Antimicrobial activity of Zataria multiflora boiss. essential oil on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
R. Narenji Sani
A. Jebelli javan
B. Roozbahan
H. Staji
H.R. Mohammadi
1 - assistant professor, department of clinical sciences, faculty of veterinary medicine, semnan university
2 - Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
3 - D.V.M. Gratuated of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
4 - Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
5 - Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Received: 2017-02-26
Accepted : 2017-10-07
Published : 2018-03-21
Essential Oil,
Staphylococcus aureus,
raw milk,
Zataria multiflora Boiss,
Abstract :
Enterotoxin-producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus can cause food poisoning through the consumption of contaminated dairy products. Essential oil (EO) of Zataria multiflora Bioss. contains components with antibacterial and antifungal properties. The present study was conducted to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Z. multiflora Boiss. EO on S. aureus isolated from raw milk. Extraction and gas isolation of the EO was provided and analyzed by Chromatography/mass spectrometry. A total of 84 samples of raw milk from a dairy farm in Semnan were analyzed for the presence of S. aureus. Fourteen S. aureus strains were isolated from raw milk. The chemical composition of hydrodistilled EO of Z. multiflora Boiss was analyzed by Chromatography/mass spectrometry. A total of 25 compounds representing 98.59% of the oil were identified: carvacrol (50.53%), thymol (14.7%), p-cymene (7.9%), Carvacryl acetate (3.85%) and Trans-caryophyllene (3.4%). The MIC of Z. multiflora Boiss. Using broth microdilution method, MIC of EO on all of the S. aureus isolates was estimated at 0.0001-0.004. Based on results, the EO ofZ. multiflora Boiss possesses antibacterial activity on S. aureus isolated from raw milk.
● Adesiyun, A.A., Webb, L. and Romain, H. (1998). Prevalence and characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bulk and composite milk and cattle handlers. Journal of Food Protection, 61: 629–632.
· Asao, T., Kumeda, Y., Kawai, T., Shibata, T., Oda, H., Haruki, K. et al., (2003). An extensive outbreak of staphylococcal food poisoning due to low-fat milk in Japan: estimation of enterotoxin A in the incriminated milk and powdered skim milk. Epidemiology and Infection, 130: 33–40.
· Azizkhani, M., Misaghi, A., Basti, A.A., Gandomi, H. and Hosseini, H. (2013). Effects of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins A, C and E in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 163: 159–165.
· Bagamboula, C., Uyttendaele, M. and Debevere, J. (2004). Inhibitory effect of thyme and basil essential oils, carvacrol, thymol, estragol, linalool and p-cymene towards Shigella sonnei and S. flexneri. Food Microbiology, 21: 33–42.
· Bassole, I., Ouattara, A., Nebie, R., Ouattara, C., Kabore, Z. and Traore, S. (2003). Chemical composition and antibacterial activities of the essential oils of Lippia chevalieri and Lippia multiflora from Burkina Faso. Phytochemistry, 62: 209–212.
· Bendahou, A., Lebbadi, M., Ennanei, L., Essadqui, F.Z. and Abid, M. (2008). Characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from raw milk and milk products (lben and jben) in North Morocco. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2: 218–225.
· Bennett, R., Yeterian, M., Smith, W., Coles, C., Sassaman, M. and McClure, F. (1986). Staphylococcus aureus identification characteristics and enterotoxigenicity. Journal of Food Science, 51: 1337–1339.
· Burt, S. (2004). Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods—a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94: 223–253.
· Dadalioglu, I. and Evrendilek, G.A. (2004). Chemical compositions and antibacterial effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on common foodborne pathogens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 8255–8260.
· de Oliveira, L.P., Soares, L.S., Silva, V.C. and Cirqueira, M.G. (2012). Study of Staphylococcus aureus in raw and pasteurized milk consumed in the Reconcavo area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Food Processing & Technology, 2(6): 128–132.
· Ekici, K., Bozkurt, H. and Isleyici, O. (2004). Isolation of some pathogens from raw milk of different milch animals. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 3: 161–162.
· Gilles, M., Zhao, J., An, M. and Agboola, S. (2010). Chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of essential oils of three Australian Eucalyptus species. Food Chemistry, 119: 731–737.
· Gran, H., Wetlesen, A., Mutukumira, A., Rukure, G. and Narvhus, J. (2003). Occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in raw milk, cultured pasteurised milk and naturally soured milk produced at small-scale dairies in Zimbabwe. Food Control, 14: 539–544.
· Gündoğan, N., Citak, S. and Turan, E. (2006). Slime production, DNase activity and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk, pasteurised milk and ice cream samples. Food Control, 17: 389–392.
