The Effect of Enzyme-Based Improver on the Rheological Properties and Gluten Quality of Dough Obtained from Flour with Weak Gluten Index Bread
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyM. Sarparast 1 , B. Ghiassi Tarzi 2 *
1 - M.Sc. Graduated of the Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Bread Dough, Glucose Oxidase, Gluten Index, Phospholipase, Transglutaminase,
Abstract :
Introduction: In recent years, the quality of Iranian bread has been drastically reduced. One of the reasons is the poor quality of gluten that has been produced from domestic wheat flour, which should be improved by special methods. Materials and Methods: In this research, combination of three enzymes consisting of transglutaminase, glucose oxidase and phospholipase was used. In order to select the best combination of these three enzymes, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) optimal design was applied. The rheological properties of the dough were measured by Mixolab. The gluten index response was evaluated by centrifuging wet gluten for all the samples examined. Results: The results indicated that by increasing glucose oxidase and phospholipase enzymes simultaneously, the dough development time (C1) had a significant increase (p < 0.01), which indicates the synergistic effect of these two enzymes on C1 of the samples. Also, by increasing the level of transglutaminase enzyme, the dough development time, required torque for breaking the protein network (C2) and water absorption had a significant increase (p < 0.05( which indicates the positive effect of this enzyme on the improvement of rheological properties of the dough. Gluten index also had a significant increase with the increase of the(p < 0.01) and glucose oxidase concentrations (p < 0.05) that indicates the conversion of soft gluten with a high elasticity to tight gluten with desirable elasticity. Conclusion: It is therefore concluded that the optimum concentrations of the enzymes were 30 ppm for transglutaminase, 15 ppm for glucose oxidase, and 13.16 ppm for phospholipase.
AACC. (1999). American Association of Cereal Chemists. approved methods (10th ed.). St. Paul, MN: AACC International.
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Niu, M., Hou, G. G., Kindelspire, J., Krishnan, P. & Zhao, S. (2016). Microstructural, textural, and sensory properties of whole-wheat noodle modified by enzymes and emulsifiers. Food Chemistry, 223, 16–24.
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Whitehurst, R. & Oort, M. (2010). Enzymes
in food technology. Wiley Black Well publication, Second edition, PP.119-120.
AACC. (1999). American Association of Cereal Chemists. approved methods (10th ed.). St. Paul, MN: AACC International.
Aja, S., Perez, G. & Rosell, C. M. (2004). Wheat damage by Aelia spp. and Eurygaster spp. Effects on gluten and water-soluble compounds released by gluten hydrolysis. Journal of Cereal Science 39, 187-193.
Autio, K., Kruus, K., Knaapila, A., Gerber, N., Flander, L. & Buchert, J. (2005). Kinetics of transglutaminase-induced cross-linking of wheat proteins in dough. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(4), 1039-1045.
Babaee-aminlouee, H. & Salehifar, M. (2015). Effect of Microbial Transglutaminase and Sodium Caseinate on Restoring Damaged Gluten Network from Insect Damaged Wheat Flour. Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 14, 63-72 [In Persian].
Bonet, A., Rosell, C. M., Caballero, P. A., Gómez, M., Pérez-Munuera, I. & Lluch, M. A. (2006). Glucose oxidase effect on dough rheology and bread quality: a study from macroscopic to molecular level. Food Chemistry, 99(2), 408-415.
Bonfil, D. J. & Posner, E. S. (2012). Can bread wheat quality be determined by gluten index?. Journal of Cereal Science, 56 ,115-118.
Codina, G. G., Mironeasa, S., Bordei, D. & Leahu, A. (2010). Mixolab Versus Alveograph and Falling Number. Czech Journal of Food Science, 28,185-191.
Colakoglu, A. & Özkaya, H. (2012). Potential use of exogenous lipases for DATEM replacement to modify the rheological and thermal properties of wheat flour dough. Journal of Cereal Science, 55, 397-404.
Chaffarczyk, M., Østdal, H. & Koehler, P. (2014). Lipases in wheat breadmaking: analysis and functional effects of lipid reaction products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(32), 8229-8237.
Dhaka, V., Gulia, N. & Khatkar, B. S. (2012). Application of Mixolab to Assessthe Bread Making Quality of Wheat. Open Access Scientific Reports, 1,1-8.
