Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in bovine bulk milk by Nested-PCR in Gilan province
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
A. Nourozhaghi Nobijari
E. Rahimi
A. Shakerian
1 - M.Sc Graduate of School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran; Research Center of Nutrition and Organic Products (R.C.N.O.P), Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran; Research Center of Nutrition and Organic Products (R.C.N.O.P), Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran; Research Center of Nutrition and Organic Products (R.C.N.O.P), Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
Received: 2018-05-20
Accepted : 2019-07-21
Published : 2020-03-20
Nested PCR,
<i>Coxiella burnetii</i>,
Abstract :
Q fever with Ricketsia factor is a zoonotic disease having a high pathogenicity. In recent years, it is not just considered as the occupational disease of veterinarian and ranchers. Milk consumption plays an important role in epidemic condition and spread of the disease. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in bulk cow milk of Gilan province. In this cross-sectional-descriptive study (from summer 2016 to spring 2017), a total of 204 milk samples was collected from the milk collection bulk of Gilan province and tested for detection of the prevalence rate of C. burnetii using Nested-PCR. From 204 sample of raw milk, 21 samples (10.29%) were positive to C. burnetii presence. The highest rate of contamination was seen in Lahijan (33.3%) and Roodbar (29.4%). The samples collected from Rasht, Talesh, Astaneh and Masal were not found positive for C. burnetii. Examination of the seasonal prevalence of the samples indicated no statistical difference between the different seasons. The results revealed that bulk cow milk could be a potential source of C. burnetii in Iran.
· Ahmadizadeh, C., Jamshidian, M. and Mosakhani, F. (2015). Phylogenetic analysis of Coxiella burnetii isolates from dairy cow Tehran province. Journal of Comparative Pathobiology, Scientific and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research, 3(50): 1669-1676. [In Persian]
· Anastacio, Sab., Pimenta, L.C., Simoes, J.D., Alegria, N.D., Rabico, A.C., SidiBoumedine, KE. et al., (2016). da Silva GJA. Coxiella burnetii is present in milk from dairy cattle herds in The Northwest Portugal. Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences, 8(1): 13-14.
· Arricau-Bouvery, N. and Rodolakis, A. (2005). Is Q fever an emerging or re-emerging zoonoses? Veterinary Research, 36(3): 327-349.
· Banazis, M.J., Bestball, A.S., Reid, S.A. and Fenwick, S.G. (2010). A survey of Western Australian sheep, cattle and kangaroos to determine the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii. Veterinary Microbiology, 143: 337-345.
· Berri, M., Arricau-Bouvery, N and Rodolakis, A. (2003). PCR based detection of Coxiella burnetii from clinical samples in: sachse K, Frey J. (Eds.), Methods in molecular biology. Humana press Inc, Totowa, New Jersey (NJ), 153-161.
· Bildfell, R.J.,Thomas, G.W., Haines, DM., McEwen, B.J. and Smart, N. (2000). Coxiella burnetii infection is associated with placentitis in cases of bovine abortion by Modified acid-fast (MAF) & Immunohistochemical testing (IHC) in cases of bovine abortion. Journal Veterinary Diagnosis Investing, 12(5): 419-425.
· Capuano, F., Mancusi, A., Casalinuovo, F., Perugini, A., Proroga, Y., Guarino, A. et al., (2012). Real-time PCR-based detection of Coxiella burnetii in cheeses. European Food Research and Technology, 235: 1181-1186.
· CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2015). Q fever.
· Cerf, O. and Condron, R. (2006). Coxiella burnrtii and milk pasteurization: an early application of the precautionary principle? Epidemiology Infect, 134(5): 946- 951.
· Chin, J. (2000). Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 17th edition, American Public Health Association, pp. 407- 410
· Contrevas, V., Mattar, S., Gonzalez,M., Alvarez, J. and Oteo, JA. (2015). Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk and antibodies in fram workers at Monteria, Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 28(2): 181-187.