· Kalemba, D. and Kunicka, A. (2003). Antibacterial and antifungal properties of essential oils. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 10: 813–829.
· Kenny, K., Reiser, R., Bastida-Corcuera, F. and Norcross, N. (1993). Production of enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin by bovine mammary isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 31: 706–707.
· Lambert, R., Skandamis, P.N., Coote, P.J. and Nychas, G.J. (2001). A study of the minimum inhibitory concentration and mode of action of oregano essential oil, thymol and carvacrol. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 91: 453–462.
· Lingathurai, S. and Vellathurai, P. (2010). Bacteriological quality and safety of raw cow milk in Madurai, South India. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 48(2): 109-114.
· Manohar, V., Ingram, C., Gray, J., Talpur, N.A., Echard, B.W., Bagchi, D. et al., (2001). Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 228: 111–117.
· Mossel, D. and Netten, P.V. (1990). Staphylococcus aureus and related staphylococci in foods: ecology, proliferation, toxinogenesis, control and monitoring. Society for Journal of Applied Bacteriology Symposium Series, 19: 123S-145S.
· Ombui, J., Arimi, S. and Kayihura, M. (1992). Raw milk as a source of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and enterotoxins in consumer milk. East African Medical Journal, 69: 123–125.
· Parsaeimehr, M., Akhondzadeh Basti, A., Misaghi, A., Gandomi, H. and Jebellijavan, A. (2015). The effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on gene expression of enterotoxine C in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39: 1702–1709.
· Roberson, J., Fox, L., Hancock, D. and Besser, T. (1992). Evaluation of methods for differentiation of coagulase-positive staphylococci. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 30: 3217–3219.
· Rota, M.C., Herrera, A., Martínez, R.M., Sotomayor, J.A. and Jordán, M.J. (2008). Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of Thymus vulgaris, Thymus zygis and Thymus hyemalis essential oils. Food Control, 19: 681–687.
· Saei-Dehkordi, S.S., Tajik, H., Moradi, M. and Khalighi-Sigaroodi, F. (2010). Chemical composition of essential oils in Zataria multiflora Boiss. from different parts of Iran and their radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48: 1562–1567.
· Shafiee, A. and Javidnia, K. (1997). Composition of essential oil of Zataria multiflora. Planta Medica, 63: 371–372.
· Sharififar, F., Moshafi, M., Mansouri, S., Khodashenas, M. and Khoshnoodi, M. (2007). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and methanol extract of endemic Zataria multiflora Boiss. Food Control, 18: 800–805.
· Takeuchi, S., Ishiguro, K., Ikegami, M., Kaidoh, T. and Hayakawa, Y. (1998). Production of toxic shock syndrome toxin by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cow's milk and farm bulk milk. Veterinary Microbiology, 59: 251–258.
· Tebaldi, V.M.R., Oliveira, T.d., Boari, C.A. and Piccoli, R.H. (2008). Isolation of coliforms, staphylococci, and enterococci in raw milk from communitarian expansion refrigeration tanks: identification, lipolytic and proteolytic action. Food Science and Technology, 28: 753–760.
· Ultee, A. and Smid, E. (2001). Influence of carvacrol on growth and toxin production by Bacillus cereus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 64: 373–378.
_||_ ● Adesiyun, A.A., Webb, L. and Romain, H. (1998). Prevalence and characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bulk and composite milk and cattle handlers. Journal of Food Protection, 61: 629–632.
· Asao, T., Kumeda, Y., Kawai, T., Shibata, T., Oda, H., Haruki, K. et al., (2003). An extensive outbreak of staphylococcal food poisoning due to low-fat milk in Japan: estimation of enterotoxin A in the incriminated milk and powdered skim milk. Epidemiology and Infection, 130: 33–40.
· Azizkhani, M., Misaghi, A., Basti, A.A., Gandomi, H. and Hosseini, H. (2013). Effects of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins A, C and E in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 163: 159–165.
· Bagamboula, C., Uyttendaele, M. and Debevere, J. (2004). Inhibitory effect of thyme and basil essential oils, carvacrol, thymol, estragol, linalool and p-cymene towards Shigella sonnei and S. flexneri. Food Microbiology, 21: 33–42.
· Bassole, I., Ouattara, A., Nebie, R., Ouattara, C., Kabore, Z. and Traore, S. (2003). Chemical composition and antibacterial activities of the essential oils of Lippia chevalieri and Lippia multiflora from Burkina Faso. Phytochemistry, 62: 209–212.
· Bendahou, A., Lebbadi, M., Ennanei, L., Essadqui, F.Z. and Abid, M. (2008). Characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from raw milk and milk products (lben and jben) in North Morocco. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2: 218–225.
