A Comparative Analysis of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Different Motivational Profiles: A Person-Centered Approach
Subject Areas : Instructional Excellence of managementmohammad setayeshiazhari 1 * , mohammadesmail zand 2 , Maryam Shabani 3
1 - KHU
2 - IUA
3 - Hoda Univesity
Keywords: Self-regulated learning strategies, Motivational profile, Cluster analysis, Male students.,
Abstract :
Motivation is one of the key factors in improving students' performance. In this regard, the aim of the present study was to determine students' motivational profiles using a person-centered approach and to compare self-regulated learning strategies based on these profiles. This research is a descriptive-causal comparative study. A total of 186 male students from the first secondary school level in Qom completed Elliot and McGregor's Achievement Goal Orientation Scale and Pintrich and De Groot's Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Scale.
Data analysis was conducted using cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) through SPSS software. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, three motivational clusters were identified for the students: 26.3% were in the amotivation cluster, 48.9% were in the multiple motivation cluster, and 24.3% were in the mastery-performance oriented cluster. Self-regulated learning strategies in the amotivation cluster were lower
than those in the other clusters (P<0.001). As a result, these findings can assist educational authorities in designing intervention programs to enhance or maintain students' motivation throughout their academic years.
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