Climate Change Phenomenon Effect on the Hamadan Climate Parameters
Subject Areas : environmental managementMohammadtaghi Asadi 1 , Hamid Zareabyaneh 2 * , Nasrin Delavar 3 , Azar Asadi 4
1 - Graduate M.S.c in Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamadan
2 - Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamadan *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Graduate M.S.c in Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamadan
4 - Graduate M.S.c in Water Engineering, Faculty of Agricultureand Natural Resource, University of Razi, Kermanshah
Keywords: Hamadan, LARS-WG, General Circulation Models, Climate Change, Downscaling,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were designed based on stable climate. Method: In this study the output of general circulation models (GFCM21, HADCM3, INCM3, IPCM4 and NCCCSM) was used to simulate the climate parameters (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours) in Hamadan station during 2046-2065. Three scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 were considered. Monthly changes of climate parameters were calculated by LARS-WG model. Findings: The results showed that the most increasing in minimum temperature were seen under A1B scenario of GFCM21 model (2.5˚C). The least increasing was related to INCM3 under B1 scenario (1˚C). The highest and lowest increasing in maximum temperature were seen in GFCM21 model under A1B and B1 scenarios by 2.4 and 1.4˚C, respectively. B1 scenario of IPCM4 model showed the highest increase in precipitation by 15.8 percent and A1B scenario of GFCM21 model reported the highest decrease by 13 percent. Solar radiation project by HADCM3 model, A1B scenario showed the most increase about 24 percent and based on NCCCSMmodel, A2 scenario lowest increase (by 13 percent) was seen. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study indicated minimum and maximum temperatures will increase in period of 2046-2065. Both increases and decreases in precipitation were seen. Also variations sun hour is very little.
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- Pooralihosein, Sh., Massah Bavani, A.R., 2014., Risk analysis and assessment of impacts of climate change on temperature and precipitation of East Azerbaijan in 2013-2022. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics (JESP). 39(4), P 191-208. (In Persian)
- Chen, H., Guo, J., Zhang, Z. Xu, Ch., Y., 2013. Prediction of temperature and precipitation in Sudan and South Sudan by using LARS-WG in future. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113(3), p. 363-375.
- Roshan, Gh., Khoshakhlagh., F., Azizi, Gh.,2012. Assessment of Suitable General Atmosphere Circulation Models for Forecasting Temperature and Precipitation Amounts in Iran under Condition of Global Warming.Journal of Geography and development, 10(27), P 19-36. (In Persian)
- Haghtalab, N., Goodarzi, M, Habibi Nokhandan, M., Yavari, A.R., Jafari, H.R. 2013. Climate modeling in Tehran and Mazandaran provinces by LARSWG and comparing changes in northern and southern central Alborz hillside. Journal of environmental science and technology. 2013, 15(1); p 38-49. (In Persian)
- Rasuli, A.A., Rezaei Banafsheh, M., Massah, A.R., Khorshiddoust, A.M., Ghermezcheshmeh, B., 2014. Investigation Impact of Morpho-Climatic Parameters on Aaccuracy of LARS-WG Model. Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, 8 (24), P 9-24.(In Persian)
- Mohammadi, H., Moghbel, M., Ranjbar, F., 2010.The study of temperature and precipitation changes in Iran with MAGICC SCENGEN model geography summer. 8(25) p 125-142. (In Persian)
- Dousti; M., Habibnezhad Roshan; M., Shahedi, K; Miryaghoubzade, M., 2014. Study of climate indices of Tamar River basin Golestan Province in terms of climate change using by LARS-WG model. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics (JESP), 39(4), P 177-189. (In Persian)
- Babaeian, I., Najafi, Z. 2011. Climate Change Assessment in Khorasan-e Razavi Province from 2010 to 2039 Using Statistical Downscaling of GCM Output. Journal of Geography and Regional Development (Peer-Reviewed), 8(15). (In Persian)
- Rajabi, A., Shabanlou,S, 2014.Study of some climate index changes in NCCCSM global circulation model output. Case study: Kermanshah (Iran). Iranian Water Research Journal, 7(13) P 41 –49. (In Persian)
- Mahsafar, H., Maknoun, R. Saghafian, B., 2011. The impact of climate change on Urmia Lake water level, 8(19): p. 47-58.
- Saadi, S., Todorovic, M., Tanasijevic, L., Pereira, L., Pizzigalli, C. Lionello, P., 2015. Climate change and Mediterranean agriculture: Impacts on winter wheat and tomato crop evapotranspiration, irrigation requirements and yield. Journal of Agricultural Water Management Vol. 147, pp. 103-115.
- Ohunakin, O. S., Adaramola, M. S., Oyewola, O. M., Matthew, O. J. Fagbenle, R. O., 2015. The effect of climate change on solar radiation in Nigeria. Journal of Solar Energy, Vol. 116, pp. 272-286.
- Tramblay, Y., Badi, W., Driouech, F., Adlouni, S., Neppel, L. Servat, E., 2012. Climate change impacts on extreme precipitation in Morocco. Journal of Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 83, pp. 104-114.
- Yinlong, X., Xiaoying, Z., Yong, L. W. Erda, L., 2006. Statistical analysis of the climate changes scenarios over China in the 21st century. Journal of Advances in Climate Change Research, Vol. 2, pp. 50-53.
- Khosravi, M., Esmaeilnezhad, M., Nazaripour, H., 2010. Climate Change and its Impact on Middle East Water Resources. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Islamic Geographers of the Islamic World, Iran, Zahedan.(In Persian)
- Ashraf, B., Mousavi Baygi, M., Kamali, Gh. A, Davari K., 2011. Prediction of Water Requirement of Sugar beet during 2011-2030 by Using Simulated Weather Data with LARS-WG Downscaling Model. Journal of Water and Soil. 25 (5), p. 1184-1196.(In Persian)
- Abassi, F., Malbusi, I., Babaeian, Asmari, M., Borhani, R., 2010. Climate Change Prediction of South Khorasan Province During 2010-2039 by Using Statistical Downscaling of ECHO-G Data. Journal of Water and Soil. 24(2), p. 218-233.(In Persian)
- Du, Y., Cheng, X,. Wang, X., Ai, H., Hai-Lai. H., Wu, X. 2013. A Review of Assessment and Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change Impacts on the Coastal Areas in South China. Journal of Advances in Climate Change Research,. 44, p. 201-207.
- Ansari, H., Khadivi, M., Salehnia, N., Babaeian, I., 2015.Evaluation of Uncertainty LARS Model under Scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 in Precipitation and Temperature Forecast (Case Study: Mashhad Synoptic Stations). Iranian journal of irrigation and drainage. 8(4), 664-672. (In Persian)
- Pooralihosein, Sh., Massah Bavani, A.R., 2014., Risk analysis and assessment of impacts of climate change on temperature and precipitation of East Azerbaijan in 2013-2022. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics (JESP). 39(4), P 191-208. (In Persian)
- Chen, H., Guo, J., Zhang, Z. Xu, Ch., Y., 2013. Prediction of temperature and precipitation in Sudan and South Sudan by using LARS-WG in future. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113(3), p. 363-375.
- Roshan, Gh., Khoshakhlagh., F., Azizi, Gh.,2012. Assessment of Suitable General Atmosphere Circulation Models for Forecasting Temperature and Precipitation Amounts in Iran under Condition of Global Warming.Journal of Geography and development, 10(27), P 19-36. (In Persian)