· Cutler, S.J., Bouzid, M. and Cutler, RR. (2007). Q fever. Journal Infection in New Zealand, 54(4): 313-318.
· David, W., Didier, R., Stephen, D. and Thomas, M. (2001). Rickettsia Mycoplasma and Chlamydia, Q fever, Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine, pp. 1072-1073.
· Delsing, C.E. and Kullberg, B.J. (2008). Q fever in the Netherlands: a concise overview and implications of the largest ongoing outbreak. Net Journal Medical, 66(9): 365-367.
· Ebrahimi, L., Khalili, M. and Abiri, Z. (2015). Investigation on the presrnce of antibody Coxiella burnetii in bulk milk. The 2nd National Conference on milk health from production to consumption and nutritional importance. Tehran Food and Drug Administration. Iran University of Medical Sciences, [In Persian].
· Eldin, C., Melenotte, C., Mediannikov, O., Ghigo, E., Million, M., Edouard, S. et al., (2017). From Q fever to Coxiella burnetii infection: a paradigm change. Clinical Microbiology Reverse, 30: 15-190.
· Fretz, R., Schaeren, W., Tanner, M. and Baumgartner, A. (2007). Screening of various foodstuffs for occurrence of Coxiella burneti. Intrenational Journal food Microbiology, 116(3): 414 -418.
· Guatteo, R., Beaudeau, F., joly, A. and Seegers, H. (2006). Shedding routs of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cows implications for detection and control. Veterinary Reserch, 37(6): 827-833.
· Guidi, F., Petruzzelli, A., Ciarrocchi, F., Duranti, A., Valiani, A., Amagliani, G. et al., (2017). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow's and ewe’s bulk tank milk samples from selected dairy farms of Central Italy. Italian Journal of Animal Sience, 16(4): 673-676.
· Gulmez Saglam, A. and Sahin, M. (2016). Coxiella burnetii in samples from cattle hreds and sheep flocks. Veterinarni Medicina, 61: 17-22.
· Hatami, H. (2003). Clinical Epidemiology and control of diseases related to: Bioterrorism. (2th Edition), Ministry of Health and Maedical Education. Kerman University of Medical Science, Center for Diseases Management, pp. 277-293 [In Persian].
· Hilbert, A., Andres, T., Werner, R., Wehr, R., Frohlich, A., Conraths, F.J. et al., (2015). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle bulk tank milk and single tank milk samples. Berliner and Munchener tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 128: 271-277.
· Hirai, A., Kaneko, S., Nakama, A., Ishizaki, N., Odagiri, M., Kai, A. et al., (2005). Investigation and Detection of Coxiella burnetii contamination in commercial milk and egg. Shokhin Eiseigaku Zasshi, 46: 86-92.
· Kargar, M., Rashidi, A., Doosti, A., Ghorbani Dalini, S. and Najafi, A. (2012). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in bovine bulk milk samples. Article in Comparative Clinical pathology, 22(3): 1406-1409 [In Persian].
· Kazemeini, H.R. (2018). Evaluation of Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow's milk producted in Iran by two method Nested PCR & Real- time PCR. First International Conference on New Technology in Science in Amol.
· Khademi, P., Mahzonieh, M.R. and Esmaeili Kotahmer, M. (2015). Genomic Detection of Coxiella burnetii in cattle milk samples. Arak Medical University Journal, 18(4): 49-57 [In Persian].
· Kim, S.G., Kim, E.H., Lafferty, CJ. and Dubovi, E. (2005). Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk samples from driry cattle. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11(4): 619-621.
· Lang, G.H. (1990). Coxiellosis (Q fever) in anmals, CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 23-48.
· Marrie, T and Raoult, D. (1997). Q fever a review and issues for the next centry. International Journal Antimicrobial Agent, 8(3): 145-161.
