Designing a Comparative Model of Managers and Employees Understanding the Role of the Impact of Human Resource Management Activities on Organizational Performance with the Mediating Role of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment and Staff Retention in Free Universities of Fars Province
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowermentadel koulak 1 * , hassan soltani 2
1 - دانشجو
2 - Department of Public Administration, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance, human resource management, employee retention,
Abstract :
.Background & Purpose: The purpose of this study was to present and test the comparative model of managers 'and employees' understanding of how human resource management activities affect organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational culture, organizational commitment and employee retention in open universities in Fars provinceMethodology: The research method was applied in terms of purpose and heuristic mixed method in terms of data collection. Participants in this study in the qualitative section included managers and qualified staff of free universities in Fars province, from which 10 people were selected using purposive sampling. Also, in the quantitative part, the statistical population of the study included all managers and staff (including faculty members) of free universities in Fars province. Using Morgan table and stratified random sampling method with proportional allocation of 357 people as Sample sizes were selectedFindings: The results of structural equation test showed that from the perspective of managers, the two variables of organizational culture and organizational commitment have a mediating and significant effect on the relationship between human resource management and organizational performance, but employee retention has no mediating effect on this relationshipConclusion: Also, it was found that from the perspective of employees, all three variables of organizational culture, organizational commitment and employee retention have a mediating and significant effect on the relationship between human resource management and organizational performance from the perspective of employees
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