Effects of corn starch edible coating and black pepper essential oil on the shelf life of vacuum packaged silver carp fillet
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
N. Kyani Haftlang
L. Roomiani
M. Tadayoni
1 - M.Sc Graduate Department of Food Science and Technology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of Fisheries, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Received: 2017-01-03
Accepted : 2017-07-23
Published : 2018-06-22
Corn starch",
Black pepper essential oil",
Vacuum packaging",
Silver carp",
Abstract :
This research has been carried out in order to study the effect of the corn starch and the black pepper essential oil oral film on the shelf life of the silver carp fillet under the vacuum packaging in the refrigerator temperature. All the treatments (control: without coating and essential oil, treatment 1: 0.1% essential oil, treatment 2: 0.5% essential oil and treatment 3: 1% essential oil) were prepared each in three replicates with a starch cover to achieve the best effective rate of the oral film and essence.The results showed that the changes in pH and free fatty acid were increasing in all the treatments during the storage. In all treatments, the level of peroxide did not exceed the permissible limit. In addition, the level of volatile nitrogenous bases in all control, 0.1 and 0.5% essential oil treatments did not exceed the permissible limit from day 9 until the end of the maintenance day. The rate of mesophilic bacteria showed a statistically significant difference during the shelf life (p< 0.05). The count of the psychrophilic bacteria in all treatments, control, 0.1, 0.5 and 1% essential respectively 7.11, 7.54, 7.78, 7.98 log cfu/ g were exceed the permissible limit of 7 log cfu/ g in day 12. The results showed that using an oral film of the corn starch with the black pepper essential oil in a concentration of 0.01% keeps the initial quality and increases the shelf life of the silver carp fillets for 9 days.
· Adams RP.Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry. Allured Publishing Corporation Carol Stream, IL.2001.
· Ariaei, P., Tavakolipour, H., Rezaei, M. and Elhamirad, A. (2013). Antimicrobial activity of methyl cellulose based edible film enriched with Pimpinella affinis oil on the Hypophthalmichthys molitrix fillet under refrigerator storage condition. Journal of processing and preserving of foods, 5: 13-26.
· Azizishirazi, A. and Shekarforoush, S.S. (2010).Unreliability of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB- N) as a shelf-life indicator of gutted rainbow trout packaged in different atmospheres. Advances in Food Sciences, 32: 41-46.
· Arashisar, S., Hisar, O., Kaya, M. and Yanik, T. (2004). Effects of modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging on microbiological and chemical properties of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) fillets. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 97: 209-14.
· AL- Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., AL- Oufi, H. and AL- Mamari, S. (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of the fish burgers during frozen storage. Journal of Fisheries Science, 71: 648- 654.
· Bligh E.G. and Deyer W.J., 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 37:911-917.
· Connell, J.J. (2002). Quality control in fish Industry. Torry advisory Note No, 58 Torry Research Station, pp. 8-9.
· Chytiri, S., Chouliara, I., Savvaidis, I.N. and Kontominas, M.G. (2004). Chemical and sensory assessment of iced whole and filleted aquaculture Rainbow trout. Food Microbiol, 21: 157-65.
· Egan, H., Kirk R.S. and Sawyer, R. (1997). Pearons chemical Analysis of Foods. 9th edition, Churchill Livingtone, Edingburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 609-643.
· Farjam, B. (2014). Edible coatings lasting effect on aquaculture. Department of Fisheries Department of Natural Resources, Tehran University, pp. 80-83.
· FAO. (2012). Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Statistiques des pêcheset de l’aquaculture. pp, 30-31.
· Fan, W., Chi, Y. and Zhang, S. (2008). The use of a tea polyphenol dip to extend the shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix) during storage in ice. Food chemistry, 108: 148-153.
· Galli, A., Franzetii, L., Carelli, S., Piergiovanni, L. and Fava, P. (1993). Microbiological Quality and Shelf-life of Chilled cod Fillets in Vacuum-skin and Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Journal of Packaging Technology and Science, 6: 147-157.