· Maurin, M and Raoult, D. (1999). Q fever. Clinical Microbiolgy Review, 12: 518-553.
· Nokhodian, Z., Ataei, B., Moradi, A., Yaran, M., Gaffari Hoseini, S., Feizi, A. et al., (2017). Seroprevalence and risk factors of Coxiella burnetii infection among high-risk population, a neglected health problem. Acta Tropica, 169: 107-111[In Persian].
· Parker, N.R., Barralet, JH. and Bell, AM. (2006). Q fever. Lancet, 367(9511): 679-688.
· Pexara, A., Solomakos, N. and Govaris, A. (2018). Q fever and prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in milk. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 71: 65-72.
· Rad, M.A. (2010). Common human and university diseases. Jahad University Press, (Tehran University Press Publishing House), pp. 71-75 [In Persian].
· Rahimi, E., Amrei, M., Karim, G. and Doosti, A. (2011). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii bulk in milk sample from dairy bovine, ovine, caprine, and camel herds. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 8: 307-310 [In Persian].
· Rahimi, E., Doosti, A., Ameri, M., Kabiri, E and Sharifian, B. (2009). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in bulk milk samples from dairy bovine, ovine, and caprine herds. Zoonoses Public Health, 57: 38 -41[In Persian].
· Rahimi, E.,Torki Baghbadorani, Z. and Doosti, A. (2010). An assay to determine the seasonal prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow milk using. Journal of Microbial World, 3(1): 56-62 [In Persian].
· Raoult, D. (1996). Q fever: still a query after all these years. Journal Medical Microbiology, 44: 77-78.
· Rodolakis, A., Berri, M., Hechard, C., Caudron, C., Souriau, A., Bodier, C.C. et al., (2007). Comparison of Coxiella burnetii shedding in milk of dairy bovine, caprine, and ovine herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 90: 5352-5360.
· Sakhaee, E. and Khalili, M. (2010). The first prevalence serologic of Q fever from sheep. Tropical Animal Health Product, 42: 1561-1564 [In Persian].
· To, H., Htwe, K.K., kako, N., Kim, H.J., Yamaguchi, T., Fukushi, H. et al., (1998). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy cattle with reproductive disorders. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 60: 859-861.
· Zoghi, A. (1994). Bacterial, Rickettsial and Mycotic Zoonoses. (Translation). Authors: Steele, H.J. 2nd edition, Tehran University Jihad Publications, pp. 511-532 [In Persian]
· Zhang, G.Q., Nguyen, S.V., To, H., Ogawa, M., Hotta, A., Yamaguchi, T. et al., (1998). Clinical evalution of a new PCR assay for detection of Coxiella burnetii in human serum sample. Journal Clinical Microbiology, 36(1): 77-80.
· Ahmadizadeh, C., Jamshidian, M. and Mosakhani, F. (2015). Phylogenetic analysis of Coxiella burnetii isolates from dairy cow Tehran province. Journal of Comparative Pathobiology, Scientific and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research, 3(50): 1669-1676. [In Persian]
· Anastacio, Sab., Pimenta, L.C., Simoes, J.D., Alegria, N.D., Rabico, A.C., SidiBoumedine, KE. et al., (2016). da Silva GJA. Coxiella burnetii is present in milk from dairy cattle herds in The Northwest Portugal. Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences, 8(1): 13-14.
· Arricau-Bouvery, N. and Rodolakis, A. (2005). Is Q fever an emerging or re-emerging zoonoses? Veterinary Research, 36(3): 327-349.
· Banazis, M.J., Bestball, A.S., Reid, S.A. and Fenwick, S.G. (2010). A survey of Western Australian sheep, cattle and kangaroos to determine the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii. Veterinary Microbiology, 143: 337-345.
· Berri, M., Arricau-Bouvery, N and Rodolakis, A. (2003). PCR based detection of Coxiella burnetii from clinical samples in: sachse K, Frey J. (Eds.), Methods in molecular biology. Humana press Inc, Totowa, New Jersey (NJ), 153-161.
