• Nazari zadeh.Mohsen The study of popularity theory in Iran's financial market and its relationship with stock returns and stock returns volatilities in Tehran Stock Exchange [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Nazari.Azim The role of banking crisis in the effect of income diversity on profitability of banking industry in Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1399]
  • NOORI FARD.YADOLLAH Detection of stock price crash using memory-based graph theory [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nosratabadi.Saeideh Investigating the framework of stock trading movements considering the relationship between individual and group action [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1399]
  • NouriFard.Yadollah Prediction Stock Volatility and Probability Extreme Return [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1399]