A qualitative study of self-efficacy influenced by religious identities of high school students in the context of cultural capital (according to the grounded theory method)
Subject Areas : Educational Planning
Ali alkbar saberi
مقصود فراستخواه
1 -
2 - Professor of planning Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education(IRPHE),Tehran, Iran
Keywords: self-efficacy, cultural capital, religious identity, grounded theory,
Abstract :
Introduction: Self-efficacy is an inner feeling and desire related to the capabilities and performance of activities by a person. The path and source of self-efficacy is self and identity in the personal, social, religious and religious fields, which can grow in the field of social action and in the flow of cultural capital. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of different types of religious identities on the self-efficacy of secondary school boys in Shahrood city.
research methodology: The present qualitative research was conducted using Bourdieu's conceptual framework and data-based method (systematic version), using a purposeful sampling framework.
The participants in this research are students, parents, teachers, school administrators in the city of Shahrood, who were selected through a non-random, targeted, stratified quota sampling method and based on the purpose of the study. The research data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 18 people from the research panel. Data analysis has been done using step-wise coding method (open, central and selective) in the form of Strauss and Corbin paradigm model. In addition, Goba and Lincoln criteria were used to calculate the validity and reliability of the research.
Findings: It includes 18 selected categories that are organized in the form of a paradigm model with a central phenomenon (self-efficacy (academic performance and social life) of the second high school male students of Shahrood city), which is extracted from interviews with students, parents and teachers.
Conclusion: The content of the model shows that self-efficacy is created at the same time as a person is born and is completed with personal, social and cultural development. The result of self-fertilization caused by identity, especially religious and spiritual identity, is influenced by cultural capital, In traditional religiosity, self-efficacy is fixed and obvious, and in pluralistic religiosity, it is striving, restless and progressive
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