· Bildfell, RJ.,Thomas, GW., Haines, DM., McEwen, BJ. and Smart, N. (2000). Coxiella burnetii infection is associated with placentitis in cases of bovine abortion by Modified acid-fast(MAF) & Immunohistochemical testing (IHC) in cases of bovine abortion. Journal Veterinary Diagnosis Investing, 12(5): 419-425.
· Capuano, F., Mancusi, A., Casalinuovo, F., Perugini, A., Proroga, Y., Guarino, A. et al., (2012). Real-time PCR-based detection of Coxiella burnetii in cheeses. European Food Research and Technology, 235: 1181-1186.
· -CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2015). Q fever.
· Cerf, O. and Condron, R. (2006). Coxiella burnrtii and milk pasteurization: an early application of the precautionary principle? Epidemiology Infect, 134(5): 946- 951.
· Chin, J. (2000). Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 17th edition, American Public Health Association, pp. 407- 410
· Contrevas, V., Mattar, S., Gonzalez,M., Alvarez, J. and Oteo, JA. (2015). Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk and antibodies in fram workers at Monteria, Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 28(2): 181-187.
· Cutler, SJ., Bouzid, M. and Cutler, RR. (2007). Q fever. Journal Infection in New Zealand, 54(4): 313-318.
· David, W., Didier, R., Stephen, D. and Thomas, M. (2001). Rickettsia Mycoplasma and Chlamydia, Q fever, Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine, pp. 1072-1073.
· Delsing, C.E. and Kullberg, B.J. (2008). Q fever in the Netherlands: a concise overview and implications of the largest ongoing outbreak. Net Journal Medical, 66(9): 365-367.
· Ebrahimi, L., Khalili, M. and Abiri, Z. (2015). Investigation on the presrnce of antibody Coxiella burnetii in bulk milk. The 2nd National Conference on milk health from production to consumption and nutritional importance. Tehran Food and Drug Administration. Iran University of Medical Sciences, [In Persian].
· Eldin, C., Melenotte, C., Mediannikov, O., Ghigo, E., Million, M., Edouard, S. et al., (2017). From Q fever to Coxiella burnetii infection: a paradigm change. Clinical Microbiology Reverse, 30: 15-190.
· Fretz, R., Schaeren, W., Tanner, M. and Baumgartner, A. (2007). Screening of various foodstuffs for occurrence of Coxiella burneti. Intrenational Journal food Microbiology, 116(3): 414 -418.
· Guatteo, R., Beaudeau, F., joly, A. and Seegers, H. (2006). Shedding routs of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cows implications for detection and control. Veterinary Reserch, 37(6): 827-833.
· Guidi, F., Petruzzelli, A., Ciarrocchi, F., Duranti, A., Valiani, A., Amagliani, G. et al., (2017). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow's and ewes bulk tank milk samples from selected dairy farms of Central Italy. Italian Journal of Animal Sience, 16(4): 673-676.
· Gulmez Saglam, A. and Sahin, M. (2016). Coxiella burnetii in samples from cattle hreds and sheep flocks. Veterinarni Medicina, 61: 17-22.
· Hatami, H. (2003). Clinical Epidemiology and control of diseases related to: Bioterrorism. (2th Edition), Ministry of Health and Maedical Education. Kerman University of Medical Science, Center for Diseases Management, pp. 277-293 [In Persian].
· Hilbert, A., Andres, T., Werner, R., Wehr, R., Frohlich, A., Conraths, F. J. et al., (2015). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle bulk tank milk and single tank milk samples. Berliner and Munchener tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 128: 271-277.
· Hirai, A., Kaneko, S., Nakama, A., Ishizaki, N., Odagiri, M., Kai, A. et al., (2005). Investigation and Detection of Coxiella burnetii contamination in commercial milk and egg. Shokhin Eiseigaku Zasshi, 46: 86-92.
