Effects of Nisin, Chitosan and extract of Eryngo on the shelf life of rain bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) roe during refrigerated storage (4±1 ̊C)
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
E. mohammadinezhad
A. Alishahi
P. Pourashoori
H. mirsadeghi
1 - Student of fishery product processing, seafood processing and technology department, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Associate professor of seafood processing and technology department, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
3 - Assistant professor of seafood processing and technology department, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
4 - Master of science of seafood processing and technology department, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
Received: 2016-06-14
Accepted : 2017-01-04
Published : 2017-12-22
Eryngo extract,
trout roe,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of nisin (250 international units per gram), chitosan (1%), eringo extract (1%), combination of three material and salt treatment (1.5%) on the quality and sensorial traits of rain bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) roe during refrigerated (4±1 ̊C) storage for 60 days. Lipid, ash, moisture, pH, amount of TVN, TBA, Aerobic mesophilic bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria, yeast and mold were evaluated at 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Sensorial analyses of samples were evaluated. The results showed that Chitosan and combinational treatment had significant effect (p≤ 0.05) in decrease of microorganisms after 45 days. In addition, TVN had a significant increase during the time (p≤0.05) but in Chitosan and combinational treatment not observed significant change until 45 days. According to the sensory evaluation, was not significant difference between the chitosan and combination treatments until 45 days. Based on the results of chemical and biological analyses, control, salt, nisin and E.extract were unusable between 0 and 15 days. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of chitosan improved shelf life and organoleptic properties of fish roes effectively.
· Abdollahzadeh, E., Rezaei, M. and Hosseini, H. (2014). Antibacterial activity of plant essential oils and extracts: The role of thyme essential oil, nisin, and their combination to control Listerimonocytogenes inoculated in minced fish meat. Food Control, 35: 177-183.
· Adzaly, N.Z., Jackson, A., Kang, I. and Almenar, E. (2016). Performance of a novel casingmade of chitosan under traditional sausage manufacturing conditions. Meat Science, 113: 116–123.
· Al-Holy, M., Wang, Y., Tang, J. and Rasco, B. (2005). Dielectric properties of salmon (Oncorhynchusketa) and sturgeon (Acipensertransmontanus) caviar at radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) pasteurization frequencies. Journal of Food Engineering ,70: 564–570.
· Alishahi, A. (2014). Antibacterial Effect of ChitosanNanoparticle Loaded with Nisin for the Prolonged Effect. Journal of Food Safety, 34: 111-118.
· Al-Sayed Mahmoud, K., Linder, M., Fanni, J. and Parmentier, M. (2008). Characterisation of the lipid fractions obtained by proteolytic and chemical extractions from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) roe. Process Biochemistry, 43: 376–383.
· Altug, G. and Bayrak, Y. (2003). Microbiological analysis of caviar from Russia and Iran. Food Microbiology, 20: 83–86.
· AOAC. (2005). Method 999. 10. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International,Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
· Bledsoe, G.E., Bledsoe, C.D., and Rasco, B. (2003). Caviar and fish roe products. Journal of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43: 317-356.
· Calderón-Oliver, M., Escalona-Buendía, H.B., Medina-Campos, O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Pedroza-Islas, S. and Ponce-Alquicira, E. (2016). Optimization of the antioxidant and antimicrobial response of the combined effect of nisin and avocado byproducts. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 65: 46-52.
· Delves-Broughton, J. (2014). Nisin. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, 1: 187-193.
· Duran, M., Aday, M.S., Zorba, N.D.Z., Temizkan, R., Büyükcan, M.B. and, Caner, C. (2016). Potential of antimicrobial active packaging‘containingnatamycin, nisin, pomegranate and grape seed extract in chitosan coating’ to extendshelf life of fresh strawberry. food and bioproducts processing, 98: 353-363.
· Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., Nabavi, S.M. and Nabavi, S.F. (2009). Correlation Between the in vitro Iron Chelating Activity and Poly Phenol and Flavonoid Contents of Some Medicinal Plants. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 934-938.
· Feng, X., Bansal, N. and Yang, H. (2016). Fish gelatin combined with chitosan coating inhibits myofibril degradation of golden pomfret (Trachinotusblochii) fillet during cold Storage. Food Chemistry, 200: 283–292.
· Fernández-Saiz, P., Sánchez, G., Soler, C., Lagaron., J.M. and Ocio, M.J. (2013). Chitosan films for the microbiological preservation of refrigerated sole and hake fillets. Food Control, 34: 61-68.
· Gao, M., Feng, L., Jiang, T., Zhu, J., Fu, L., Yuan, D. and Li, J. (2013). The use of rosemary extract in combination with nisin to extend the shelf life of pompano (Trachinotusovatus) fillet during chilled storage. Food Control, 37: 1-8.
