E-Assessment via Apps/modules, Based on the Post Methods Theorizing
Subject Areas :Abbas Motamedi 1 * , Sina Ghorbani 2
1 - Associate professor, Islamic Azad University, Kazeroun Branch
2 - Instructor, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch
Keywords: collaborative learning, interactivity, e-assessment, ESAP, App, meaning construction,
Abstract :
The post methods era has witnessed a dramatic change inapproaches to and methods of teaching as well as testing. At the heart of such a change, collaborative learning has received top priority and testing domain has actually gone under scrutiny. This new mode of education has made stakeholders, especially in higher education; reflect on an interactive e-assessment based instruction. Such a cyber-based environment provides immersive and authentic learning, mixed with a type of e-assessment task, no longer functioning like a summative test but it has become learning and teaching tool. The present research study intends to shed some lights on the characteristics of an e-assessment-based App in a descriptive format on one hand, and its viability in an exploratory design on the other, with emphasis on e-assessment at its core for teaching ESAP- English Specially for Academic Purposes- while instruction and assessment of language skills and sub skills are included. The descriptive and exploratory design of the study highlights the mode of interactivity inherent in this App, which provides a chance for learners to explore, make errors and construct meaning/solutions to their problems via hyperlinks in the created App.
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