Evaluating the effect of Commiphora Myrrha aqueous extract on the chemical and microbial properties of ground beef at refrigerator temperature
Subject Areas : Negah
yasaman mohammad namdar
shahrokh shabani
hossein bakhoda
1 - M. Sc. Student of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Academic Member of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Bio Preservative, Bioactive compounds, Commiphora myrrha (Myrrh), Extract, ground meat,
Abstract :
Introduction: The myrrh herb by the scientific name of Commiphora myrrha is traditionally used for chronic diseases treatment, anti-inflammatory, painkiller, and an antimicrobial agent. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of aqueous extract on properties of ground beef stored at refrigerator temperature.Materials and Methods: In this study, aqueous extract (0.5, 2, and 3%) of Commiphora myrrha (Myrrh) was used as a Bio Preservative to extend the shelf life of the ground beef during 14 days of storage at 4 °C. In this study, chemical properties (peroxide value, Thiobarbituric acid value, and total volatile basic nitrogen), microbial properties (total count of microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus, and psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria), and sensory properties of ground beef samples were evaluated.Results: Examination of pH changes showed that by increasing the storage time up to 7 days, the pH of all samples decreased (p<0.05), and then from 7 to 14 days, the pH of the samples increased significantly (p<0.05). Changes in oxidative indices, i.e. peroxide index and Thiobarbituric acid index, showed that increasing the storage time led to an increase in these indices, but the use of Myrrh extract prevented significant changes in oxidative indices (p<0.05). Measurement of the TVB-N index showed that by increasing storage time, this index increases, by increasing the level of bio preservatives significantly (p<0.05) led to a decrease in TVB-N changes. Examination of the antimicrobial activity of Myrrh extract in ground beef showed an increase in the total count, S. aureus, and psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria in the tested samples. However, by increasing the concentration of Myrrh extract (p<0.05) significantly reduced the microbial population and minimized their changes. The sensory evaluation of ground beef samples showed that the treated sample with 3% Myrrh extract had the highest score and also the highest acceptability as compared to other samples.Conclusion: It might be concluded that the application of 3% Myrrh extract as a bio preservative to extend the shelf life of perishable products is a promising way to reduce the use of chemical preservatives in these products.
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AL-Samarrai, O. R. (2018). Studying of Phytochemical, Nutritive values and Antioxidant ability of Commiphora myrrha. Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AJPS), 17(1), 12-12.
Amiri, E., Aminzare, M., Azar, H. H. & Mehrasbi, M. R. (2019). Combined antioxidant and sensory effects of corn starch films with nanoemulsion of Zataria multiflora essential oil fortified with cinnamaldehyde on fresh ground beef patties. Meat Science, 153, 66-74.
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Khaleque, M. A., Keya, C. A., Hasan, K. N., Hoque, M. M., Inatsu, Y. & Bari, M. L. (2016). Use of cloves and cinnamon essential oil to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes in ground beef at freezing and refrigeration temperatures. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 74, 219-223.
Krichen, F., Hamed, M., Karoud, W., Bougatef, H., Sila, A. & Bougatef, A. (2020). Essential oil from pistachio by-product: potential biological properties and natural preservative effect in ground beef meat storage. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-11.
Krishnaiah, D., Sarbatly, R. & Nithyanandam, R. (2011). A review of the antioxidant potential of medicinal plant species. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 89(3), 217-233.
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Mohamed, A. G., Abbas, H. M., Kassem, J. M., Gafour, W. A. & Attalah, A. G. (2016). Impact of myrrh essential oil as a highly effective antimicrobial agent in processed cheese spreads. International Journal of Dairy Science, 11, 41-51.
Mohamed, H. M. & Mansour, H. A. (2012). Incorporating essential oils of marjoram and rosemary in the formulation of beef patties manufactured with mechanically deboned poultry meat to improve the lipid stability and sensory attributes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 45(1), 79-87.
Natseba, A., Lwalinda, I., Kakura, E., Muyanja, C. K. & Muyonga, J. H. (2005). Effect of pre-freezing icing duration on quality changes in frozen Nile perch (Lates niloticus). Food Research International, 38(4), 469-474.
Rahman, M. S. (Ed.). (2007). Handbook of food preservation. CRC press.
Roussos, P. A. (2011). Phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity of orange (Citrus sinensis) juice produced under organic and integrated farming system in Greece. Scientia Horticulturae, 129(2), 253-258.
Seow, Y. X., Yeo, C. R., Chung, H. L. & Yuk, H. G. (2014). Plant essential oils as active antimicrobial agents. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 54(5), 625-644.
Sotoudeh, R., Gholamnezhad, Z. & Aghaee, A. (2019). The anti-diabetic and antioxidant effects of a combination of Commiphora mukul, Commiphora myrrha and Terminalia chebula in diabetic rats. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine. 1-11.
Tongnuanchan, P. & Benjakul, S. (2014). Essential oils: extraction, bioactivities, and their uses for food preservation. Journal of Food Science, 79(7).
Abdel-Naeem, H. H. S. & Mohamed, H. M. H. (2016). Improving the Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of camel meat burger patties using ginger extract and papain. Meat Science, 118, 52–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.03.021.