· Govaris, A., Solomakos, N., Pexara, A. and Chatzopoulou, P.S. (2010). The antimicrobial effect of oregano essential oil, nisin and their combination against Salmonella Enteritidis in minced sheep meat during refrigerated storage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 137: 175–180.
· Guohua, H., Yuanyuan, G., Hailin, F., Jian, L. and Jianfeng, Zh. (2015). Effects of chitosan combined with nisin treatment on storage quality of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaenacrocea). Food Chemistry, 203:276-282.
· Hasanpourdarvari, Kh., Kazemitabar, S.K., Bakhshikhaniki, Gh. And Mahdavi, M. (2011). Investigate genetic diversity of Eryngiumcaucasicum in the Mazandaran province using molecular markers (RAPD). National Conference on Medicinal Plants, 1 [In Persian].
· Hdaytifard, M. and Nemati, S. (2011). Changes of roe fatty acids of Kutum Rutilus frisii kutum and golden mullet Liza aurata affected by salting. Journal of Fisheries, 3(2): 1-11 [In Persian].
· Inanli, A., and Coban, O. and Dartay, M. (2010). The chemical and sensorial changes in rainbow trout caviar salted in different ratios during storage. Journal of Fish Science, 76: 879- 883. Khalifa, I., Barakat,H., El-Mansy, H.A. and Soliman, S.A. (2016). Enhancing the keeping quality of fresh strawberry using chitosan- incorporated olive processing wastes. Food Bioscience, 13: 69–75.
· Khoshbakht, K., Hammer, K. and Pistrick, K. (2007). EryngiumcaucasicumTrautv. cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genet Resour Crop Evol, 54:445–448.
· Lapa-Guimarães, J., Trattner, S. and Pickova, J. (2011). Effect ofProcessing on Amine Formation and the Lipid Profile of Cod (Gadusmorhua) Roe. Food Chemistry, 129: 716-723.
· Li, Ch., Huang, L., Hwang, Ch.R. and Chen, J.2016. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in salmon roe e A. kinetic analysis. Food Control, 59: 538-545.
· Majaziamiri, B. and Rezaeitavabe, K. (2011). Sturgeons and Caviar. (Translation). Authors: Ashtrnyn, D. and Doure, I, First Print, Publishing Institute of Tehran university, pp: 137-150 [In Persian].
· Mirsadeghi, H., Alishahi, A., Shabanpour, B. And Safari, R. (2015). Effects of salt and water temperature processing on qualitative changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) roe during refrigerator storage. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 4(1): 93-104 [In Persian].
· Nowzari, F., Shábanpour, B. and Ojagh, S.M. (2013). Comparison of chitosan–gelatin composite and bilayer coating and film effect on the quality of refrigerated rainbow trout. Food Chemistry, 141: 1667–1672.
· Ojagh, S.M., Rezaei, M., Razavi, S.H. and Hosseini, S.M.H. (2012). Effect of antimicrobial coating on shelf-life extension of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 34 (9): 13-23 [In Persian].
· Prabhakara Rao, P.G., Balaswamy, K., Jyothirmayi, T., Karuna, M.S.L. and Prasad, R.B.N. (2015). Fish roe lipids: composition and changes during processing and storage. Chapter 56, pp. 463-268.
· Ramezani, Z., Zarei, M. and Raminnejad, N. (2014). Comparing the effectiveness of chitosan and nanochitosan coatings on the quality of refrigerated silver carp fillets.Food control, 14: 1-17.
· RazaviShirazi, H. (2007). Marine products, technology, principles and processing maintenance. (Second Edition), published by the Mehr, Tehran. 292 p [In Persian].
· Restuccia, D., Spizzirri, U.G., Bonesi, M., Tundis, R., Menichini, F., Picci, N. and Loizzo, M.R. (2015). Evaluation of fatty acids and biogenic amines profiles in mullet 4 and tuna roe during six months of storage at 4 ̊C. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 40: 52-60.
· Sallama, Kh.I. Ishioroshib, M., and Samejimab, K. (2004). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausage LebensonWiss Technology, 37: 849-855.
· Salmanian, Sh., Sadeghi Mahunak, AR., Jamson, M. and Tabatabaei Amid, B. (2014). Identification and quantification of phenolic acids, radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing power of Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. ethanolic and methanolic extracts. Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 2: 193-204 [In Persian].
· Shin, J.H. and Rasco,B.A. (2007). Effect of Water Phase Salt Content and Storage Temperature on Listeria monocytogenesSurvival in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchusketa) Roe and Caviar (Ikura). Food Microbiology and Safety, 72: 160-165.