Gerrard, J. A., Fayle, S. E., Wilson, A. J., Newberry, M. P., Ross, M. & Kavale, S. (1998). Dough properties and crumb strength of white pan bread as affected by microbial transglutaminase. Journal of Food Science, 63, 472-475.
Hanft, F. & Koehler, P. (2006). Studies on the effect of glucose oxidase in bread making. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(11), 1699-1704.
Huang, W. N., Yuan, Y. L., Kim, Y. S. & Chung, O. K. (2008). Effects of transglutaminase on rheology, microstructure, and baking properties of frozen dough. Cereal Chemistry, 85(3), 301-306.
Huang, W., Li, L., Wang, F., Wan, J., Tilley, M., Ren, Ch. & Wu, S. (2010). Effects of transglutaminase on the rheological and Mixolab thermomechanical characteristics of oat dough. Food Chemistry,121, 934-939.
Joye, I. J., Lagrain, B. & Delcour, J. A. (2009). Use of chemical redox agents and exogenous enzymes to modify the protein network during breadmaking–a review. Journal of Cereal Science, 50(1), 11-21.
Kuraishi, C., Yamazaki, K. & Susa, Y. (2001). Transglutaminase: its utilization in the food industry. Food Reviews International, 17 (2), 221-246.
Larre, C., Denery-papini, S., Popineau, Y., Deshayes, G., Desserme, C. & Lefebvre J. (2000). Biochemical analysis and rheological properties of gluten modified by transglutaminase. Cereal Chemistry, 77, 32-38.
Leszczyńska, J., Łącka, A. & Bryszewska, M. (2006). The use of transglutaminase in the reduction of immunoreactivity of wheat flour. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 17(2), 105-113.
Miguel, Â. S. M., Martins-Meyer, T. S., da
Costa Figueiredo, É. V., Lobo, B. W. P. & Dellamora-Ortiz, G. M. (2013). Enzymes in bakery: current and future trends. 287-321. DOI: 10.5772/53168
Moayedallaie, S., Mirzaei, M. & Paterson, J. (2010). Bread improvers: Comparison of a range of lipase with a traditional emulsifier. Food Chemistry,122, 495-499.
Ndayishimiye, J., Huang, W., Wang, F., Chen, Y., Letsididi, R., Duarte, P., Ndahetuye, J. & Tang, X. (2015). Rheological and functional properties of composite sweet potato – wheat dough as affected by transglutaminase and ascorbic acid. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53, 1178-1188.
Niu, M., Hou, G. G., Kindelspire, J., Krishnan, P. & Zhao, S. (2016). Microstructural, textural, and sensory properties of whole-wheat noodle modified by enzymes and emulsifiers. Food Chemistry, 223, 16–24.
Salehifar, M. & Shafisoltani, M. & Hashemi, M. (2011). Evaluation of the effect of using glucose oxidase and xylanase enzymes on Toast bread flours characteristics. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43,133-147 [In Persian].
Steffolani, M. E., Ribotta, P. D., Pérez, G. T. & León, A. E. (2010). Effect of glucose oxidase, transglutaminase, and pentosanase on wheat proteins: Relationship with dough properties and bread-making quality. Journal of Cereal Science, 51(3), 366-373.
Tang, L., Yang, R., Hua, X., Yu, CH., Zhang, W. & Zhao, W. (2014). Preparation of immobilized glucose oxidase and its application in improving bread making quality of commercial wheat flour. Food Chemistry, 161, 1-7.
Tebben, L., Shen, Y. & Li, Y. (2018). Improvers and functional ingredients in whole wheat bread: A review of their effects on dough properties and bread quality. Food Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2018.08.015
Teimouri, Sh. (2016). New technologies in assessment of flour and paste rheological properties. Jahesh publication, First edition PP.59-100 [In Persian].
Tilley, K. A., Benjamin, R. E., Bagorogoza, K. E., Okot-Kotber, B. M., Prakash, O. & Kwen, H. (2001). Tyrosine cross-links: molecular basis of gluten structure and function. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, 49(5), 2627-2632.
Whitehurst, R. & Oort, M. (2010). Enzymes
in food technology. Wiley Black Well publication, Second edition, PP.119-120.