· Gholamzadeh, M., Hosseini, E., Eskandari, S. and Hosseini H. (2016). Chemical, microbial and sensory changes of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) fish treated with Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) extract during storage at refrigerator. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 23: 71-84. [In Persian]
· Hedayatifard, M. and Aroujalian, A.R. (2010). Improvement of shelf-life for stellate sturgeon fillet, Acipenser stellatus, under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and vacuum conditions. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 19: 127-140. [In Persian]
· Huss, H.H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper NO. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp, 340-345.
· Heydari, R., Bavandi, S. and Javadian, S.R. (2015). Effect of sodium alginate coating enriched with horsemint (Menth alongifolia) essential oil on the quality of bighead carp fillets during storage at 4°C. Journal of Food Science & Nutrition, 3: 188–194.
· Hamzeh, A. and Rezaei, M. (2011). Antioxidant and antibacterial effects of sodium alginate coating enriched with thyme essential oil on rainbow trout fillets during refrigerated storage.Journal of Nutrition and Food Technology, 10: 11-20.
· ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for food). (1986). Microorganism in foods 2, sampling for microbiological Analysis. Principles and specific Application, 2th edn, Oxford: Blackwell Science, pp, 28-30.
· Kamkar, A., JebelliJavan, A., Asadi, F. and Kamalinejad, M. (2014). Effects of Menthapulegium water extract dipping on quality and shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) during super-chilled storage. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13: 341-353.
· Khezri Ahmadabad, M., Rezaei, M., Ojagh, S.M. and Babakhani Lashkan, A. (2012). The Increase of shelf-life of frozen Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventiris) using natural antioxidants. J. of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, 40: 27-39.
· Lodasa, V., Barros-Velaquez, J., Gallardo, J.M. and Auborg. S.P. (2004). Effect of advanced chilling methods on lipid damage during Sardine (Sardinapilchardus) storage. European Journal of Lipid SCI Technolgy, 106: 844-850.
· McLafferty FW, Stauffer DB. The Wiley / Nbs registry of mass spectral data. New York Wiley.1989.
· Mexis, L., Chouliara, E. and Kontomias, M.G. (2009). Combined effect of an oxygen absorber and oregano essential oil on shelf life extension of rainbow trout fillets stored at 4C0.J Food microb, 26: 598-605.
· Mendes, R. and Goncalvez, A. (2008). Effect of soluble CO2stabilisation and vacuum packaging in the shelf life of farmed sea bream and sea bass fillets. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43: 1678-1687.
· MinooeianHaghighi, M.H. and Khosravi, A. (2014). Effects of anti-aflatoxin of essential oils of Cuminumcyminum, Ziziphoraclinopodioides and Nigella sativa. Journal of Food Microbiology, 13: 396-404.
· Masniyom, P., Soottawat, B. and Visessanguan, W. (2005). Combination effect of phosphate and modified atmosphere on quality and shelf-life extension of refrigerated seabass slices. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 38: 745-756.
· Parvaneh, V. (2007). Quality Control and the Chemical Analysis of Food. (4th Edition), University of Tehran Publication, pp. 250-325.
· Ozogul, F., Polat, A. and Ozogul, Y. (2004). The effects of modified atmosphere packaging and vacuum packaging on chemical, sensory and microbiological changes of sardines (Sardine pilchardus). Food Chemistry, 85: 49-57.
· Ojagh, S.M., Rezaei, M., Razavi, S.H. and Hosseini, S.M.H. (2012).Effect of antimicrobial coating on shelf-life extension of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 30: 50-64.
· Ozogul, Y. and Uçar, Y. (2013).The effects of natural extracts on the quality changes of frozen chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) burgers. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6: 1550-1560.
· Ozyurt, G., Polat, A. and Tokur. B. (2007). Chemical and sensory changes in frozen (-18 0C) wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) captured at different fishing sea sons. International Journal of Food science and Technology, 42: 887-893.