· Shirai, N., Higuchi,T. and Suzuki, H. (2006). Analysis of lipid classes and the fatty acid composition of the salted fish roe food products, Ikura, Tarako, Tobiko and Kazunoko. Food Chemistry, 94: 61–67.
· Soares, N.M.F., Oliveira, M.S.G. and Vicente, A.A. (2015). Effects of glazing and chitosan-based coating application on frozen salmon preservation during six-month storage in industrial freezing Chambers. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 61: 524-531.
· Vieira, J.M., Flores-López, M.L., Rodríguez, D.J., Sousa, M.C., Vicente, A.A. and Martins, J.T. (2016). Effect of chitosan–Aloe vera coating on postharvest quality of blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum) fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 116: 88–97.
· Abdollahzadeh, E., Rezaei, M. and Hosseini, H. (2014). Antibacterial activity of plant essential oils and extracts: The role of thyme essential oil, nisin, and their combination to control Listerimonocytogenes inoculated in minced fish meat. Food Control, 35: 177-183.
· Adzaly, N.Z., Jackson, A., Kang, I. and Almenar, E. (2016). Performance of a novel casingmade of chitosan under traditional sausage manufacturing conditions. Meat Science, 113: 116–123.
· Al-Holy, M., Wang, Y., Tang, J. and Rasco, B. (2005). Dielectric properties of salmon (Oncorhynchusketa) and sturgeon (Acipensertransmontanus) caviar at radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) pasteurization frequencies. Journal of Food Engineering ,70: 564–570.
· Alishahi, A. (2014). Antibacterial Effect of ChitosanNanoparticle Loaded with Nisin for the Prolonged Effect. Journal of Food Safety, 34: 111-118.
· Al-Sayed Mahmoud, K., Linder, M., Fanni, J. and Parmentier, M. (2008). Characterisation of the lipid fractions obtained by proteolytic and chemical extractions from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) roe. Process Biochemistry, 43: 376–383.
· Altug, G. and Bayrak, Y. (2003). Microbiological analysis of caviar from Russia and Iran. Food Microbiology, 20: 83–86.
· AOAC. (2005). Method 999. 10. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International,Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
· Bledsoe, G.E., Bledsoe, C.D., and Rasco, B. (2003). Caviar and fish roe products. Journal of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43: 317-356.
· Calderón-Oliver, M., Escalona-Buendía, H.B., Medina-Campos, O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Pedroza-Islas, S. and Ponce-Alquicira, E. (2016). Optimization of the antioxidant and antimicrobial response of the combined effect of nisin and avocado byproducts. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 65: 46-52.
· Delves-Broughton, J. (2014). Nisin. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, 1: 187-193.
· Duran, M., Aday, M.S., Zorba, N.D.Z., Temizkan, R., Büyükcan, M.B. and, Caner, C. (2016). Potential of antimicrobial active packaging‘containingnatamycin, nisin, pomegranate and grape seed extract in chitosan coating’ to extendshelf life of fresh strawberry. food and bioproducts processing, 98: 353-363.
· Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., Nabavi, S.M. and Nabavi, S.F. (2009). Correlation Between the in vitro Iron Chelating Activity and Poly Phenol and Flavonoid Contents of Some Medicinal Plants. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 934-938.
· Feng, X., Bansal, N. and Yang, H. (2016). Fish gelatin combined with chitosan coating inhibits myofibril degradation of golden pomfret (Trachinotusblochii) fillet during cold Storage. Food Chemistry, 200: 283–292.
· Fernández-Saiz, P., Sánchez, G., Soler, C., Lagaron., J.M. and Ocio, M.J. (2013). Chitosan films for the microbiological preservation of refrigerated sole and hake fillets. Food Control, 34: 61-68.
· Gao, M., Feng, L., Jiang, T., Zhu, J., Fu, L., Yuan, D. and Li, J. (2013). The use of rosemary extract in combination with nisin to extend the shelf life of pompano (Trachinotusovatus) fillet during chilled storage. Food Control, 37: 1-8.
· Govaris, A., Solomakos, N., Pexara, A. and Chatzopoulou, P.S. (2010). The antimicrobial effect of oregano essential oil, nisin and their combination against Salmonella Enteritidis in minced sheep meat during refrigerated storage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 137: 175–180.
· Guohua, H., Yuanyuan, G., Hailin, F., Jian, L. and Jianfeng, Zh. (2015). Effects of chitosan combined with nisin treatment on storage quality of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaenacrocea). Food Chemistry, 203:276-282.
· Hasanpourdarvari, Kh., Kazemitabar, S.K., Bakhshikhaniki, Gh. And Mahdavi, M. (2011). Investigate genetic diversity of Eryngiumcaucasicum in the Mazandaran province using molecular markers (RAPD). National Conference on Medicinal Plants, 1 [In Persian].