AL-Samarrai, O. R. (2018). Studying of Phytochemical, Nutritive values and Antioxidant ability of Commiphora myrrha. Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AJPS), 17(1), 12-12.
Amiri, E., Aminzare, M., Azar, H. H. & Mehrasbi, M. R. (2019). Combined antioxidant and sensory effects of corn starch films with nanoemulsion of Zataria multiflora essential oil fortified with cinnamaldehyde on fresh ground beef patties. Meat Science, 153, 66-74.
Barbosa, L. N., Rall, V. L. M., Fernandes, A. A. H., Ushimaru, P. I., da Silva Probst, I. & Fernandes Jr, A. (2009). Essential oils against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria in minced meat. Foodborne pathogens and disease, 6(6), 725-728.
Chan, K., Islam, M. W., Kamil, M., Radhakrishnan, R., Zakaria, M. N. M., Habibullah, M. & Attas, A. (2000). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Portulaca oleracea L. subsp. sativa (Haw.) Celak. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 73(3), 445-451.
Djenane, D., Aïder, M., Yangüela, J., Idir, L., Gómez, D. & Roncalés, P. (2012). Antioxidant and antibacterial effects of Lavandula and Mentha essential oils in minced beef inoculated with E. coli O157: H7 and S. aureus during storage at abuse refrigeration temperature. Meat science, 92(4), 667-674.
Emiroğlu, Z. K., Yemiş, G. P., Coşkun, B. K. & Candoğan, K. (2010). Antimicrobial activity of soy edible films incorporated with thyme and oregano essential oils on fresh ground beef patties. Meat science, 86(2), 283-288.
Farzaneh, V., & Carvalho, I. S. (2015). A review of the health benefit potentials of herbal plant infusions and their mechanism of actions. Industrial Crops and Products, 65, 247-258.
Ghafoor, K., Choi, Y. H., Jeon, J. Y. & Jo, I. H. (2009). Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds, antioxidants, and anthocyanins from grape (Vitis vinifera) seeds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(11), 4988-4994.
Ghasemi, J., Mehsti, P., Nouri Saeedlou, S., Ghasemi, A., Nasiri Seideh, L. & Ayrmelo, P. (2017) Investigating the effect of rosemary extract on inhibiting the oxidation of fats and the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in ground beef. Iran Food Science and Industry, 14 (63), 325-336. [In Persian]
Goulas, A. E. & Kontominas, M. G. (2005). Effect of salting and smoking-method on the keeping quality of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus): biochemical and sensory attributes. Food Chemistry, 93(3), 511-520.
Hyytiä, E., Hielm, S., Mokkila, M., Kinnunen, A. & Korkeala, H. (1999). Predicted and observed growth and toxigenesis by Clostridium botulinum type E in vacuum-packaged fishery product challenge tests. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 47(3), 161-169.
Khaleque, M. A., Keya, C. A., Hasan, K. N., Hoque, M. M., Inatsu, Y. & Bari, M. L. (2016). Use of cloves and cinnamon essential oil to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes in ground beef at freezing and refrigeration temperatures. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 74, 219-223.
Krichen, F., Hamed, M., Karoud, W., Bougatef, H., Sila, A. & Bougatef, A. (2020). Essential oil from pistachio by-product: potential biological properties and natural preservative effect in ground beef meat storage. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-11.
Krishnaiah, D., Sarbatly, R. & Nithyanandam, R. (2011). A review of the antioxidant potential of medicinal plant species. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 89(3), 217-233.
Mohamed, A. A., Ali, S. I., EL-Baz, F. K., Hegazy, A. K. & Kord, M. A. (2014). Chemical composition of essential oil and in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of crude extracts of Commiphora myrrha resin. Industrial Crops and Products, 57, 10-16.
Mohamed, A. G., Abbas, H. M., Kassem, J. M., Gafour, W. A. & Attalah, A. G. (2016). Impact of myrrh essential oil as a highly effective antimicrobial agent in processed cheese spreads. International Journal of Dairy Science, 11, 41-51.
Mohamed, H. M. & Mansour, H. A. (2012). Incorporating essential oils of marjoram and rosemary in the formulation of beef patties manufactured with mechanically deboned poultry meat to improve the lipid stability and sensory attributes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 45(1), 79-87.
Natseba, A., Lwalinda, I., Kakura, E., Muyanja, C. K. & Muyonga, J. H. (2005). Effect of pre-freezing icing duration on quality changes in frozen Nile perch (Lates niloticus). Food Research International, 38(4), 469-474.
Rahman, M. S. (Ed.). (2007). Handbook of food preservation. CRC press.
Roussos, P. A. (2011). Phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity of orange (Citrus sinensis) juice produced under organic and integrated farming system in Greece. Scientia Horticulturae, 129(2), 253-258.
Seow, Y. X., Yeo, C. R., Chung, H. L. & Yuk, H. G. (2014). Plant essential oils as active antimicrobial agents. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 54(5), 625-644.
Sotoudeh, R., Gholamnezhad, Z. & Aghaee, A. (2019). The anti-diabetic and antioxidant effects of a combination of Commiphora mukul, Commiphora myrrha and Terminalia chebula in diabetic rats. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine. 1-11.
Tongnuanchan, P. & Benjakul, S. (2014). Essential oils: extraction, bioactivities, and their uses for food preservation. Journal of Food Science, 79(7).