the pattern of policy-making process in the Iranian education system». Educational researches, 16(66): 175-190 [In Persian].
Strauss, A., & Corbin, M. (2018). Basic of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Grounded Theory. Translation by: Ebrahim Afshar, Tehran, Nashr [In Persian].
Tang, X., Upadyaya, K., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2021). School burnout and psychosocial problems among adolescents: grit as a resilience factor. Journal of Adolescence, 86, 77-89.
Teimouri, Y., Plonsky, L., & Tabandeh, F. (2020). L2 grit: Passion and perseverance for second-language learning. Language Teaching Research, 1362168820921895.
Tinto, V. (1975). Dropout from higher education: A theoretical synthesis of recent research. Review of Educational research, 45(1): 89-125.
Wang, Y., Huebner, E. S., & Tian, L. (2021). Parent-child cohesion, self-esteem, and academic achievement: The longitudinal relations among elementary school students. Learning and Instruction, 73, 101467.
Xing, X., & Gordon, H. R. (2021). Mediating effects of school engagement between high school on-time completion and career and technical education. Vocations and Learning, 14(1): 1-21.
Yousefi, N., & Pariyad, M. (2020). The relationship between family emotional climate and epistemological beliefs with academic performance among fourth year high school students in Bukan. Journal of School Psychology, 9(3), 307-324. doi: 10.22098/jsp.2020.1078 [In Persian]
_||_استراوس، انسلم.، کربین، جولیت (1397). مبانی پژوهش کیفی: فنون و مراحل تولید نظریه زمینهای. ترجمه: ابراهیم افشار، تهران، نشر نی، چاپ هفتم.
حسینی، محیا.، ذوقی پایدار، محمد رضا و رشید، خسرو. (1397). نقش ثبات قدم و هوش در پیشبینی پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان. دو فصلنامه راهبردهای شناختی دریادگیری، 6(11)، 233-249.
صبوری، حامد.، گیوریان، حسن و حقشناس کاشانی، فریده. (1400). تبیین الگوی فرایند خط مشیگذاری در نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران. فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه تربیتی، 16(66)، 190-175.
قاسمی واجارگاه، زینب و فضلی، صفر. (1399). بررسی تأثیر ویژگی ثبات قدم دانشجویان در موفقیت سیستمهای یادگیری الکترونیک با استفاده از مدل مکلین و دلون (مورد مطالعه: مرکزآموزشهای الکترونیک دانشگاه گیلان). مدیریت و برنامه ریزی در نظام های آموزشی، 13(2)، 326-299.
محبی نورالدینوند، محمدحسین.، مشتاقی، سعید و شهبازی، مسعود. (1390). رابطه بین جو عاطفی خانواده با رشد مهارتهای اجتماعی و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشآموزان پسر و دختر پایههای چهارم و پنجم ابتدایی شهرستان مسجد سلیمان. پژوهش در برنامه ریزی درسی، 8(30)، 84-93.
محمدی، نازنین.، شمسی، علی، عباسیان، محمدرضا و سلیمی، محمدحسین. (1394). رابطه بین مدیریت زمان و تأثیر آن بر پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان. کنفرانس بین المللی اقتصاد مدیریت و علوم اجتماعی.
مرادیان، جلال.، عالیپور، سیروس و شهنی ییلاق، منیجه. (1393). رابطه علی بین سبکهای فرزندپروری و عملکرد تحصیلی با واسطه خودکارآمدی تحصیلی و انگیزه پیشرفت. دوفصلنامه روانشناسی خانواده، 1(1)، 63-74.
یوسفی، ناصر و پاریاد، محمد. (1399). بررسی رابطه جو عاطفی خانواده و باورهای معرفتشناختی با عملکرد تحصیلی در میان دانشآموزان سال چهارم دبیرستان شهرستان بوکان. روان شناسی مدرسه، 9(3)، 307-324.
Abesha, A. G. (2012). Effects of Parenting Styles, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Motivation on the Academic Achievement of University Students in Ethiopia by.
Batool, S. S. (2020). Academic achievement: Interplay of positive parenting, self‐esteem, and academic procrastination. Australian Journal of Psychology, 72(2): 174-187.
Berk, R. A. (2018). Grit 2.0: A review with strategies to deal with disappointment, rejection, and failure. The Journal of Faculty Development, 32(2): 91-104.
Broghammer, S. M. (2017). Grit as a Predictor of Academic Success for First-Time Undergraduate Students.
Di Giunta, L., Alessandri, G., Gerbino, M., Kanacri, P. L., Zuffiano, A., & Caprara, G. V. (2013). The determinants of scholastic achievement: The contribution of personality traits, self-esteem and academic self-efficacy. Learning and individual Differences, 27, 102-108.
