Antioxidant activity of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and black caraway (Buniumpersicum Boiss) extracts, individually and in combination on chemical changes and sensory properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) stored in refrigerator
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
مرضیه Gholamzadeh
هدایت Hosseini
سهیل Eskandari
ابراهیم Hosseini
مریم Gholamzadeh
1 - Msc Student of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran & Food and Drug Organization (FDO), Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti Medical Science University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Food and Drug Laboratory Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
5 - Graduated of Plant Biology, Ferdowsi University, Mashdad, Iran.
Received: 2013-10-01
Accepted : 2014-05-26
Published : 2013-11-22
Silver carp,
Black caraway extract,
Black cumin extract,
Antioxidant effect,
Abstract :
Herbs due to having natural antioxidant compounds are widely used by food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The purpose of this study was to study the effects of antioxidant activities of black cumin as well as black caraway extracts individually and in the combination form on chemical and sensory properties of silver carp during refrigerator storage. To do this, fish was cut into four parts. Three parts were dipped in 1% solution of black cumin and black caraway extracts, and their combination. The forth part was dipped in distilled water as a control sample. All fish cuts were packed up in polyethylene bags and were stored at refrigerator (4±1°C). Chemical indices (i.e., PV, TBA and FFA) and sensory properties were measured over a period of 15 days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days). According to the results, in all three treatments lipid oxidation was delayed significantly (p<0.05) in comparison with the control sample. Moreover, sensory analysis revealed that the sample treated with black cumin extract had the best quality over the period of 15 days. Besides, the rising trend of the chemical indices was hindered significantly in comparison with the other treatments. Based on the results, it was concluded that extracts of black cumin and black caraway and their combination had an antioxidant effect on silver carp fish and could lengthen the shelf-life of the treated samples.
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