Investigating the qualitative, physicochemical characteristics and shelf-life of Agaricus bisporus using citric acid and calcium chloride
Subject Areas : NegahE. Danaee 1 * , Mohammad Ghandali 2
1 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Horticulture, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
2 - Department of Horticultural Sciences, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: Calcium chloride, Citric acid, Enzyme activity, Shelf life,
Abstract :
Agaricus bisporus has a high nutritional value, but due to the lack of a natural protective coating, it quickly loses its edible quality, the use of citric acid as an anti-aging antioxidant and calcium chloride due to the role of calcium ions in the strength of the cell wall, it can maintain the quality and shelf life, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of citric acid and calcium chloride on qualitative, physicochemical characteristics and shelf life of Agaricus bisporus. This research was carried out in a completely randomized design including two factors of dipping with citric acid (0,1.5 and 3mM), calcium chloride (0,1 and 2%) and interaction effects and postharvest shelf life (start experiment, 4, 8 and 12 days) were performed in 3 replicates, the mushrooms were dipping for 2 minutes, then they were kept at 4°C and they were transferred to the laboratory. The results showed that on the twelfth day of storage citric acid(CA)1.5mM+calcium chloride(CaCl2)2%The lowest weight loss, ion leakage and browning index was observed, and the highest degree cap closure, amount of soluble solid, activity of POX and CAT enzymes were obtained in (CA)1.5mM+(CaCl2)2%.The highest activity of SOD enzyme was in (CA)1.5mM+(CaCl2)1%.The highest amount of vitamin C and TA was observed in (CA)3mM+(CaCl2)2% and the highest amount of phenol was observed in (CA)3mM+(CaCl2)1%.The longest storage life was in (CA)1.5mM+(CaCl2)2%. The results showed that the use of (CA)1.5 mM+(CaCl2)2% after harvesting is recommended to preserve the quality, marketability and shelf life of Agaricus bisporus.
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