Erdogdu, M. Y. (2019). The Mediating Role of School Engagement in the Relationship between Attitude toward Learning and Academic Achievement. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 7(2): 75-81.
Ghasemi Vajargah, Z., & Fazli, S. (2021). Studying the Effect of Student Gritty Features on the Success of E-Learning Systems with Using McLean and Delone Model (Case Study: Electronic Training Center of Guilan University). Journal of Management and Planning in Educational System, 13(2): 299-326. doi: 10.52547/mpes.13.2.299 [In Persian]
Hansson, S. O., & Helgesson, G. (2003). What is stability. Synthese, 136(2): 219-235.
Hewitt, D. B., Chung, J. W., Ellis, R. J., Cheung, E. O., Moskowitz, J. T., Hu, Y. Y., & Bilimoria, K. Y. (2021). National Evaluation of Surgical Resident Grit and the Association Withe Wellness Outcomes. JAMA surgery, 156(9): 856-863.
hosseni, M., zoghi paidar, M. R., & rashid, K. (2018). The roles of grit and intelligence in predicting students' academic Achievement. Biquarterly Journal of Cognitive Strategies in Learning, 6(11): 233-248. doi: 10.22084/j.psychogy.2018.16198.1753 [In Persian]
Hwang, M. H., Lim, H. J., & Ha, H. S. (2018). Effects of grit on the academic success of adult female students at Korean Open University. Psychological reports, 121(4): 705-725.
Kaiser, H. F. (1960). The application of electronic computers to factor analysis. Educational and psychological measurement, 20(1), 141-151.
Karabenick, S. A. (2014). Classroom and technology supported help-seeking: The need for converging research paradigms. Learning and instruction, 21, 290-296.
Lei, H., Cui, Y., & Zhou, W. (2018). Relationships between student engagement and academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 64(3): 517-528.
Ma, X. (2001). Stability of school academic performance across subject area, Journal of Educational Measurement, 38(1):1-18.
Misra, R., & McKean, M. (2000). College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction. American journal of Health studies, 16(1): 41.
Mohabi Nuruddinvand, M., Mushtaghi, S., & Shahbazi, M. (2011). Relationship between Family Emotional Climate and Development of Social Skills and Achievement of Students Primary. Research in Curriculum Planning, 8(30): 84-93 [In Persian].
Mohammadi, N., Shamsi, A., Abbasian, M., & Salimi, M. (2014). The relationship between time management and its effect on students' academic progress. International Conference on Management Economics and Social Sciences, [In Persian].
Moradian, J., Alipour, S., & Shehni Yailagh, M. (2021). The causal relationship between parenting styles and academic performance mediated by the role of academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation in the students. Journal of Family Psychology, 1(1): 63-74 [In Persian].
Newman, R. S. (2008). The motivational role of adaptive help seeking in self-regulated learning. Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications, 315-337.
Postigo, A., Cuesta, M., Fernández-Alonso, R., García-Cueto, E., & Muniz, J. (2021). Temporal stability of grit and school performance in adolescents: A longitudinal perspective. Psicología Educativa. Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación, 27(1): 77-84.
Rimfeld, K., Malanchini, M., Krapohl, E., Hannigan, L. J., Dale, P. S., & Plomin, R. (2018). The stability of educational achievement across school years is largely explained by genetic factors. NPJ science of learning, 3(1), 1-10.
Sabouri, H., Givarian, H., & haghshenas Kashani, F. (2021). «Explaining the pattern of policy-making process in the Iranian education system». Educational researches, 16(66): 175-190 [In Persian].
Strauss, A., & Corbin, M. (2018). Basic of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Grounded Theory. Translation by: Ebrahim Afshar, Tehran, Nashr [In Persian].
Tang, X., Upadyaya, K., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2021). School burnout and psychosocial problems among adolescents: grit as a resilience factor. Journal of Adolescence, 86, 77-89.
Teimouri, Y., Plonsky, L., & Tabandeh, F. (2020). L2 grit: Passion and perseverance for second-language learning. Language Teaching Research, 1362168820921895.
Tinto, V. (1975). Dropout from higher education: A theoretical synthesis of recent research. Review of Educational research, 45(1): 89-125.
Wang, Y., Huebner, E. S., & Tian, L. (2021). Parent-child cohesion, self-esteem, and academic achievement: The longitudinal relations among elementary school students. Learning and Instruction, 73, 101467.
Xing, X., & Gordon, H. R. (2021). Mediating effects of school engagement between high school on-time completion and career and technical education. Vocations and Learning, 14(1): 1-21.
Yousefi, N., & Pariyad, M. (2020). The relationship between family emotional climate and epistemological beliefs with academic performance among fourth year high school students in Bukan. Journal of School Psychology, 9(3), 307-324. doi: 10.22098/jsp.2020.1078 [In Persian]