Rehabilitation Pattern of Iranian Historical Gardens’ Landscape in Dry Areas Based on Xeriscape
Subject Areas : environmental managementNasrin Nakhaei 1 * , Mojtaba Ansari 2 , Mahdi Zandiyeh 3
1 - MSc in Environmental Design, Department of Energy and Environmenta Science, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research of Tehran, Iran. * ( Corresponding Author)
2 - PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
3 - PhD in Landscape Architecture/ Urban Design, Assiciate Professor, & Dean, Collage of Architecture & Urbanism, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Historical garden, Persian garden, Xeriscape, rehabilitation, Climate Change,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Climatic changes, one of which is water shortage due to low precipitation, drop in groundwater level and canals dryness, have resulted in degradation of vegetation in some Iranian historical gardens in hot and dry areas. In the present research, it is attempted to extract a model for vegetation rehabilitation in these gardens (by keeping originality), through merging Xeriscape and Iranian garden principles. Through implementing this model, it is attempted to save these gardens and to keep these valuable historical monuments. Method: In the present research, components of Iranian gardens and xeriscape are studied and merged consistently. Therefore, this research is conducted based on combined strategies. Results: In the present research, Iranian garden and xeriscape principles are merged and then a model is presented based on low and optimal water consumption through selecting plants which need low water, modifying soil, using new irritation systems and mulches for covering surface of soil and also appropriate keeping in Iranian gardens. Conclusion: Although, in recent years, using xeriscape principles has boomed in different countries, but these principles not have been used in Iran synchronously. Through developing a comprehensive model for using xeriscape principles in Iranian gardens, the results obtained in this study can help in reviving vegetation of an Iranian historical garden degradaed due to water shortage.
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