• neko.aziz Juridical and Economic Look to the Ijarah securities, features and benefits [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Nekouei.Farzin Impact of ownership concentration on the relationship between management overconfidence and debt maturity of firms. [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Nikoomaram.Hashem The Pattern Design of Financial Decisions Mix of in the Development of Iranian Financial Markets (The case of Iranian capital market) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • nobakht.younes Scientometrics Study of the Islamic Finance sphere treatises in Iran [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1398]
  • nobari tabrizi.ali The role of Liquid-claims, free cash flow and capital structure in optimizing financial leverage (Case study: Iran's Capital Markets Banking Industry) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1398]
  • norouzizadeh.hossein The impact of stock market pressure on tax benefits based on the Ming-Chin Chen model (2015) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1398]
  • nourahmadi.marziyeh Ranking Iranian Banks in terms of corporate governance whit emphasizing the status of the board of directors and its committees [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1398]