· Kargar, M., Rashidi, A., Doosti, A., Ghorbani Dalini, S. and Najafi, A. (2012). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in bovine bulk milk samples. Article in Comparative Clinical pathology, 22(3): 1406-1409 [In Persian].
· Kazemeini, H.R. (2018). Evaluation of Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow's milk producted in Iran by two method Nested PCR & Real- time PCR. First International Conference on New Technology in Science in Amol.
· Khademi, P., Mahzonieh, M.R. and Esmaeili Kotahmer, M. (2015). Genomic Detection of Coxiella burnetii in cattle milk samples. Arak Medical University Journal, 18(4): 49-57 [In Persian].
· Kim, SG., Kim, EH., Lafferty, CJ. and Dubovi, E. (2005). Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk samples from driry cattle. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11(4): 619-621.
· Lang, G.H. (1990). Coxiellosis (Q fever) in anmals, CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 23-48.
· Marrie, T and Raoult, D. (1997). Q fever a review and issues for the next centry. International Journal Antimicrobial Agent, 8(3): 145-161.
· Maurin, M and Raoult, D. (1999). Q fever. Clinical Microbiolgy Review, 12: 518-553.
· Nokhodian, Z., Ataei, B., Moradi, A., Yaran, M., Gaffari Hoseini, S., Feizi, A. et al., (2017). Seroprevalence and risk factors of Coxiella burnetii infection among high-risk population, a neglected health problem. Acta Tropica, 169: 107-111[In Persian].
· Parker, NR., Barralet, JH. and Bell, AM. (2006). Q fever. Lancet, 367(9511): 679-688.
· Pexara, A., Solomakos, N. and Govaris, A. (2018). Q fever and prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in milk. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 71: 65-72.
· Rad, M.A. (2010). Common human and university diseases. Jahad University Press, (Tehran University Press Publishing House), pp. 71-75 [In Persian].
· Rahimi, E., Amrei, M., Karim, G. and Doosti, A. (2011). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii bulk in milk sample from dairy bovine, ovine, caprine, and camel herds. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 8: 307-310 [In Persian].
· Rahimi, E., Doosti, A., Ameri, M., Kabiri, E and Sharifian, B. (2009). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in bulk milk samples from dairy bovine, ovine, and caprine herds. Zoonoses Public Health, 57: 38 -41[In Persian].
· -Rahimi, E.,Torki Baghbadorani, Z. and Doosti, A. (2010). An assay to determine the seasonal prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cow milk using. Journal of Microbial World, 3(1): 56-62 [In Persian].
· Raoult, D. (1996). Q fever: still a query after all these years. Journal Medical Microbiology, 44: 77-78.
· Rodolakis, A., Berri, M., Hechard, C., Caudron, C., Souriau, A., Bodier, C.C. et al., (2007). Comparison of Coxiella burnetii shedding in milk of dairy bovine, caprine, and ovine herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 90: 5352-5360.
· Sakhaee, E. and Khalili, M. (2010). The first prevalence serologic of Q fever from sheep. Tropical Animal Health Product, 42: 1561-1564 [In Persian].
· To, H., Htwe, kk., kako, N., Kim, HJ., Yamaguchi, T., Fukushi, H. et al., (1998). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy cattle with reproductive disorders. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 60: 859-861.
· -Zoghi, A. (1994). Bacterial, Rickettsial and Mycotic Zoonoses. (Translation). Authors: Steele, H.J. 2nd edition, Tehran University Jihad Publications, pp. 511-532 [In Persian]
· Zhang, GQ., Nguyen, SV., To, H., Ogawa, M., Hotta, A., Yamaguchi, T. et al., (1998). Clinical evalution of a new PCR assay for detection of Coxiella burnetii in human serum sample. Journal Clinical Microbiology, 36(1): 77-80.