· Hdaytifard, M. and Nemati, S. (2011). Changes of roe fatty acids of Kutum Rutilus frisii kutum and golden mullet Liza aurata affected by salting. Journal of Fisheries, 3(2): 1-11 [In Persian].
· Inanli, A., and Coban, O. and Dartay, M. (2010). The chemical and sensorial changes in rainbow trout caviar salted in different ratios during storage. Journal of Fish Science, 76: 879- 883. Khalifa, I., Barakat,H., El-Mansy, H.A. and Soliman, S.A. (2016). Enhancing the keeping quality of fresh strawberry using chitosan- incorporated olive processing wastes. Food Bioscience, 13: 69–75.
· Khoshbakht, K., Hammer, K. and Pistrick, K. (2007). EryngiumcaucasicumTrautv. cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genet Resour Crop Evol, 54:445–448.
· Lapa-Guimarães, J., Trattner, S. and Pickova, J. (2011). Effect ofProcessing on Amine Formation and the Lipid Profile of Cod (Gadusmorhua) Roe. Food Chemistry, 129: 716-723.
· Li, Ch., Huang, L., Hwang, Ch.R. and Chen, J.2016. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in salmon roe e A. kinetic analysis. Food Control, 59: 538-545.
· Majaziamiri, B. and Rezaeitavabe, K. (2011). Sturgeons and Caviar. (Translation). Authors: Ashtrnyn, D. and Doure, I, First Print, Publishing Institute of Tehran university, pp: 137-150 [In Persian].
· Mirsadeghi, H., Alishahi, A., Shabanpour, B. And Safari, R. (2015). Effects of salt and water temperature processing on qualitative changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) roe during refrigerator storage. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 4(1): 93-104 [In Persian].
· Nowzari, F., Shábanpour, B. and Ojagh, S.M. (2013). Comparison of chitosan–gelatin composite and bilayer coating and film effect on the quality of refrigerated rainbow trout. Food Chemistry, 141: 1667–1672.
· Ojagh, S.M., Rezaei, M., Razavi, S.H. and Hosseini, S.M.H. (2012). Effect of antimicrobial coating on shelf-life extension of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 34 (9): 13-23 [In Persian].
· Prabhakara Rao, P.G., Balaswamy, K., Jyothirmayi, T., Karuna, M.S.L. and Prasad, R.B.N. (2015). Fish roe lipids: composition and changes during processing and storage. Chapter 56, pp. 463-268.
· Ramezani, Z., Zarei, M. and Raminnejad, N. (2014). Comparing the effectiveness of chitosan and nanochitosan coatings on the quality of refrigerated silver carp fillets.Food control, 14: 1-17.
· RazaviShirazi, H. (2007). Marine products, technology, principles and processing maintenance. (Second Edition), published by the Mehr, Tehran. 292 p [In Persian].
· Restuccia, D., Spizzirri, U.G., Bonesi, M., Tundis, R., Menichini, F., Picci, N. and Loizzo, M.R. (2015). Evaluation of fatty acids and biogenic amines profiles in mullet 4 and tuna roe during six months of storage at 4 ̊C. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 40: 52-60.
· Sallama, Kh.I. Ishioroshib, M., and Samejimab, K. (2004). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausage LebensonWiss Technology, 37: 849-855.
· Salmanian, Sh., Sadeghi Mahunak, AR., Jamson, M. and Tabatabaei Amid, B. (2014). Identification and quantification of phenolic acids, radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing power of Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. ethanolic and methanolic extracts. Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 2: 193-204 [In Persian].
· Shin, J.H. and Rasco,B.A. (2007). Effect of Water Phase Salt Content and Storage Temperature on Listeria monocytogenesSurvival in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchusketa) Roe and Caviar (Ikura). Food Microbiology and Safety, 72: 160-165.
· Shirai, N., Higuchi,T. and Suzuki, H. (2006). Analysis of lipid classes and the fatty acid composition of the salted fish roe food products, Ikura, Tarako, Tobiko and Kazunoko. Food Chemistry, 94: 61–67.
· Soares, N.M.F., Oliveira, M.S.G. and Vicente, A.A. (2015). Effects of glazing and chitosan-based coating application on frozen salmon preservation during six-month storage in industrial freezing Chambers. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 61: 524-531.
· Vieira, J.M., Flores-López, M.L., Rodríguez, D.J., Sousa, M.C., Vicente, A.A. and Martins, J.T. (2016). Effect of chitosan–Aloe vera coating on postharvest quality of blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum) fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 116: 88–97.