· Pino, J. ,Rodriguez-Feo, G., Borges, P., and Rosado, A. (1990). Chemical and sensory properties of black pepper oil. Food / Nahrung, 34: 555–560.
· Perez-Alonso, F., Aubourg, S.P., Rodriguez, O. and Barros-Velazquz, J. (2004). Shelf life extension of Atlantic pomfret (Bramabrama) fillets by packaging under a vacuum-skin system. Journal of Food Research Technological, 21: 313-317.
· Simeonidou, S., Govaris, A. and Vareltzis, K. (1998). Quality assessment of seven Mediterranean fish species during storage on ice. Food Research International, 30: 479–484.
· Sallam, K.I. and Samejima, K. (2004). Microbiological and chemical and chemical quality of ground beef treated with sodium lactate and sodium chloride during refrigerated storage. Journal of Lebensm-Wiss, U-Technol, 37: 865-871.
· Sharafati-chaleshtori, R., Taghizadeh, M., Miri, S., Asadi, Z., Abdipor, M. and Shiri, V. (2015). The effect of chitosan coating contained lemon essential oil on microbial quality of rainbow trout. Journal of Food Microbiology, 38: 13-24.
· Sallam, K.I. and Samejima, K. (2004). Microbiological and chemical and chemical quality of ground beef treated with sodium lactate and sodium chloride during refrigerated storage. Journal of Lebensm-Wiss. U-Technol, 37: 865-871.
· Stamatis, N. and Arkoudelos, J.S. (2007). Effect of modified atmosphere and packaging on microbial, chemical and sensory quality indicators of fresh, filleted Sardina pilchardus at 3 0C. Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 87: 1164-1171.
· Shakila, R., Jeyasekaran, G. and Vijayalakshmi, S. (2005). Effect of vacuum packaging on the quality characteristics of seer fish (Scomberomoru scommersonii) chunks during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42: 438-443.
· Sahoo, J., kawasra, R.K. and Hooda, S. (2004). Studieson α-tocopherolacetate as antioxidant in chicken mince on its quality during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Sciences and Technology, 41: 140-243.
· Thomas, L.V. and Wimpenny, J.W.T. (2012).Investigation of the effect of combined variations in temperature, pH, and NaCl concentration on nisin inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. Applied and environmental microbiology, 151: 458-464.
· Taghizadeh Andevari, G.H. and Rezaei, M. (2012). Application of gelatin coating incorporated with cinnamon essential oil on shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet in refrigerated storage. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 40: 13-24. [In Persian]
· Ucak, I., Ozogul, Y. and Durmus, M. (2011). The effects of rosemary extract combination with vacuum packing on the quality changes of Atlantic mackerel fish burgers. Journal of Food Technology, 46: 1157-1163.
· Adams RP.Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry. Allured Publishing Corporation Carol Stream, IL.2001.
· Ariaei, P., Tavakolipour, H., Rezaei, M. and Elhamirad, A. (2013). Antimicrobial activity of methyl cellulose based edible film enriched with Pimpinella affinis oil on the Hypophthalmichthys molitrix fillet under refrigerator storage condition. Journal of processing and preserving of foods, 5: 13-26.
· Azizishirazi, A. and Shekarforoush, S.S. (2010).Unreliability of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB- N) as a shelf-life indicator of gutted rainbow trout packaged in different atmospheres. Advances in Food Sciences, 32: 41-46.
· Arashisar, S., Hisar, O., Kaya, M. and Yanik, T. (2004). Effects of modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging on microbiological and chemical properties of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) fillets. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 97: 209-14.
· AL- Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., AL- Oufi, H. and AL- Mamari, S. (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of the fish burgers during frozen storage. Journal of Fisheries Science, 71: 648- 654.
· Bligh E.G. and Deyer W.J., 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 37:911-917.
