The Infestation rate of heamoparasite in Slaughtered sheep and goats of Tabriz abattoir (2009)
Subject Areas : Food Science and Technologyحسین Hashemzadeh Farhang 1 * , پریسا Shahbazi 2 , فرهاد Fard Manafi Rad 3
1 - Pathobiology Department, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - - Pathobiology Department, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Graduated of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Sheep, Goat, Tabriz slaughterhouse, Heamoparasites,
Abstract :
This study is done on 200 sheep and 200 goats before slaughtering in Tabriz industrial abattoir. In the middle month of each season, blood samples were achieved from jugular vein, of 50 sheep and 50 goats. Blood samples were stained with Gimsa staining method. The stained slides were assayed with light microscope 100. According to the results obtained from 200 sheep samples, we observed 37 cases (18.5%) were infected with different blood parasites. Among these samples, 9 cases (9.5%) were infected with babesia ovis, 6 cases (3%) with both babesia ovis and babesia motasi, 11 cases (5.5%) were infected with theileria ovis and 1 case (0.5%) infected with anaplasma ovis. From 200 goats surveyed, we observed 34 cases (17%) were infected with different blood parasites. Among them 28 cases (14%) were infected with babesia ovis, 6 cases (3%) were infections with both babesia ovis and babesia motasi. According to the results obtained, from point of view of blood parasites, in sheep and goats slaughtered in Tabriz industrial abattoir, we observes that the highest rate of infection belongs to babesia ovis and the lowest rate to anaplasma ovis. From seasonal point of view, summer showed the highest rate of infection and winter showed the lowest rate. The infection rate between male and females or between sheep and goats showed no significant differences (P> 0.05).
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