· Bennett, R., Yeterian, M., Smith, W., Coles, C., Sassaman, M. and McClure, F. (1986). Staphylococcus aureus identification characteristics and enterotoxigenicity. Journal of Food Science, 51: 1337–1339.
· Burt, S. (2004). Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods—a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94: 223–253.
· Dadalioglu, I. and Evrendilek, G.A. (2004). Chemical compositions and antibacterial effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on common foodborne pathogens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 8255–8260.
· de Oliveira, L.P., Soares, L.S., Silva, V.C. and Cirqueira, M.G. (2012). Study of Staphylococcus aureus in raw and pasteurized milk consumed in the Reconcavo area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Food Processing & Technology, 2(6): 128–132.
· Ekici, K., Bozkurt, H. and Isleyici, O. (2004). Isolation of some pathogens from raw milk of different milch animals. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 3: 161–162.
· Gilles, M., Zhao, J., An, M. and Agboola, S. (2010). Chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of essential oils of three Australian Eucalyptus species. Food Chemistry, 119: 731–737.
· Gran, H., Wetlesen, A., Mutukumira, A., Rukure, G. and Narvhus, J. (2003). Occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in raw milk, cultured pasteurised milk and naturally soured milk produced at small-scale dairies in Zimbabwe. Food Control, 14: 539–544.
· Gündoğan, N., Citak, S. and Turan, E. (2006). Slime production, DNase activity and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk, pasteurised milk and ice cream samples. Food Control, 17: 389–392.
· Kalemba, D. and Kunicka, A. (2003). Antibacterial and antifungal properties of essential oils. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 10: 813–829.
· Kenny, K., Reiser, R., Bastida-Corcuera, F. and Norcross, N. (1993). Production of enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin by bovine mammary isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 31: 706–707.
· Lambert, R., Skandamis, P.N., Coote, P.J. and Nychas, G.J. (2001). A study of the minimum inhibitory concentration and mode of action of oregano essential oil, thymol and carvacrol. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 91: 453–462.
· Lingathurai, S. and Vellathurai, P. (2010). Bacteriological quality and safety of raw cow milk in Madurai, South India. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 48(2): 109-114.
· Manohar, V., Ingram, C., Gray, J., Talpur, N.A., Echard, B.W., Bagchi, D. et al., (2001). Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 228: 111–117.
· Mossel, D. and Netten, P.V. (1990). Staphylococcus aureus and related staphylococci in foods: ecology, proliferation, toxinogenesis, control and monitoring. Society for Journal of Applied Bacteriology Symposium Series, 19: 123S-145S.
· Ombui, J., Arimi, S. and Kayihura, M. (1992). Raw milk as a source of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and enterotoxins in consumer milk. East African Medical Journal, 69: 123–125.
· Parsaeimehr, M., Akhondzadeh Basti, A., Misaghi, A., Gandomi, H. and Jebellijavan, A. (2015). The effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on gene expression of enterotoxine C in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39: 1702–1709.
· Roberson, J., Fox, L., Hancock, D. and Besser, T. (1992). Evaluation of methods for differentiation of coagulase-positive staphylococci. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 30: 3217–3219.
· Rota, M.C., Herrera, A., Martínez, R.M., Sotomayor, J.A. and Jordán, M.J. (2008). Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of Thymus vulgaris, Thymus zygis and Thymus hyemalis essential oils. Food Control, 19: 681–687.
· Saei-Dehkordi, S.S., Tajik, H., Moradi, M. and Khalighi-Sigaroodi, F. (2010). Chemical composition of essential oils in Zataria multiflora Boiss. from different parts of Iran and their radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48: 1562–1567.
· Shafiee, A. and Javidnia, K. (1997). Composition of essential oil of Zataria multiflora. Planta Medica, 63: 371–372.
· Sharififar, F., Moshafi, M., Mansouri, S., Khodashenas, M. and Khoshnoodi, M. (2007). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and methanol extract of endemic Zataria multiflora Boiss. Food Control, 18: 800–805.
· Takeuchi, S., Ishiguro, K., Ikegami, M., Kaidoh, T. and Hayakawa, Y. (1998). Production of toxic shock syndrome toxin by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cow's milk and farm bulk milk. Veterinary Microbiology, 59: 251–258.
· Tebaldi, V.M.R., Oliveira, T.d., Boari, C.A. and Piccoli, R.H. (2008). Isolation of coliforms, staphylococci, and enterococci in raw milk from communitarian expansion refrigeration tanks: identification, lipolytic and proteolytic action. Food Science and Technology, 28: 753–760.
· Ultee, A. and Smid, E. (2001). Influence of carvacrol on growth and toxin production by Bacillus cereus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 64: 373–378.