· Connell, J.J. (2002). Quality control in fish Industry. Torry advisory Note No, 58 Torry Research Station, pp. 8-9.
· Chytiri, S., Chouliara, I., Savvaidis, I.N. and Kontominas, M.G. (2004). Chemical and sensory assessment of iced whole and filleted aquaculture Rainbow trout. Food Microbiol, 21: 157-65.
· Egan, H., Kirk R.S. and Sawyer, R. (1997). Pearons chemical Analysis of Foods. 9th edition, Churchill Livingtone, Edingburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 609-643.
· Farjam, B. (2014). Edible coatings lasting effect on aquaculture. Department of Fisheries Department of Natural Resources, Tehran University, pp. 80-83.
· FAO. (2012). Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Statistiques des pêcheset de l’aquaculture. pp, 30-31.
· Fan, W., Chi, Y. and Zhang, S. (2008). The use of a tea polyphenol dip to extend the shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix) during storage in ice. Food chemistry, 108: 148-153.
· Galli, A., Franzetii, L., Carelli, S., Piergiovanni, L. and Fava, P. (1993). Microbiological Quality and Shelf-life of Chilled cod Fillets in Vacuum-skin and Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Journal of Packaging Technology and Science, 6: 147-157.
· Gholamzadeh, M., Hosseini, E., Eskandari, S. and Hosseini H. (2016). Chemical, microbial and sensory changes of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) fish treated with Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) extract during storage at refrigerator. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 23: 71-84. [In Persian]
· Hedayatifard, M. and Aroujalian, A.R. (2010). Improvement of shelf-life for stellate sturgeon fillet, Acipenser stellatus, under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and vacuum conditions. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 19: 127-140. [In Persian]
· Huss, H.H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper NO. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp, 340-345.
· Heydari, R., Bavandi, S. and Javadian, S.R. (2015). Effect of sodium alginate coating enriched with horsemint (Menth alongifolia) essential oil on the quality of bighead carp fillets during storage at 4°C. Journal of Food Science & Nutrition, 3: 188–194.
· Hamzeh, A. and Rezaei, M. (2011). Antioxidant and antibacterial effects of sodium alginate coating enriched with thyme essential oil on rainbow trout fillets during refrigerated storage.Journal of Nutrition and Food Technology, 10: 11-20.
· ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for food). (1986). Microorganism in foods 2, sampling for microbiological Analysis. Principles and specific Application, 2th edn, Oxford: Blackwell Science, pp, 28-30.
· Kamkar, A., JebelliJavan, A., Asadi, F. and Kamalinejad, M. (2014). Effects of Menthapulegium water extract dipping on quality and shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) during super-chilled storage. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13: 341-353.
· Khezri Ahmadabad, M., Rezaei, M., Ojagh, S.M. and Babakhani Lashkan, A. (2012). The Increase of shelf-life of frozen Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventiris) using natural antioxidants. J. of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, 40: 27-39.
· Lodasa, V., Barros-Velaquez, J., Gallardo, J.M. and Auborg. S.P. (2004). Effect of advanced chilling methods on lipid damage during Sardine (Sardinapilchardus) storage. European Journal of Lipid SCI Technolgy, 106: 844-850.
· McLafferty FW, Stauffer DB. The Wiley / Nbs registry of mass spectral data. New York Wiley.1989.
· Mexis, L., Chouliara, E. and Kontomias, M.G. (2009). Combined effect of an oxygen absorber and oregano essential oil on shelf life extension of rainbow trout fillets stored at 4C0.J Food microb, 26: 598-605.
· Mendes, R. and Goncalvez, A. (2008). Effect of soluble CO2stabilisation and vacuum packaging in the shelf life of farmed sea bream and sea bass fillets. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43: 1678-1687.
· MinooeianHaghighi, M.H. and Khosravi, A. (2014). Effects of anti-aflatoxin of essential oils of Cuminumcyminum, Ziziphoraclinopodioides and Nigella sativa. Journal of Food Microbiology, 13: 396-404.
