Investigation the Contamination of Heavy Metals Lead, Cadmium and Arsenic in High Consumption Rice Samples of Anbarbo in Some Parts of Khuzestan Province
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyB. Shirzad 1 , N. Khakipour 2 *
1 - M. Sc. Graduated of the Department of Food Science, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Agriculture, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran.
Keywords: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Rice, Spectrophotometer (ICP),
Abstract :
Introduction: Heavy metal pollution, is one of the most important environmental problems and one of the concerns of food hygiene. Rice, especially white rice is the most important food in the diet of people in various asian countries and is the second staple food of the people of Iran.Materials and Methods: This study was designed to determine the concentrations of cadmium, lead and arsenic in Anbarboo rice samples in areas of Khoozestan province. Seven Anbarboo rice samples and samples of cultivated soils were collected. The samples were prepared and subjected to ICP apparatus to analyze and determine the concentrations of cadmium, lead and arsenic. The obtained data was analyzed by SPSS statistical software and compared with the national standard.Results: The results indicated that the mean concentrations of cadmium, lead and arsenic in the rice samples were 0.0292, 0.0075 and 0.0072 ppm respectively while the concentrations of these elements in the related soils were 0.0071, 187.09 and 16.110 ppm respectively.Conclusion: It is therefore concluded that the concentrations of studied elements in the Anbarboo rice samples were less than the concentration defined by the national standard. It also may be concluded that many factors namely the nature of the soil and irrigation might affect and the concentrations of these elements in the rice samples.
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Zhao, K., Fu, W., Ye, Z. & Zhang, C. (2015). Contamination and spatial variation of heavy metals in the soil-rice system in Nanxun County, Southeastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health, 12(2), 1577-1594.
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_||_Alloway, B. J. (2012). Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils and Their Bioavailability. Springer. Berlin.
Arao, T., Kawasaki, A., Mori, S. & Baba, K. (2010). Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soil and countermeasures in Japan. Paddy Water Environmental, 8, 47–257.
Ashja Ardalan, A., Salimi, L. & Khodadai, V. (2008) Determination of heavy metals (Hg, As, Cr, Pb, Zn, Cd) in fish muscle tissue and sediments of Babolrood river, the first national conference on environmental protection and planning [In Persian].
Atafar, Z., Mesdaghinia, A., Nouri, J., Homaee, M., Yunesian, M. & Ahmadimoghaddam, M. (2010). Effect of fertilizer application on soil heavy metal concentration. Environmental Monitoring Assess, 160(1), 83-89.
Bakhtiarian, A., Gholipour, M. & Ghazi- Khansari, M. (2001). Lead and cadmium content of korbal rice in Northern Iran. Iranian Journal Public Health, 30 (3-4), 129-132.
Banitahmasb, G. & Khakipour, N. (2017) Cadmium Contamination in Rice Cultivation in Savadkooh Region, North of Iran. Open
Journal of Soil Science, 7, 69-76. doi: 10.4236/ojss.2017.73005.
Bin, G. C. H., Wenbin, T., Mingxing, X., Chunlei, H., Hanqin, Y., Yicheng, L. & Qinglin, F. (2020). Health risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in a soil-rice system: a case study in the Jin-Qu Basin of China. 11490. nature communications.
Brent Clothier, R. B., Bolan, N.S., Mahimairaja, S., Greven, M., Moni, Ch. & Marchetti, M. (2004). Arsenic in the New Zealand environment. Australian New Zealand Soils Conference, 5-9 December, University of Sydney, Australia. [CDROM].
Budaghi, H., Younesian, M., Mahvi, A. H., Mohammadi, M. A., Dehghani, M. H. & Nazmara, Sh. (2011). Investigation of arsenic, cadmium and lead in soil and groundwater and its relationship with chemical fertilizer in paddy soil. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 21, 20-28 [In Persian].
Emam, Y. (2004). Cereal cultivation. Shiraz University Press. Investigation of Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in soil and groundwater and its relationship with chemical fertilizer in paddy soil [In Persian].
Gharachoorloo, M., Zulfiqar, A., Bayat, M. & Bahrami, F. (2019). Arsenic tracking in Iranian rice: Analysis of agricultural soil and water, unpolished rice and white rice. Journal of Food Biosciences and Technology, 9(1),19-34.
Hu, Y., Cheng, H. & Tao, S. (2016). The challenges and solutions for cadmium-contaminated rice in China: A critical review. Environmental International, 92–93, 515–532.
Jarup, L. (2003). Hazards of heavy metal contamination. Brit Med Bull. 68(1), 167.
Jung, M. C., Yun, S. T. & Lee, J. S. (2005). Baseline study on essential and trace elements in polished rice. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 27, 455.
