Systemic Functional Approach in Translation Quality Assessment of a Novel: A Case Study of The Sound and The Fury
Subject Areas :Hasan Kazemi 1 , Roya Ranjbar Mohammadi Bonab 2 *
1 - Department of English, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
2 - Department of English, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Metafunction, Ideational meaning, Interpersonal meaning, Thematic meaning,
Abstract :
Translation quality assessment with its focus on the formulation of a comprehensive model for translation evaluation has gained a growing interest in the field of translation studies. However, little attention has been paid to the use of linguistic theories in the evaluative judgment of a translation. The aim of this study was to apply a particular kind of linguistic analysis based on systemic functional linguistics (SFL) as a framework for the translation quality assessment of a novel. Meanwhile, it aimed to identify the kinds of overt errors and the used translation strategies in English to Persian. To this end, thirty pages of The Sound and The Fury by Faulkner (1329) and its translation by Bahman Sholevar (2003) were selected and the mismatches across the three metafunctions of ideational, interpersonal, and thematic meanings were identified based on SFL. The comparison of the source text (ST) and the target text (TT) revealed that the ideational meaning had the greatest number of errors as produced by the translator. Moreover, omission constituted the largest kind of overt translation error. Thus, the translator mostly used reduction strategies and text expansion strategies in translating the ST. The results showed that SFL can successfully be applied to evaluate the correct translation of the three metafunctions of language. This study has important implications for syllabus designers of translation studies, translation teachers, and literary translators.
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