· Masniyom, P., Soottawat, B. and Visessanguan, W. (2005). Combination effect of phosphate and modified atmosphere on quality and shelf-life extension of refrigerated seabass slices. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 38: 745-756.
· Parvaneh, V. (2007). Quality Control and the Chemical Analysis of Food. (4th Edition), University of Tehran Publication, pp. 250-325.
· Ozogul, F., Polat, A. and Ozogul, Y. (2004). The effects of modified atmosphere packaging and vacuum packaging on chemical, sensory and microbiological changes of sardines (Sardine pilchardus). Food Chemistry, 85: 49-57.
· Ojagh, S.M., Rezaei, M., Razavi, S.H. and Hosseini, S.M.H. (2012).Effect of antimicrobial coating on shelf-life extension of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 30: 50-64.
· Ozogul, Y. and Uçar, Y. (2013).The effects of natural extracts on the quality changes of frozen chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) burgers. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6: 1550-1560.
· Ozyurt, G., Polat, A. and Tokur. B. (2007). Chemical and sensory changes in frozen (-18 0C) wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) captured at different fishing sea sons. International Journal of Food science and Technology, 42: 887-893.
· Pino, J. ,Rodriguez-Feo, G., Borges, P., and Rosado, A. (1990). Chemical and sensory properties of black pepper oil. Food / Nahrung, 34: 555–560.
· Perez-Alonso, F., Aubourg, S.P., Rodriguez, O. and Barros-Velazquz, J. (2004). Shelf life extension of Atlantic pomfret (Bramabrama) fillets by packaging under a vacuum-skin system. Journal of Food Research Technological, 21: 313-317.
· Simeonidou, S., Govaris, A. and Vareltzis, K. (1998). Quality assessment of seven Mediterranean fish species during storage on ice. Food Research International, 30: 479–484.
· Sallam, K.I. and Samejima, K. (2004). Microbiological and chemical and chemical quality of ground beef treated with sodium lactate and sodium chloride during refrigerated storage. Journal of Lebensm-Wiss, U-Technol, 37: 865-871.
· Sharafati-chaleshtori, R., Taghizadeh, M., Miri, S., Asadi, Z., Abdipor, M. and Shiri, V. (2015). The effect of chitosan coating contained lemon essential oil on microbial quality of rainbow trout. Journal of Food Microbiology, 38: 13-24.
· Sallam, K.I. and Samejima, K. (2004). Microbiological and chemical and chemical quality of ground beef treated with sodium lactate and sodium chloride during refrigerated storage. Journal of Lebensm-Wiss. U-Technol, 37: 865-871.
· Stamatis, N. and Arkoudelos, J.S. (2007). Effect of modified atmosphere and packaging on microbial, chemical and sensory quality indicators of fresh, filleted Sardina pilchardus at 3 0C. Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 87: 1164-1171.
· Shakila, R., Jeyasekaran, G. and Vijayalakshmi, S. (2005). Effect of vacuum packaging on the quality characteristics of seer fish (Scomberomoru scommersonii) chunks during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42: 438-443.
· Sahoo, J., kawasra, R.K. and Hooda, S. (2004). Studieson α-tocopherolacetate as antioxidant in chicken mince on its quality during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Sciences and Technology, 41: 140-243.
· Thomas, L.V. and Wimpenny, J.W.T. (2012).Investigation of the effect of combined variations in temperature, pH, and NaCl concentration on nisin inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. Applied and environmental microbiology, 151: 458-464.
· Taghizadeh Andevari, G.H. and Rezaei, M. (2012). Application of gelatin coating incorporated with cinnamon essential oil on shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet in refrigerated storage. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 40: 13-24. [In Persian]
· Ucak, I., Ozogul, Y. and Durmus, M. (2011). The effects of rosemary extract combination with vacuum packing on the quality changes of Atlantic mackerel fish burgers. Journal of Food Technology, 46: 1157-1163.