Kabata-Pendias, A. (2000). Trace elements in soils and plants, 3rd edn. Newyork: CRC Press.
Kim, K. & Thornton, I. (1993). Influence of uraniferous black shales on cadmium, molybdenum and selenium in soils and crop plants in the Deog-Pyoun-g area of Korea. Environmental Geochemistry Health, 15, 119–133.
Lee, C. S., Li, X. & Shi, W. (2006). Metal contamination in urban, suburban, and country park soils of Hong.
Luo, L., Ma, Y., Zhang, S., Wei, D. & Zhu, Y. (2009). An inventory of trace element inputs to agricultural soils in China. Journal Environmental Management, 90, 2524–2530.
McCauley, A., Jones, C. & Jacobsen, J. (2009). Commercial fertilizers and soil amendments. Nutrition. Manage Module, 10, 4449-4410.
Malakooti, M. (1998). Achievements of Soil and Water Research Institute on Manure Manufacturing in Iran. Soil and Water Research Institute, Tehran-Iran [In Persian].
Sparks, D. L., Page, A. G., Helmke, P. A., Loeppert, R. H., Soltanpour, P. N., Tabatabai, Johnston, C. T. & Sumner, M. E. (1996). Methods of soil analysis, The Soil Science Society of America, Inc., American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
Molina, M., Aburto, F., Calderon, R., Cazanga, M. & Escudey, M. (2009). Trace element composition of selected fertilizers used in Chile: phosphorus fertilizers as a source of long term soil contamination. Taylor & Francis, 18(4), 497-511.
Mosaferi, F., Ahmadi, M., Poor Ramezani, F. & Abedi Arani, M. (2018). Investigation of heavy metal content including lead, arsenic and cadmium in imported rice of Hormozgan province in 2016-2017. Journal of Preventive Medicine, 5 (2), 65-73 [In Persian].Mubaraki, A. R., Mirkazahi, A. & Safarzaie, A. (2014). Evaluation of cadmium, lead and arsenic in Pakistani white rice samples in Zahedan, 21st National Congress of Food Science and Technology of Iran, Shiraz University [In Persian].Naqdipour, E. & Fazlara, A. (2017). Comparison of Iranian rice in terms of heavy metals, the 3rd International Conference on Iranian Food Industry, [In Persian].
Norton, G. J., Williams, P. N. & Adomako, E. E. (2014). Lead in rice: Analysis of baseline lead levels in market and field collected rice grains. Science of the Total Environment, 485–486, 428–434.
Polizzotto, M. L., Kocar, B. D., Benner, S. G., Sampson, M. & Fendorf, S. (2008). Near-surface wetland sediments as a source of arsenic release to ground water in Asia. Nature, 454(7203), 505-508.
Rezaian Attar, F. & Hesari, J. (2014). Investigation of contamination of high consumption imported rice in Tabriz with metallic contaminants of cadmium, lead and arsenic, Journal of Food Industry Research, 23(4) [In Persian].
Watanabe, T., Shimbo, S., Moon, C. S., Zhang, Z. W. & Ikeda, M. (1996). Cadmium contents in rice samples from various areas in the world. Science of the Total Environment, 184, 191-196.
Zarcinas, B. A., Pongsakul, P., McLaughlin, M. J. & Cozens, G. (2004). Heavy metals in soils and crops in Southeast Asia, Thailand. Environmental Geochemistry Health, 26(4), 359-371.
Zazouli, M. A., Shokrzadeh, M., Izanloo, H. & Fathi, S. (2008). Cadmium content in rice and its daily intake in Ghaemshahr region of Iran. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(20), 3686-3689.
Zazouli, M., Mohseni, A., Ebrahimi, M. & lzanloo, H. (2010). Investigation of Cadmium and Lead contents in Iranian rice cultivated in Babol region, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22, 2, 1369-1376.
Zeng, F., Mao, Y., Cheng, W., Wu, F. & Zhang, G. (2008). Genotypic and environmental variation in Chromium, Cadmium and Lead concentrations in rice. Environmental Pollution. 153(2), 309-314.
Zhao, K., Fu, W., Ye, Z. & Zhang, C. (2015). Contamination and spatial variation of heavy metals in the soil-rice system in Nanxun County, Southeastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health, 12(2), 1577-1594.
Zueng, Z. S. (1989). Cadmium and Lead contamination of soils, rice plants, and surface water in Northern Taiwan. Soil and Fertility. in Taiwan. 39-47.
Zukowska, J. & Biziuk, M. (2010). Methodological evaluation of method for dietary heavy metal intake. Journal of Food Science, 73, 21–29.