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    Organizational structure of Interdisciplinary Journal of Health and Psychology


    Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Director in charge:

    Dr. Alireza Shokrgozar


    Prof. Hassan Ahadi

    Honorary members:

    Ali Montazeri , Professor of General Health and chancellor of Research Council of Health ACECR

    Shiva Dolatabadi, psychologist and president of the Iranian Psychological Association

    Hassan Ashayeri, neurologist and neuropsychologist, professor at Iran University of Medical Sciences

    Ahmed Mohit, psychiatrist and professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences

    Stefen Moritz, clinical psychologist, founder of metacognitive psychotherapy and professor at Hamburg University of Medical Sciences

    Esmat Danesh , Psychologist , Professor of Shahid Beheshti University

    Seyyed Mahmoud Mirzamani Bafghi, clinical psychologist and professor at Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Galina Alexandrovna Mishina , Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Member of the Expert

    Council on Psychology and Pedagogy of the Higher Certification Commission under the Ministry of

    Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation , Institute of Special Education (FGBNU ISE),

    Moscow, Russia.

    Mojtaba Habibi Asgarabad , Department of Psychology , Norwegian University of Science and


    Editorial Board:

    Hassan Haqhshanas, clinical psychologist and professor at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

    Seyed Behnameddin Jamei, anatomist and professor of Iran University of Medical Sciences

    Javad Khalatbari, psychologist and associate professor of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch

    Behrooz Dolatshahee, clinical psychologist and associate professor of the University of Rehabilitation Sciences and Social Health

    Alireza Rahimi, sports physiologist and associate professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Majid Safarinia, psychologist and professor at Payam Noor University in Tehran

    Alireza Kazemeini, general surgeon and colorectal fellowship and associate professor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences

    Manager: Saeid Malihialzackerini, health psychologist and assistant professor at the Islamic Azad University of Karaj

    Aَlireza Shokrgozar , MD. PhD , Health Psychologist and Assistant Professor at the Islamic Azad

    University of Karaj

    Saied Malihialzackerini, Health Psychologist and Assistant Professor at the Islamic Azad University of


    Scientific editors:

    Sharareh  Zaighmi , Saied Malihialzackerini , Mona Farhadi


    Scientific advisors:

    Mojtabi Ansari Shahidi, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Buyuk Tajeri, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Arezoo Tari Moradi, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Mona Daryaafzon, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Tahereh Ranjbaripour, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Sheida Sodagar, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Mohammad Reza Seirafi, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Sharareh Zaighami, Assistant Professor of the Department of Nursing, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch

    Mona Farhadi, microbiologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Raheleh Karampour, Medical and Developmental Psychologist , Vygotsky Institute , Moscow

    Homeira Mehrabi, assistant professor of nursing department of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Fatemeh Mohammadi Shirmahalleh, health psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Ahmad Yousefi, clinical psychologist and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch

    Executive group members:

    Sharareh zeighami , Saied Malihialzackerini , Helia Malihialzackerini


    English writing Editor:

    Helia Malihialzackerini (Trinity Western University - Vancouver)


    Design, and layout:

     Saied Malihialzackerini ,  Helia Malihialzackerini