Industrial Waste Management;Case Study, Shams Abad Industrial Park
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Soude Pazouki
Hamid Reza Jafari
1 - M.Sc. Environmental Education, Management & Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran (*Corresponding Author)
2 - Professor, Department of Environmental Planning and Management, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran
Received: 2015-04-05
Accepted : 2015-06-16
Published : 2020-03-20
Solid waste management,
industrial solid waste,
Industrial Park,
Abstract :
Introduction: Increasing hazardous industrial waste and lack of necessary regulations for management of them have led to serious problems in some parts of Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluate the situation of collection, transportation, recycling, and disposal of hazardous industrial wastes in the Shams Abad Industrial Park of Tehran, Iran. Method: The research was descipttive, cross sectional one. The data was gathered by first referring to industrial units and completion of Iranian Environmental Organization Questionnaire and then analyzing the gathered data.Findings: In the Shams Abad Industrial Park, 532224 ton/year or 1478ton/day of different industrial waste is produced. The biggest proportion of waste includes mineral wastes which are about 426048 ton/year or 805%. The smallest proportion in Cellulose waste is produced at a rate of 30.36 ton/year or 0.005%. 90 percent of the active industries at this park produce solid industrial waste.Results and Discussion: The result of this study showed that disposal of these wastes is mainly done by recycling and re-usage in other industries is about 85%. The best , most economic, and most environment-friendly waste management activity of the Shams Abad Industrial Park is prevention of production, increasing the potential recycling, and reuse of material with emphasis on sorting at the production site, increasing mechanical sorting, and decreasing production of disposable waste.
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Habibi nejad.m (1389),industrial waste management guidelines , avam, solid waste management ,Engineering Principles and Management Topics , shiraz industria waste management, Material Recycling and Conversion Organization - Shiraz Municipality.
Abedin zade.F , Monavari.M , (1386) , waste management in Rasht industrial city, environment science , 4, 118-101
Khorasani.N, Mehrdadi & et. Envirinmental studies to find appropriate place for land fill in Sari , natural source of Iran 57)(2),1-14
Abduli, M.A,(1996)’ Industrial Waste Management in Tehran ‘ Environmental , v.22(3):335-34
Mansoorian, H. J., Yari, A. R., Rajabizadeh, A., & Khanjani, N. (2013). Hazardous and Industrial Wastes Management: a Case Study of Khazra Industrial Park, Kerman. Archives of Hygiene Sciences, 2(3).
Mato, R. R. A. M., & Kaseva, M. E. (1999). Critical review of industrial and medical waste practices in Dar es Salaam City. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 25(3), 271-287.
Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. (2001). Management of industrial and municipal solid wastes in Poland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 32(2), 85-103.
Casares, M. L., Ulierte, N., Mataran, A., Ramos, A., & Zamorano, M. (2005). Solid industrial wastes and their management in Asegra (Granada, Spain).Waste Management, 25(10), 1075-1082.
Lü, Y., Yang, K., Che, Y., Shang, Z., Tai, J., & Jian, Y. (2012). Industrial solid waste flow analysis of eco-industrial parks: implications for sustainable waste management in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 6(4), 575-587